Jan Jance Revolution

Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter is basically an engine in himself at the end of the day. He can sac an artifact creature to make two treasures (which are noncreature artifacts) or he can sacrifice a noncreature artifact to make 2 1/1 construct artifact creature tokens.

These two abilities alone can become something to fear especially if we find a way to untap Jan Jansen who on top of that has Haste! This has helped me greatly once when he became the target many turn rotations leading his command tax up to around 16 mana... which I still payed with token gen...

This deck plays as a value engine with ETB and LTB or death triggers for artifacts until we stumble into one of our combos There are countless combos that can be made with this pile of cards due to various payoffs to win but I'll detail my favorites in this guide.

Onto the untappers!

SO we tap our commander Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter sacrificing a Construct and make two treasure tokens on our turn. Cool. But what if we could do it on everyone's turn? Cards like Drumbellower and White Plume Adventurer allow us to untap Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter on each players untap step (or upkeep) which we can then proceed to tap to make more treasures from artifact creatures or even constructs from artifacts!

What's that? Not good enough? Ok fine we also can utilize the untap clause from Thornbite Staff attached to Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter to uptap whenever an oponents creature perishes OR even one of our Constructs allowing us to Turn as many artifact creatures we have into two treasures each! That can get out of hand or set us up for a big turn... This can also go infinite with a free sac outlet we can cover that later...

Still not good enough??? well this starts to bleed into our combo territory even more butttttt if we find a way to turn Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter into an artifact we can do some fairly nutty things. Will cover in combo section

Ok so besides our commander as a sac outlet and a payoff alone we have quite a few ways to get value

For sacrifice outlets we use (abuse) Goblin Bombardment, Ashnod's Altar and Krark-Clan Ironworks as repeatable and Blasting Station, Goblin Welder, Kuldotha Forgemaster and Oswald Fiddlebender as our one time use options as they tap... Unless we have ways to untap them like Thornbite Staff but that's on a case by case basis of what we need to win

Our payoff cards include Quicksmith Genius for card draw and selection Scrap Trawler for recursion Pitiless Plunderer for mana gain via treasures Mirkwood Bats, Ingenious Artillerist,Reckless Fireweaver, marrionette master, Agent of the Iron Throne, disciple of the value are all useful for pinging our opponents to death to close out the game from one of our various token gen and sac combos

Lets first discuss the cards to turn our commander into an artifact Biotransference, Phyrexian Scriptures, Swift Reconfiguration, Ashnod's Transmogrant, Liquimetal Torque, Liquimetal Coating, Silverskin Armor and Mycosynth Lattice each can be substituted for one another in order to execute any combo stating a creature needs to be made into an artifact.

Borrowing Plays from Magda

- This allows us to use the 2 artifacts generated from Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter to uptap himself as an artifact!

  • This nets us infinite ETB artifact triggers that are tapped.

  • If we had out an Anointed Procession or Academy Manufacturer we would get twice as many tokens meaning half will be untapped for infinite treasure mana and untapped creatures. All we need from here is a way to ping off Death triggers of artifacts

  • Same is true but Magda is our substitute tapping herself and the treasure to uptap herself

  • This one is more complicated in the sense we need to sacrifice an artifact creature using Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter to make 2 treasures untapping Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter as our artifact untap off of Dross Scorpion.

  • Then we sacrifice one of the treasures to Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter to make 2 artifact creature constructs.

  • Now we need to sacrifice one of the constructs to the free sac outlet to get our Dross Scorpion Trigger targeting our commander again alternating between what we are saccing and how we are getting the untap.

  • This gains infinite death triggers for one of our payoffs.

  • This combo of cards allows the user to achieve a similar to Dross Scorpion alternating sac result.

  • See above but Dross Scorpion and needing to be an artifact is replaced by the untapping staff

  • Infinite mana combos

    1. Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth using rings to activate the untap ability on the monolith twice tapping the Basalt Monolith in between for infinite colorless mana

    2. Metalworker + Staff of Domination will give us infinite colorless mana if we have at least 3 artifacts in hand to reveal with metalworker using 3 of the mana to untap metalworker and 1 to untap staff netting 2 each iteration. This also allows us to draw our deck via staffs last ability to find another win.

    Once we have infinite mana we can do some things like ping with Walking Ballista or go infinite drawing our library with sensei's diving top combined with the doubling effect of Rings of Brighthearth copying the tap to draw ability on sensei's diving top to draw twice meaning the second draw will always put the top back in our hand netting 1 card each cycle. The second clause of "put Sensei's Fiving Top on top of its owner's library" will do nothing as its no longer in play after the first.


    1. Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter + Pitiless Plunderer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Staff of Domination

    2. Activate Jan Jansen's second ability by tapping it and sacrificing any other noncreature artifact, creating two 1/1 Construct creature tokens

    3. Activate Ashnod's Altar twice by sacrificing both Construct tokens, adding 4 colorless
    4. The Constructs die, triggering Pitiless Plunderer twice, creating two Treasure tokens.
    5. Activate Staff of Domination's third ability by paying 3 and tapping it, untapping Jan Jansen.
    6. Activate Staff of Domination's first ability by paying 1, untapping it.
    7. Repeat.
    8. Once you have infinite Treasure tokens, you may use their mana to activate any of Staff of Domination's abilities.


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    92% Casual


    Date added 2 years
    Last updated 11 months
    Key combos

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    3 - 0 Mythic Rares

    38 - 0 Rares

    24 - 0 Uncommons

    18 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.59
    Tokens Clue, Construct 1/1 C, Dungeon: Undercity, Food, Necron Warrior 2/2 B, Servo 1/1 C, Skeleton 4/1 B, The Initiative, Treasure
    Folders My actual decks
    Ignored suggestions
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