

Creature (4)

Instant (2)

So, as the name says, welcome to Jarad's Pool Party!

I've been playing some T2 since last year and I always loved Golgari, but never had a chance to build a deck that had that flavour, the graveyard'ish thing, besides Scavenge and Dredge. Then, when Theros came with Nighthowler it started to give me ideas.

Since then I've been working on that deck and now I believe it became something worth playing. Btw, yes, I know it is not T2, but I abbandoned the idea since most of the deck is rotating soon, I decided to go for Modern.

Basically, here we go.

Deck is build around Jarad and Nighthowler's power from a graveyard full of creatures.

On CMC 1 we have Wasteland Viper, a 1/2 snake with Deathtouch. It's good to hold the game, but it's right place is on graveyard, by using his Bloodrush.

On CMC 2 we have a plenty of things. Slaughterhorn is a bomb with his G Bloodrush that grants +3/+2 to someone. Allied with another CMC 2 of this deck, the Lotleth Troll it is an easy way to do damage, since the troll have Trample. Also, he does have a discard ability that gives him permanent +1/+1. God bless that discard trigger and graveyard filler. Still on CMC 2, we also have Grisly Salvage, self explanatory.

On CMC 3 we have Hero's Downfall, a counter to big creatures and planeswalker, simple as that. Also, we have Nighthowler, which you mostly won't cast as a creature, but at CMC 4, as an enchantment on any other creature than Jarad. Last but not least, we have Nyx Weaver, one of the most beloved cards in here. It assures you're going to discard 2 cards every turn, and if you see some critical land, Jarad or Nighthowler going to the graveyard you just exile it and tutor your so needed card back to your hand. Easy.

On CMC 4 we have Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, a win trigger even when 80% of the games you're going to win with your big creatures. Jarad's Orders is another tutor card. You search for an important creature you need at the turn and put a Wasteland Viper on graveyard.

On higher CMCs we have the new Garruk, Apex Predator, which fits ok on the deck, granting some protection and damage. And we have Ghoultree , which I discovered when trying to make a Treefolk Tribal. I took off 4 Nemesis of Mortals and put 4 Ghoultree in, simply because none of them will be cast by their usual CMCs, but always by one or two mana, since you're going to mill yourself and fill your graveyard with creatures. 2 mana for a 10/10 tree? Yes, two, please, no sugar. Worth of mentioning, we have two Whip of Erebos, giving lifelink and devotion to black.

I won't take time to explain lands and sideboard, it's pretty clear, but I'm gladly accepting any tips of how to improve this deck, I'm in love with my creation.

To finish, some win conditions:

Discard 3 creatures with Lotleth Troll making him 5/4 and make put more 5 or 6 creatures on graveyard by using Nyx Weaver and grisly savage. Bestow Nighthowler on him, making him 10/9 at least, since Nighthowler also counts enemies graveyards. Tap for 10 trample damage, activate Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord sacrifice, deal 10 direct damage on enemy, Nighthowler becomes a creature, then sacrifice him for another 7 direct damage, probably enough to end the game. The mana for it? Thank Jarad's and Nighthowler double black to cast, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx loves it.

Another condition. Fulfill your graveyard with 7 creatures and cast Ghoultree by one green mana, and bestow with Nighthowler. Sacrifice him for 17 direct damage, sacrifice Nighthowler for another 8. Well played.

If you're the nice guy that likes to fight, ok, summon your 10/10 Ghoultree and pump your trample Lotleth Troll and spank, pretty sure it will be enough.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed it and please, feel free to comment and upvote, so I can get more and more feedback on this deck.

Thank you and have fun on that pool party!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 6 Rares

14 - 5 Uncommons

8 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.44
Tokens Beast 3/3 B, Emblem Garruk, Apex Predator
Folders Golgari, Modern, Decks
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