

Creature (1)

Instant (2)

OK, so this is my first deck and I wanted to play around with a very budget deck based on the Heroic mechanic.

The main problem I had with the Heroic decks I found online was that they offered very little protection from burn/removal. I therefore thought that to protect your heroic guys from simply being returned to your hand (and giving your opponent a 5-for-1 with all the enchantments on your creatures) I would chuck a load of hexproof and protection in there with Gods Willing and Alpha Authority, both of which of course trigger Heroic. There's also a lot of life available from Ordeal of Heliod and Unflinching Courage, so even if you're creatures aren't killing your opponent, you're putting yourself into a strong position from early on with any luck.

At the time of writing I only have 1 scry land, in the future I could add some more but I am quite pleased with how cheap this deck is!

My idea for a quick game:

Turn 1 - Play Favored Hoplite

Turn 2 - Ordeal of Heliod or Alpha Authority, swing for 2/3.

Turn 3 - Another Ordeal/Alpha and Ethereal Armor to swing for 7/8 or so. Gain 10/20 life from Ordeal(s).

Turn 4 - Unflinching Courage to finish the game, or (if opponent has enough blockers) simply gain a ton of life and win next turn.

A slow game might involve playing lots of the cheap creatures with Ethereal Armor to give first strike and block your opponent until you can get enough enchantments into hand.

Please let me know what you think! Please bear in mind that the idea here was to spend very little money on something that would be fun to play and potentially win a few matches, but I would love to hear what you think I could do to make it better.


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OK so I played this deck at the Gameday standard tournament at the weekend and it went OK, went 2-2.

One thing that I noticed a lot was that I had too many creatures in the deck (19 at the time), so I have taken out the Nyxborn Shieldmate and I'm gonna try 3xFeral Invocation instead. This isn't a card that I had previously considered but it's the same CMC as a bestowed Shieldmate, but it gives a bigger boost, can be played as a combat trick, and also pumps any Ethereal Armor I have in play - so I'm hoping it may work nicely.

Another thing was that I don't think this is playable without a playset of Temple Gardenfoil, it pushes the price of the deck up a bit but it's still super budget and it plays so much better this way.

Last of all, I sided in Banishing Light to provide some much-needed removal if required. I guess Pacifism could also work here.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 4 Rares

30 - 8 Uncommons

4 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance
Folders 3 Other People's Decks, 2 Other People's Decks 2, Budget Standards, White/Green Standards
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