Jaska's Jeskai Jontrol

Standard jaskamakkara


TheRiku- says... #1

Probably could take out 2 wedge lands & replace them with other lands. 12 tapped lands is way too much. Even for control.

February 13, 2015 8:54 a.m.

fncmtg says... #2

I ran a similiar deck last week at my FNM and went 3-1, maybe we can help each other out with our decks.


Cards I consider


Deflecting Palm

Reality Shift



I agree, I think you have two many tapped lands. I also think think the Nyx-Fleece Ram isn't needed. After playing with Soulfire Grand Master in a control deck, he should be substituted for the ram, and his special ability only helps you out. back to your hand. He plays really well with Deflecting Palm, mindswipe, any burn spell.

I also think you need to have only instance spells and the only sorcery spells need to be mass removal

February 13, 2015 10:57 a.m.

TheRiku- says... #3

Monastery mentor would be better than Soul fire in the control route , since you're using mind swipe & deflecting Palm , that's why it seems good. It's not bad tho

February 13, 2015 4:58 p.m.

jkr97e says... #4

+1 from me! I would recommend swapping the Stasis Snare for Suspension Field or Silkwrap to fit your curve better. Right now I only see 5 removal or counter spells under 3CC (considering Valorous Stance isn't going to hit much by then) and if you don't hit a Radiant Flames maxing out Converge you will likely be way behind. I would also drop the Tranquil Cove for two more Prairie Stream as well, but the mana base is pretty good short of getting your hands on a couple more Flooded Strand.

October 16, 2015 1:46 a.m.

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