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Jaya's Massive M.A.W.(Mutually Assured Worldgorge)

Commander / EDH Burn Infinite Combo Jank Land Destruction Mono-Red



Boardwipe Tribal meats Mono-R Polymorph Worldgorger Combo plus MLD Red Mage Dickery

The deck wins using Worldgorger Dragon in a variety ways. Firstly, you can cast a spell like Worldfire while Worldgorger is in play, exiling everybody's boards and the dragon then returning all your permanents to play. This results in asymmetrical MLD. It's also reeeally funny when you do this with Thieves' Auction.

The other way to combo is with a token producer such as Molten Echoes, Flameshadow Conjuring, or Minion Reflector. These create loops causing the dragon to flicker all of your perms giving infinite ETBs and infinite mana. From here the game can be finished with an x-cost damage spell like Comet Storm or Molten Disaster, or with one of several permanents that can win via inf-flickering such as Codex Shredder, Bitter Reunion, War Room, or even Mycosynth Wellspring which provides 10+ lands to hand for 10+ Jaya ultimates (hasted from the token makers) burning everybody out including ourselves. And that's where the Mutually Assured part comes from.

The deck uses all available mono-red polymorph effects (I think) which include Transmogrify, Reality Scramble, Divergent Transformations, Chaotic Transformation, and Collision of Realms to quickly cheat out Worldgorger once we have the other half of the combo lined up. Note that Collision of Realms and Chaotic Transformation actually do check to see that a creature was shuffled in/exiled in order to proc their effects. For Chaotic this is no problem because Jaya returns to the CZ as a state-based action after she goes to exile. But in the case of Collision, the game uses an optional replacement effect applied to commanders that would move to a library or to hand. This means you can't return Jaya to the CZ and still proc the polymorph (without having another nontoken creature). You can however choose to shuffle Jaya in and get a %50 chance to hit Worldgorger. Or, preferably, use Collision on a nontoken man-land such as Ghitu Encampment or Mutavault, a transformed Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  , or an artifact animated with Karn, the Great Creator. None of the other red polymorphs have this templating, so they will all work with Jaya and allow her to return to the zone normally.

So why Jaya? Well honestly I only made this because I wanted to build a new Jaya deck. She's been one of my favorites for ages and I wanted to brew a fresh list that was tighter than my previous attempt, with access to all the most devastating oldschool red spells (read: MLD, Price of Progress, etc.) and most likely some sort of spellslinger/combo finisher. Kiki/Dualcaster combo is just boring, Birgi storm is slow and annoying, but Worldgorger/Polymorph actually fits in really nicely with the concept of the deck. Besides Worldgorger comboing directly with the MLD spells I want to run, the fact that the deck has no other creatures means that our red sweepers will rarely affect our own board. Having access to a ton of these sweepers should help with staying alive while working towards the combo. Jaya contributes perfectly to this plan, serving as spot removal, wrath, and a backup finisher all in one. Repercussion also fits very well here providing a backup wincon combined with Jaya and all of the damage based wrath. The synergies between the Polymorph/Worldgorger combo and Red Wraths are what really brought the deck together. There certainly are other commanders who may be even more viable for a Mono-R Worldgorger build (Ragavan, Zirilan of the Claw), however, Jaya's versatility and her burn-crazed red mage personality are what make the deck special for me. She's the whole reason it exists!

And that's the deck, it's high power and I've found it to be pretty darn fun!


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96% Competitive

Revision 2 See all

(6 days ago)

+1 Gemstone Caverns maybe
+1 Helm of Awakening maybe
+1 Mishra's Factory main
-1 Mountain main
+1 Mox Diamond maybe
-1 Mutavault main
+1 Myriad Landscape main
+1 Treasure Vault maybe
+1 Warp World maybe
Top Ranked
Date added 1 week
Last updated 5 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Dwarf 1/1 R, Emblem Koth, Fire of Resistance, Goblin Shaman, Treasure
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