Jeleva Storm/Doomsday

Commander / EDH reversemermaid


Looks good. Personally, I would suggest finding a bit more ramp because she'll leaving and entering a bit. Other than that +1

July 27, 2015 5:25 p.m.

reversemermaid says... #2

Karns_Pyromancer Yeah that's one problem I've found, Moxnix's list has Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal and Mana Crypt but because of budget constraints I've cut them from my list and replaced them with red rituals because when you're going off they still net you one extra mana. I might try replacing Bubbling Muck with a mana rock, but another copy of High Tide has been quite good.

If you have any suggestions on what to cut and what to replace with, make sure to comment here. And thanks for the +1

July 28, 2015 12:30 a.m.

The problem with rituals is that mana is only available in the phase you cast it.

I would cut Mana Vault and Talisman of Dominance for Izzet Signet and Rakdos Signet. Dimir, Izzet, and Rakdos Cluestones are also great, as is Commander's Sphere.

I would cut the creatures you're running for Etherium-Horn Sorcerer, Guttersnipe and Wrexial, the Risen Deep.

Now, your running about 10 fewer lands than you should be. I would go no lower than 35 as a general rule.

What I'm about to suggest WILL piss people off; if you want to be that asshole, go for it. Just be aware, there will some upset players. Corrupted Conscience, Glistening Oil, Tainted Strike and Grafted Exoskeleton are hilarious with cards like Nekusar or Guttersnipe. I don't necessarily suggest them unless you know your meta is OK with Infect. If they are, GREAT. If not (or you don't know), please do not run these cards.

July 28, 2015 11:02 a.m.

HydraOoze says... #4

Cruel Ultimatum and Chromatic Lantern would be good.

July 30, 2015 9:58 a.m.

reversemermaid says... #5

Mana Vault is pretty much a Brown Ritual that generates even more mana with Voltaic Key and Hurkyl's Recall, it absolutely stays in. Izzet Signet and Rakdos Signet are the obvious choices if I decide to add mana rocks, but cluestones are so ridiculously slow I wouldn't run them in a 5-color deck with only basic lands. Commander's Sphere is not much better, while it does cantrip for free and gives all of our colors the difference between 2 and 3 mana is just too much.

Laboratory Maniac is our wincon with Doomsday, cutting it would be pure madness. Notion Thief is a game-winning combo with wheels and overall is a pretty solid card with the amount of blue in my meta. Goblin Electromancer is the only creature I might cut, I added it to make red rituals a little bit better, and it's not completely dead anyways. However Etherium-Horn Sorcerer wouldn't do anything, I don't know why I would run it instead of a tutor. A random spell for free is not worth the 6 cmc.

Guttersnipe seems like fun, but it does get easily removed if I'm starting to go off. I might try running it but I'm feeling that it wouldn't be worth it. Also it's pretty much a dead draw while storming since it doesn't deal damage from previously played spells.

Wrexial, the Risen Deep is too slow, and since in the best-case scenario we would get a tutor from it I don't know why I would run Wrexial instead of a tutor.

My land base while really greedy, is actually fine with the amount of cantrips I'm running. This deck doesn't need to hit its land drops every turn until turn 6, and the less lands we hit with Ad Nauseam or Mind's Desire the better.

Also I pretty much am the asshole at our playgroup since I started playing this deck. Apparently people don't like turn 5 wins that take 5-10 minutes to run trough. Therefore I think that my playgroup would actually prefer some gimmicky infect action in this deck, but at the end of the day the infect cards would be useless without Nekusar, the Mindrazer or Guttersnipe and again are dead cards mid-storm.

HydraOoze, Cruel Ultimatum while flavourful and fun is not what this deck wants. I might try Chromatic Lantern but again the difference between 2 and 3 mana with mana rocks is so huge I just don't like the lantern even though it is the ultimate mana fixer.

July 30, 2015 2:27 p.m.

Hey, I like your list. It's nice to see more Jeleva storm people around. I would recomend Etherium Sculptor it does wonders in my list to kill the hermit druid. I also really like Waste Not since I always have a wheel effect while comboing it nets a ton of mana and extra cards which is what storm needs. Have you played this in a play group that can deal with it before it combos out? You are in desperate need of Pact of Negation and Force of Will since they are pretty much our biggest fears.

September 6, 2015 5:33 p.m.

reversemermaid says... #7

EndlessBlackout thanks man. Etherium Sculptor needs testing, I only play 12 artifacts including 2 with 0 cmc so I could see it being kinda lackluster, but you run even less rocks with a real mana cost so if it does wonders for you I'll definitely test it out.

Waste Not is truly amazing in the right deck, but my list isn't too high in wheel effects and I've even thought about cutting Whispering Madness and going to only 3 wheels. However Waste Not does give a ton of mana and cards for 2 mana, I guess I'll test it out too but my build needs some tweaks to get it to work.

Pact of Negation and Force of Will would sure be nice to own, but they cost money. Even though Pact isn't that expensive it still is money and I'd rather spend that on building the rest of this deck since I'm still lacking some cards. It's on the buy-list but I feel like it isn't necessary. Misdirection works as my makeshift FoW, it doesn't counter hate pieces but "counter target counterspell" gets the job done.

September 7, 2015 2:17 a.m.

Controller101 says... #8

i play doomsday combo in an esper shell under Oloro, Ageless Ascetic and i find that there are several piles that work well. your fastest pile is cantrip Gitaxian Probe, [card:predict], Laboratory Maniac, Unearth, Street Wraith. i do like your protection package although i feel like there are better things than Spell Pierce. i also feel like it might be worth putting in a Temple Bell its an alternate wincon as it combos with Mind Over Matter to make everyone draw there libraries. although in this list you would tap down all green sources (the only effective way to break it up is krosan grip) draw your deck play Laboratory Maniac with the most sculpted hand of all time win.

January 24, 2016 2:02 p.m.

reversemermaid says... #9

Actually the pile I use with a draw 1 is Predict, Laboratory Maniac, Gush, Unearth, Gitaxian Probe which needs 1UB + cantrip and Doomsday because I don't run Street Wraith. It's an awesome card with Doomsday but I don't think having a second copy of Probe is an upside big enough to run an almost dead card that I take 5 off of Ad Nauseam. Temple Bell is something to consider but if I'm resolving MoM post-nauseam I'm getting so much mana that assembing helm-future-top or just storming to victory is the easiest thing ever. And also again Temple Bell is pretty bad by itself.

Spell Pierce is a bit of a meta card but in my meta which is just full of combo it's probably really good. If you have some card in mind that might be better than it feel free to tell me.

January 28, 2016 7:26 a.m.

Controller101 says... #10

Depending on the type of combo Flusterstorm or if its i bit slower as in turn 5 ot later i find Time Stop is effective. What decks are there?

January 28, 2016 9:08 p.m.

Flusterstorm is definitely really good, but it's also pretty expensive. I'd rather first get the missing cards and LED and maybe even Mana Crypt, but it's a card I hope to own one day.

Time Stop costs far too much mana and with the amount of blue in my meta it's quantity over quality when it comes to counter wars, you'd rather keep 2 mana open for a Delay than go for a Cryptic Command, so 6 for a Time Stop is definitely too much.

So called "decks to beat" that I play against are Food Chain Prossh, Ad Nauseam Oona and the occasional combo Sharuum. There is also a healthy amount of control and stax which I need to take into consideration but I feel like I don't need to add more hate cards than I currently run towards those.

January 29, 2016 4:43 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #12

Gamble seems bad when you have the black tutor suite. Snapcaster Mage seems much better.

March 21, 2016 9:48 a.m.

Gamble is a one-mana a tutor if your balls are big enough :DDD

But seriously though, Gamble has been super good. The times when it has discarded the card I tutored for are greatly outnumbered by the times it discarded something unimportant. Snapcaster Mage is a card that I don't run just because of its price, I probably would if I had one. However, there aren't that many spells that I'd want to play two extra mid-storm and it doesn't grind me value so I'd rather first include Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. A fact to note is that Moxnix or other grixis storm players don't seem to play either Snapcaster or Baby Jace so that's another reason I'm squeamish about including them.

March 22, 2016 11:32 a.m.

StormTwenty says... #14

Little bit of thread necro, buthave you considered running Pieces of the Puzzle? I've been running it in my Jeleva list, and, while it's no brainstorm, it rarely whiffs in this deck, and digging 5 cards is pretty good.

June 9, 2016 10:12 p.m.

Tangerinefox says... #15

What upgrades, budget completely aside, would you make to this list if you could? Things like Timetwister, Imp Seal, all of it. What's missing?

June 25, 2016 2:55 p.m.

nightcorex Pieces of the Puzzle is definitely interesting, I goldfished with it and it indeed was pretty good. It's definitely not better than wheels or Night's Whisper, but having a cmc of 3 and not having it compete with Jeleva makes it kinda better than Fact or Fiction, and it still pitches to Force of Will and is easier to cast than Painful Truths. If I find one somewhere I'll definitely playtest it more.

Tangerinefox Check out Moxnix's list here:
That's what often thought to be the best grixis storm list out there, and that's what I hope to own one day. There are some small changes I would do though, I would swap the Underground River for a basic swamp because Blood Moon is a thing, and also I'd probably cut Copy Artifact for something, probably a 2 cmc mana rock. I really like the card but sadly it hasn't been good on paper or on cockatrice where I play with full ABUR and Timetwisters.

June 26, 2016 4:29 p.m.

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