Jerrard original Pauper EDH

Pauper EDH* cooknathan


SplodyCopter says... #1

y u no Lightning Bolt ?

December 9, 2011 11:10 a.m.

cooknathan says... #2

Not enough card advantage IMO. Mana isnt rely a problem so Branching Bolt and Fireball seem to be better burn for example.

December 9, 2011 11:20 a.m.

I love it! The idea and the execution, both are wonderful. +1 for sure. My favorite creature ever is Barktooth Warbeard , so maybe I should try this out...

December 23, 2011 11:06 p.m.

cooknathan says... #4

Thanks, I quite enjoy playing it.

It ended up winning a few games with things like using Crown of Flames for storm and one game I had 8 cards in hand, got Sokenzan Spellblade to 42 power, hit one opponent then used Fling on another. The first player used Fog but it was still hilarious.

...You forgot to +1 btw lol.

January 1, 2012 12:51 a.m.

AHA! I knew I'd forgotten something.

How'd you come up with the list? Just off the top of your head, or did it take some research into Red and Green commons?

January 1, 2012 5:43 p.m.

cooknathan says... #6

Mostly research. I figured id go with the basic aggro stratergy of mana ramp into a Fireball /Feral Ridgewolf and I knew Id need lots of card advantage.

The card advantage lead me to things with buyback, flashback, storm, draw etc.

I then found the buff enchantments like Dragon Fangs , Crown of Flames etc worked well with the chump 1/1 mana creatures. I put in a few thalids for some more fodder, some removal.

January 1, 2012 7:05 p.m.

Hm. Good plan. I like how things are legal in pauper as long as they've been printed at least once as a common. Really helps.

January 1, 2012 9:49 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #8

Because this deck is different from most of the ones I've seen thus far (infinite combo pauper ftw), it would help if you explained a bit more about how the deck functions.

How often do you manage to find and assemble your infinite mana combo?

What cards or kinds of card have you found to be most useful so far?

May 31, 2013 10:26 p.m.

cooknathan says... #9

Thanks, different is what I was going for :-). Very bascially the deck mainly focuses on mana ramp and card advantage early game and then tries to Fireball ftw or enchant creatures with Ghitu Firebreathing and swing to get through, a little removal tries to subdue threats.

Multiplayer format, Sir Shandlar (Pauper) (defensive/aura ambushes) and combo Sivitri Scarzam (control/combo) is the usual pauper meta to give you some perspective however it just as often goes up against regular EDH decks (we play no infinite combos or insta-win/lockdown but otherwise as competitive as we can make them) Momir, King Kombo, The Aunty from Hell, Savra (some of those lists are a little old), the deck wins a surprising amount against these as it usually gets relatively left alone (a pauper deck is no threat) until late game when I sometimes get off a lucky fireball/fling. I originally made the deck to go against regular EDH decks and I would rather that it stayed as competitive as possible against regular EDH than metagaming against my pauper group. The deck has a large emphasis on card advantage Citanul Woodreaders , Farhaven Elf , Fertilid stuff that comes back; Sprout Swarm , Rancor , Ghitu Firebreathing , Dragon Fangs also serving as card advantage and anything with "draw". Having heaps of little dorks out means that you can chump big stuff (especially threatening when your chumps have firebreathing) and you have a good shot of getting one of your firebreathers through with sheer mass. Also dumping chumps out gives you the ability to recover from board wipes (of which there is an annoyingly large amount of even in pauper Swirling Sandstorm , Bloodfire Infusion , Martyr of Ashes , Pestilence , Evincar's Justice , Crypt Rats ). For these reasons I have come to prefer Farhaven Elf over Cultivate .

The infinite combo is more of a gimick than a consistent win condition, I just like the idea of a pauper combo so much that I have to include it. That being said it does actually win the odd game (perhaps 1/5), otherwise it probably functions more like a distraction. I do however find many of the pieces quite handy anyway which is probably why I justify keeping it in. Any way to make it more consistent or a more consistent combo would be welcome.

Most useful cards; Sokenzan Spellblade often wins games, Fling , Psychotic Fury , Soul's Fire also often win due to the surprise element, Sprout Swarm gets out of hand in a few turns then swings with tons of 1/1s or feeds them to Ashnod's Altar , Betrothed of Fire or Thermopod , the Fireball s are also quite valuable doubling as creature removal and win conditions. The removal is also relatively useful most of it gives good value Tranquil Path , Icefall .

June 1, 2013 2:34 a.m.

cooknathan says... #10

...sorry that that was a tad long winded, I might try to make the description more descriptive. I forgot to mention that we are following the EDH banned list as well as the pauper banned list so unfortunately no Empty the Warrens /Grapeshot . Otherwise no limits.

It would be great to get another opinion on this, due to it being "different from most" there isnt much advice going, its hence easy to get lost in your own deck and lose perspective. Some abstract advice could also help regarding the balance of ramp/removal/win.

Thanks again for the time and effort :-)

June 1, 2013 2:42 a.m.

This isn't pauper EDH; The rules for pauper EDH are as follows:

  1. Same rules as Commander/normal EDH, with the following additions:
  2. Your general must be an uncommon creature.
  3. Your deck must consist only of commons. Any card that was printed at common at any time satisfies this requirement. (We have to decide if we're going to count Magic online commons in this.)
  4. Starting life total is 30, and the general damage rule is changed to 16 general damage.

The following creatures are banned as generals (this list may change depending on our playgroup):

Invisible StalkerPsychatogBloodbraid ElfMurderous RedcapShriekmaw

June 12, 2013 4:11 p.m.

cooknathan says... #12

a. Could you link me to the official wizards "pauper EDH" rules and banned list? I cant find one, more so I havnt come across one even though Ive been playing this deck for over a year. Wherever you have gotten this from is casual or community rules and not mine. Our group has simple guidelines, EDH rules, all commons, Pauper banned list.

b. How does my deck violate your rules in the first place? 1 nothing here violates the "Commander/normal EDH" rules, 2 my commander was printed as "uncommon creature" in legends and common in masters edition III so it could be both. 3 my deck consists of "only commons", cards "that was printed at common at any time". Im confused, did you even look at the deck?

c. Do you actually have any constructive Ideas for the deck? It would be handy as advice is quite hard to come by in what is a quite obscure deck. Most dont know what to make of it but a Pauper EDH expert such as yourself would be bursting with great advice. Honestly, I challenge you to try to improve this deck I will take your suggestions seriously and without bias.

I hope you can understand my grouchiness.

June 13, 2013 7:12 p.m.

ludiegu says... #13

I've got no suggestions, but I just love this deck. <3 Pauper EDH.

July 8, 2013 8:48 a.m.

Dritz says... #14

I upvoted earlier this morning but I felt compelled to come back and comment on just how awesome that GIF is. Seriously, that stuff is awesome and I feel like more people need to see it. As such, I featured your deck, hopefully you don't mind. :P

September 16, 2013 10:21 a.m.

Blakkhand says... #15

I love seeing Pauper EDH decks, it is a great format.

Also, it is ironic that AmericanTrnksta didn't even state the correct rules.

September 16, 2013 10:55 a.m.

cooknathan says... #16

Wow @Dritz thanks so much, of course I don't lol!

Blakkhand ty yeah, I hope I didn't flame too much on the guy.

September 16, 2013 11:05 a.m.

peru_soldi says... #17

+1 from me

have you thought of using Sakura-Tribe Elder for extra ramp?

Rampant Growth

Nature's Lore

imo a bit more ramp would make you even deadlier and faster.... no?

September 18, 2013 2:30 p.m.

cooknathan says... #18

Thanks for stopping by :-)

I generally prefer to get free dorks with the mana ramp for a few reasons; I can chump block, maintain board presence through removal, but also with recyclable Firebreathing on them they become big threats lol. For this reason I prefer Sylvan Ranger over Llanowar Elves and Rampant Growth for example. Speed isn't really too much of an issue, It's faster then most pauper decks and it's designed to fly under the radar against normal decks then win with a late-game Fireball . The Sakura-Tribe Elder might work you've got me thinking that I perhaps should reconsider the mana spells that actually give me card advantage like Cultivate etc...

September 18, 2013 10:21 p.m.

muktidata says... #19

Hey, buddy. Nice deck! I couldn't help but suggest Skarrgan Skybreaker as your Commander. It seems to do exactly what you want.

April 1, 2014 10:28 p.m.

I'm a little confused as to how that infinite combo works. The +1/+1 counter from Ivy doesn't make the -1/-1 Persist counter disappear. The creature enters play with a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter. When it dies again, it's gone and it's not coming back.

Or am I missing something?

September 10, 2014 10:37 p.m.

Shadow_Tack says... #21

WhatTheHElspeth there's a rule somewhere that states the +1 counters and -1 counters cancel out when on the same creature

also yay pdh

May 31, 2016 2:39 p.m.

cooknathan says... #22


June 9, 2016 4:37 a.m.

Podkomorka says... #23

Nice list! If you're interested, we're building a compendium of PDH lists. Read more here. Feel free to read and submit decks!

February 20, 2018 6:31 p.m.

Alkadron says... #24

hahaha, beautiful

I wanna play against this with my Lady of the Mountain PDH deck XD

November 11, 2020 1 a.m.

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