Monastery Mentor
is a somewhat risky investment as he can be easily removed, but his ability makes him very powerful if left alone for too long. If it doesn't get removed quickly, you can go wide really easily, hit hard and keep blockers for any counter-attack. He really works wonders, especially with
Jeskai Ascendancy
and Myth Realized.
Monastery Swiftspear and Stormchaser Mage both have haste and prowess and do not cost much. This allows you to present a new threat, boost it with non-creature spells and attack for high amounts of damage on the same turn. Works really well with
Jeskai Ascendancy
. Stormchaser Mage is also fairly evasive because of his flying ability.
Myth Realized is a possible t1 play and can be used later in the game when you could use an extra attacker or when you're facing a lot of removal. the fact that it reverts to a non-creature enchantment at the end of your turn also protects it from sorcery removal like most sweepers. It is technically a non-creature spell as well, so it triggers prowess, which means it also works well as reinforcement of the board later on in the game. It is however somewhat slower, so I only play 2 of them.
Seeker of the Way
is a prowess creature with a decent body who gets lifelink as well. This makes him a great creature for aggro match-ups.
Abbot of Keral Keep
has an aggressive body and prowess and he allows you to play a card from the top of your deck, creating slight card advantage.