Jeskai Control: Sideboard Help Wanted V2.4
Not a fan of Evolving Wilds in this build. Realistically you have 22 mana + four fetch lands. Why not remove all four and add 4x Act of Treason for more control?
October 26, 2014 7:52 p.m.
IgpayAtinlay says... #4
Wow, uh this deck can become really good with a few changes. Jace's Ingenuity is really bad here and usually bad anyways. It's kind of hard to tap 5 mana to look for responses and then not be able to play them because you have no mana. And also Dig Through Time and Steam Augury already provide good filtering and draw, among other things.Jace, the Living Guildpact does not work here. He is good as a sideboard option against slower strategies but won't win games, use Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker instead, he is a good win con thats evasive and dodges End Hostilities .You don't need 6 counterspells because this isn't a conventional control deck. If you run any run 4 and two of them should be Mindswipe the other two could be any other counterspell that suits your local meta.Run 4 Jeskai Charm Mainboard, it's like a Boros Charm plus an Azorius Charm all in one.You have too many creatures, Pearl Lake Ancient and Prognostic Sphinx share the same role, its redundant to use both. Pick whichever one is better suited to what people play around you. Pearl Lake Ancient might be better because its harder to kill.Replace your life-gain lands with Mystic Monastery , getting life is good and all but mana fixing is better.Keranos, God of Storms is great, believe me, but when you play, dont let dropping him on turn five distract you from the real priorities.This was a huge paragraph, I tried to keep the changes true to the deck. These are mostly quality of life changes so you might see the deck play a bit better. Toodle-loo, Planeswalker.
October 27, 2014 1:33 a.m.
blackmarker90 says... #5
I would definitely run Prognostic Sphinx as a four of over the 2x of each. Pearl Lake Ancient is also a good Sideboard option because it is a resilient threat that is near impossible to get rid of. I would drop the Jace from the board to put PLA in.
October 28, 2014 3:50 p.m.
Eduardogbg says... #6
I disagree with everyone, except blackmarker90 in part.
Mindswipe is slow. At the point you can cast it for a lot, it would be better just to cast a big burn spell, and, when you can cast it for low, Dissolve is better anyway.
Unless your meta has lots of Goblin Rabblemaster decks, you shouldn't use that Arc Lightning at main board, it does nothing against non-Rabble decks (yeah, it kills X/1 mana dorks, but you don't want to pay 3 mana and a card to kill a one mana and one card creature). Same for Anger of the Gods , but I think Anger is more OK at main, because it is less situational.
Jace's Ingenuity is good, but only if you need more draw after 4th Dig Through Time (aka. Cheapers and more effective Jace's Ingenuity ). You have lots of tapped lands, you should add Flooded Strand s and maybe Shivan Reef s.
If you are really willing to control all through the game until it's late game, remove Mantis Rider . It won't help your game plan.
Now that I told you to remove tons of cards, I'll tell you what I think you should add. Starting with Disdainful Stroke , you only run one, but trust me, it's good, run 3 at least (at main board). Remember what I wrote about Dig Through Time ? I guess so. You should add the other 2.
Prognostic Sphinx isn't doing so well at standard, replace it with a win condition of choice. I would suggest Pearl Lake Ancient (it would be good with Perilous Vault , but I wouldn't add it because of Banishing Light ) and Resolute Archangel .
Of course you can choose something junky like Stormtide Leviathan , but, when choosing a win con for control decks, you need to remember this: Do something at ETB; Or can protect itself; Or you run 25 counters (kidding, 'f course).
Hope I helped ya.
October 28, 2014 7:46 p.m.
Can I get you guys to mosey over to my deck? I am looking for helpful suggestions for this FNM deck. I haven't played standard in about 7 months and I need some help. Thanks.
October 28, 2014 8 p.m.
blackmarker90 says... #8
I would cut the Lightning Strike s and Steam Augury for Stoke the Flames as that is one of the only/ best ways to remove Stormbreath Dragon with your setup. The reason I say to remove lightning strike is because there are only two threats that see regular play in Standard that are x/3' and not hexproof. I also think that getting a 1-of AEtherspouts in here is a good idea, because it blanks a lot of attacks and other things in an Alpha Strike.
November 1, 2014 10:12 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #9
I would opt for a few more basic lands, less temples and 2 more fetchlands so that you don't slow your deck down too much.
November 2, 2014 5:10 p.m.
Benchpepper says... #10
stoke the flames is REALLY horrible for this deck, 4 damage for 4 mana is just bad. I would replace it with a draw spell like weave fate and if you run into stormbreath you still have 4 end hostilities to deal with it.
November 3, 2014 7:13 p.m.
I like how Ashcloud Phoenix can come down and put some pressure on your opponent but still survive any of you current board wipes.
I don't like the the Suspension Field or the Prognostic Sphinx in the sideboard personally. You don't really need more finishers in your sideboard youve got plenty in your main and boarding in yet another finisher isn't going do you any good. Your going to what to replace it with an answer card or a card that is normally to vulnerable for a control deck but can take over a game if your opponent has boarded out his removal an example would be Goblin Rabblemaster very easy to kill but if you don't it will kill you.With Suspension Field it doesn't do anything that your deck already has several ways of doing anyways it doesn't have a lot of flexabilty and is going to get hit by a lot of sideboard hate.As for some other cards to consider there is Glare of Heresy which deals with Mantis Rider , Siege Rhino , Jeskai Ascendancy and a few other common cards. AEtherspouts might be a good 1 of in the main its a bit conditional but when it hits it will force your opponent to play around it for the rest of your match up and when needed can easily be boarded out.
November 3, 2014 8:19 p.m.
I would play 1 - 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion to finish off games, and definitely prognostic sphinx. mabe get rid of resolute archangel and 1 fated conflagration to put it in
November 5, 2014 3:45 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #13
Seems like your plan is to just stall until you throw down a fatty. Circle of Flame could help protect you against aggro/token decks. Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker and Elspeth, Sun's Champion seem really good for this deck as well.
November 7, 2014 3:44 p.m.
Winterflame and Goblinslide would be fun to see. Goblinslide will help you deal with aggro sniping in 2 or 3 damage a turn unless they leave blockers behind. Winterflame should definitely go in, maybe for 2x Dig Through Time
November 11, 2014 7:22 p.m.
this deck looks baller. America control FTW! +! Perhaps if you don't have the right answer for something you could throw in 1 or 2 Deflecting Palm in case you're interested.
November 14, 2014 5:12 p.m.
Remove Anger of the Gods from the sideboard and replace it with Deflecting Palm The reason for this is because this deck cheats the 4 card rule.
November 14, 2014 9:32 p.m.
plus 1 from me really like this idea i do agree with prima Goblinslide would be pretty awesome in here also u have alot of scry what do u think about Knowledge and Power
November 17, 2014 11:19 a.m.
+1, seems very interesting to play!
Have you considered trying out Narset, Enlightened Master? This card can end games.
November 18, 2014 6:06 p.m.
@UpperDeckerTaco - I tried Circle of Flame, but it just didn't hit enough creatures. However, I did try out Elspeth, Sun's Champion and I'm really liking it.
@Prima - i feel that Winterflame would come in too late to be effective because most of the creatures will be out of the 2 toughness range and tapping would just delay it. I'd rather just have a removal spell. Goblinslide feels kind of the same way and most of my spells are reactive removal/countering so i don't think i could generate enough tokens. Plus they might get killed by my board clears.
@aced420 - I think that Knowledge and Power is too slow and I might as well use Keranos, God of Storms instead b/c it is more consistent and provides extra draw.
@ni9htwing - I considered Narset, Enlightened Master for a while, but my deck just doesn't have enough burn in it ( only 5 burn spells!) and it got rid of some of my more reliable finishers.
November 18, 2014 8:18 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #20
I am glad you got some positive out of my suggestion. Would you mind taking a gander at my deck: American't Hear You Over All This Freedom
And Circle of Flame does work, if playing against the right deck. Tis' why it's a sideboard card. Token decks and decks that run Rabble Red are all the rage at my local FNM shop, so this deals with that issue.
November 19, 2014 3:38 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #21
Also, I noticed you have Polymorphist's Jest in your maybeboard, just so you know, it works great with Circle of Flame = one sided board wipe.
November 19, 2014 3:40 p.m.
The idea behind Polymorphist's Jest is that i could kill Gods and/or Fleecemane Lion once it becomes monstrous. I misinterpreted what you said and thought you meant that i should put Circle of Flame in the maindeck. Right now I'm primarily trying to focus on fixing the maindeck but, i'll make a decision on it in the sideboard once i do some more testing.
November 19, 2014 3:58 p.m.
musclebeach says... #23
I know this isn't a card people talk about, but makes me cringe every time an opponent drops one on me is Mindswipe. Worth a look see.
November 20, 2014 7:21 p.m.
Angry_legionist says... #24
Ehi man, I'm working exactly on the same deck: Jeskai Control (best version for tournaments)
Cornbread47 says... #1
I think you should add the Narset and Archangel. Hope I help!
October 26, 2014 7:51 p.m.