Jeskai Delver (last 67 matches: 49-15-3)

Modern Stevomat24


RyledUp says... #1

What about vexing devils for your other one drops? They are basically either beefy creatures or burn spells

June 6, 2018 1:15 p.m.

Stevomat24 says... #2

Nice idea. I could try two of them main and put Lavamancer and Clique in the SB instead.

June 6, 2018 1:47 p.m.

Tethys says... #3

+1, nice build! I assume Sulfur Elemental is in the sideboard to combo with Geist and Gideon, but what matchups do you actually bring it in for?

July 5, 2018 11:23 a.m.

Stevomat24 says... #4

Sulfur Elemental might seem strange but I use it against Lingering Souls which give my deck a lot of trouble. It also helps against Thalia & Flickerwisp. I also bring it against control decks to be able to play something on their turn (together with Clique) rather than running my Geist into a Remand or Cryptic.

July 5, 2018 11:44 a.m.

Tethys says... #5

Oh my mistake, I totally misremembered the card's ability. I thought it was "Your white creatures get +1/+1".

Your explanation makes a lot of sense and the card seems like a good choice to deal with those problematic cards.

July 5, 2018 12:04 p.m.

wackyboy26 says... #6

This deck is a blast to play. I made some minor adjustments to the mana base, but kept the rest of the main-board the same. I've been looking for a jeskai tempo build that operates the way this does; cryptic commands and spell quellers weren't doing it for me. i've only played a few test games on MtGO and things are going well. great job!

How did the GP go? I'm really curious on how it performed.

my current sideboard is below. I'm testing it, as most sideboards it is continuously in flux. I usually prefer sweepers in my board, but it's hard to meet most sweeper cmc's and it's a big risk with our creatures.

2x rest in peace 1x stony silence 4x leyline of sanctity 2x dispel 1x disdainful stroke 2x alpine moon 1x izzet staticaster 1x wear//tear 1x engineered explosives

July 24, 2018 1:50 a.m.

Stevomat24 says... #7

Hi wackyboy26, I am glad you like the deck and that you have fun playing it! Made me really happy to read your comment :) How did you adjust the mana base? More fast lands? Other utility lands? GP Barcelona didn't go very well unfortunately. You can read the details here. Last week I played 6 rounds at a daily tournament at Hareruya tournament center though and won 4 rounds. The deck is always fun to play (but quite hard to pilot actually) and with a bit of luck on your side (not flooding as often as I did in Barcelona) and can achieve great results.

July 25, 2018 10:55 a.m.

Stevomat24 says... #8

One thing I wanted to ask: I saw you're using 4 Leylines in your SB. Are you siding out all Delvers when you use your Leylines?

July 25, 2018 10:57 a.m.

koshtip says... #9

+1 just for the one of mana tithe

October 4, 2018 1 a.m.

nb666 says... #10

I feel like Young Pyromancer would be a good card for this deck.

January 8, 2019 12:53 p.m.

Stevomat24 says... #11

@nb666: Thanks for your suggestion. I tried to make Peezy work but I think I'd need to change the deck quite a bit to make the most out of him. Personally, I'd definitely add Mutagenic Growths and/or Jeskai Charms.
How many copies would you add and which creatures would you take out?
During the last months I changed my creatures a bit.
- 4x Delver of Secrets
- 2x Figure of Destiny
- 3x Geist of Saint Traft
- 1x Grim Lavamancer
- 4x Snapcaster Mage
- 4x Delver of Secrets
- 1x Figure of Destiny
- 3x Geist of Saint Traft
- 1x Grim Lavamancer
- 1x Vendilion Clique
- 1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
- 3x Snapcaster Mage

January 9, 2019 2:47 a.m.

nb666 says... #12

I'd put in 4x Young Pyromancer and take out the Figure of Destiny, 1x Geist of Saint Traft, put the Grim Lavamancer in the sideboard replacing it with Sulfur Elemental, and take out the Brimaz, King of Oreskos

January 11, 2019 12:39 p.m.

Stevomat24 says... #13

Newest version of the deck

January 28, 2019 2:32 p.m.

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