Pretty nifty Pauper combo, going on infinite life/mana and spells!
Need 2 Karoo Lands, 2 Sunscape Familiar, 2 Mnemonic Wall, Ghostly Flicker, Snap, Lightning Bolt (maybe in graveyard)
1) get infinite red and Blue mana: 2 Karoo Lands out + 2 Sunscape Familiar.
Snap Mnemonic Wall, untap lands, get Snap back, replay it for 3, get 1 mana surplus.
2) do infinite direct damage : Need 2 Mnemonic Wall, Ghostly Flicker the 2 Walls, get Lightning Bolt+Flicker from Grave, repeat.
All the combos are good on themselves, but no game-winning. Recursion is key.
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