This may not be the strongest standard Jeskai deck, but I was trying to mix it up a little and I've wanted a deck that could be competitive with Sage of Hours because it's, you know, fun.
The strategy is to combo cheap cantrips such as Defiant Strike and Dragon Mantle to trigger Jeskai Ascendancy which will untap mana creatures such as Sylvan Caryatid or anything enchanted with
Karametra's Favor
, pumping them up and allowing you to cycle unneeded creatures or lands with Jeskai Ascnedancy's second ability. Discarding cards fills your graveyard, making Treasure Cruise cheaper to cast. String enough of this combo along and you'll have a 12/13 Monastery Swiftspear swinging by turn 4, or more. Sage of Hours offers a target for the cantrip spells which, if targeted five or more times, will give you another turn in case you can't combo your creatures up to a kill in a single turn.
It's important to have an opening hand with at least two of any of the following three types of cards: cantrips, mana creatures, and Jeskai Ascendancy - mulligan until you have that hand.
I would really like any feedback in case I'm misinterpreting the rules, but it's my understanding that if you can get 2 or more copies of Jeskai Ascendancy in play, you could tap your mana creatures for additional mana after the untap ability had resolved from one copy of the spell but before that effect had resolved on a subsequent copy of the spell - meaning you could start to ramp up to virtually unlimited mana.
Of course, finding the right balance of mana production, cantrips and creature/ spell ratio is tricky, and I'd love any suggestions.