Narset/Geist Prowess /Rebound Tempo ("Jeskai Way")

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 154 | 151 COMMENTS | 26300 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS

I tried to build the deck with less dependence on Cruise just in case it gets the ax. If it does I will be adding Sword of Fire and Ice and another Geist of Saint Traft. If it doesn't I may have to add another Treasure Cruise.

January 5, 2015 5:55 p.m.

Jdvanliew- Good call. I have been testing with the mentor as well. I think it fits better in a more controlling build with Young Pyromancer and counter magic/burn/etc. I am brewing a list with those as well.

Monastery Mentor maybe a better top end then Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest. I will test it out and let you know. Thanks for help and the +1!.

January 5, 2015 8 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #4

Love the idea as well as the deck! +1!Have you considered making some sort of mashup between this deck and a modern Heroic deck? I realized that Rebound works well with Heroic as well after seeing this deck. Maybe in bant so you could take advantage of the green rebound card and other pump spells like Vines of Vastwood? I don't know how viable it would be, but switching out Feat of Resistance and Aqueous Form with the white and blue Rebound spells just sounds like a great idea to me.

January 6, 2015 10:38 a.m.

GeminiSpartanX- I think that idea is very viable. We did look at Vines of Vastwood as well as Mutagenic Growth and Prey's Vengeance but after testing it didn't seem that that splash for green was worth it due to the low land count. It was tough to play a 4 color deck.

I will definitely take a look at a bant heroic deck. Feel free to change the list up however you would like to and post a bant heroic list. It was your idea after all. I don't want to steal your thunder. I think this idea could work very well.

I also have another list I will be posting that utilizes the prowess mechanic with Puresteel Paladin. It isn't as consistent, but it is a ton of fun to play. If anyone is a voltron player (loves equiping/enchanting a creature) it is a deck you would love. The basic premise is that prowess triggers off of the 0 cmc and 1 cmc artifacts and then they can be equipped. With Puresteel Paladin out you get to draw a card and equip for free (with metalcraft). With swords, Shu Yun for double strike, and unblockable, you get a ton of sword triggers. The deck uses Ethersworn Canonist for protection. Enough about that deck, I will post it soon.

Thanks for posting your idea and thank you for the +1!

January 6, 2015 12:04 p.m.

TheLoneDart says... #6

This deck is really good. Dunno if I just got an amazing hand (which I did) or if it plays that quick every game, but I had 26 by the end of turn six. +1 wish I could afford this.

January 6, 2015 2:21 p.m.

liquidjaguar says... #7

Have you ever had any troubles with the mana base? You're only running 20 lands, including 3 "friend" lands (Glacial Fortress and 2 Sulfur Falls) and 2 lands that don't (always) tap for colored mana (Slayers' Stronghold and Cavern of Souls). Seems a bit thin.

January 7, 2015 4:08 p.m.

BoardFire says... #8

Wow... This is a nice deck

Good job I only have one comment.

Maybe drop a serum visions for a cruise? Because cruise is just so overpowered in decks like this that I think it should atleast be a 3 of.

January 7, 2015 4:29 p.m.

Mongol says... #9

I've got an izzet version of this deck that utilizes Kiln Fiend. I've never seen Emerge Unscathed, but that makes me want to make mine jeskai as well.

Nice deck!

January 7, 2015 4:36 p.m.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

liquidjaguar- I can't say that I never have mana troubles, but it is not a problem very often since the deck can run somewhat smoothly for 2-3 turns on 1 mana (preferably steam vents) if you get stuck. Slayers' Stronghold has won me far to mana games to remove. It is really a great card that is criminally underplayed in my opinion. Cavern of Souls has been good as well. All of my creatures are humans with the exception of Geist of Saint Traft. Therefore, it's good in the early game and great when I can use it to get a uncounterable Geist on the board vs decks that have no options against Geist. There have been times where the mana has been a problem in my opening hand, but this can probably said about all decks that run under 22-23 lands. I would not fault anyone for playing less buddy lands. I will probably cut one Sulfur Falls for a Steam Vents or Hallowed Fountain. I run three due to the large amount of Choke and Boil played in my meta. I really am just waiting for the U/R manland to be printed so it can slide into the deck as well. I typically run as few lands as a deck can handle so if anyone wanted to add an additional land and remove a serum visions I would definitely not say that thay are doing anything wrong.

BoardFire- Your exactly right. The original deck played 3 copies of Treasure Cruise. I wanted to make the deck function well if/when the cruise/dig ban happens, but for now it should definitely have three in the main deck. I have updated the deck.

Mongol- I would love to see your deck. Feel free to post a link as a comment so others can view it as well. I am Jeskai for life! Come to the light :).

January 7, 2015 5:52 p.m.

Mongol says... #11

Rift Striker is my izzet deck. I've just recently put it through some changes, but with all the Jeskai options out there now, I'll likely be converting one of my decks or starting one from scratch in the future. I use Ponder in rift striker to keep the overall cost down, which is why its listed as casual.

January 7, 2015 6:01 p.m.

Jsusx says... #12

Honestly i dont think shu yun and chandra are any good in a tempo deck. The goal of delver/tempo is to cast cost efficient threats so that u can possibly protect them and disrupt the enemies play until u win. U really really dont want to tap out on turn 3 (shu yun) for a threat that u cant protect at that moment (geist has atleast hexproof). Chandra also doesnt fit a tempo deck just because she costs 4 mana and would make u tap out in most cases and this is not what u want after turn 1/2 (unless u disrupt/counter). Also chandra is in most cases a dead card with only 20 lands in ur deck. I would also take out the rebound cards as they provide like no benefit to the decks strategy (really shu yun is just bad and u dont want to pay 2 mana always cuz ur decks playstyle is more reactive then proactive) and rather put in more control/disruption.

January 8, 2015 1:40 p.m.

grumbledore says... #13

Nice! I kinda hate 'murica control, so to me this is a pretty refreshing build that I could see myself playing. +1 from me :)

January 8, 2015 2:21 p.m.

Hey Jsusx...some solid ideas; however your suggestions would make the deck extremely similar to the U/R Delver deck. Granted, it's a great deck, but it is actually quite different from this one (...that and I normally try to provide decks a little different from what already exists). This is actually a very proactive, aggressive deck. It does have a few reactive options; however for the most part those options are meant to protect your threats and/or keep the opponent from doing anything that throws off our game plan heavily. For the most part, however, the idea is to get a threat down quickly and continue getting through with large chunks of damage to deal lethal damage quickly.

I do have to disagree with you a little on the "top end" cards (Chandra and Shu Yun). Chandra in particular has been a huge performer in this deck. While Modern is considered a "turn 4" format; a majority of the games actually go past turn 4 (especially when you are playing a deck that utilizes disruptive cards). In some match ups; there will be times when the opponent has stayed alive to turn 5+ and the exact things you need is (a) to get that last few bits of damage through or (b) card draw. Chandra functions as either or. And Shun Yun for me has been an interesting way to get around larger creatures when a creature isn't unblockable. Nothing is better than having only a bolt and Shu Yun and attacking only to kill their Siege Rhino AND deal damage. Both cards have done well in my testing as 1-of's. You are right that I wouldn't want to run any more than 1 of each of them (as you are exactly right that you don't want to play these cards early....). The inclusion of these two probably does have a little bit to do the fact that the deck is a little less "control-oriented" than other Delver builds. So I understand how both of your suggestions would go hand in hand with one another. Good points. The opponent may have a slightly larger board in turns 6+ if we get there; so it's important to hit one of the "top ends' to have a few more answers to deal with them.

And yes, while in "theory" the Rebound spells are a semi-nombo with Treasure Cruise, sometimes theory can be taken a little too far. It's kind of like the decks that run both Tarmogoyf and Cruise, or Goyf and Scavenging Ooze, or Snapcaster and Treasure Cruise...while technically they take away from eachother...they are both strong enough in terms of the strategy of the deck as a whole. I only run 4 Rebound spells; so in most games I'm not costing myself much in terms of the yard...and in my opinion; the benefits have outweighed the negatives. There are cards like Defiant Strike you could replace them with; and I've been testing Gigadrowse as well....but they would have to be very strong to ever cause me to trade out the rebound spells (as they are just so powerful with many of the creatures in the deck).

I think the biggest difference in our thoughts on the deck is that I actually play this deck as an aggressive, proactive build. It is meant to be more proactive than the more midrange (and you are absolutely right, more reactive) delver/Jeskai decks. You are not wrong that those decks are great decks! If you switched out my Top End and my rebound spells; and replaced them with cards like Vapor Snag, a few more counters, etc. you basically have a "Traditional" Delver build. There is absolutely wrong with those decks. They are awesome. This deck just plays a slightly different way than those. It concerns itself a little less with disrupting the opponent and focuses a little more on getting damage through no matter what the opponent does. You gain speed at the loss of a little disruption. Just a different take;

I appreciate your ideas though! It actually is a great discussion on the differences between this deck and more traditional Delver decks. Every suggestion would make for a better reactive version of the deck. I will still, of course, try out each of these ideas (and make sure that this deck holds up to the midrange versions). Thanks for great ideas!

And scrotality...thank you for the +1!!! I for one like anything Jeskai; but I too prefer a little more "aggro" compared to "control".. Thank you!

January 8, 2015 7:41 p.m.

Jsusx says... #15

Wow thats a wall of text ;-).

January 9, 2015 12:22 a.m.

Haha! Yours were difficult suggestions to answer! They are all sound ideas and it would end up being a great just would not be the same "style" deck. I just didn't want you to think I was simply "dismissing" your suggestions or thought that my deck was just "better". I think both this and the more "traditional" (or slightly more reactive) Delver builds are both viable. Making sure I answered thoroughly while still letting you know that your ideas/suggestions were great.

January 9, 2015 4:11 a.m.

Crazybop09 says... #17

Some sideboard suggestions, Izzet Staticaster in my opinion is a very very good card against delver/any token variant, id drop the Deflecting Palm for it. Also Dispel is a so so good. deserves a 2 of spot. id take out Threads of Disloyalty because i feel at 3 mana you wanna be playing geist, or holding up some burn/counter magic, not possibly casting threads which at best nets you a goyf? but next turn they slam Siege Rhino which is a back breaker. Again, those are just suggestions if your meta is different and those cards work, all the power to ya. +1

January 10, 2015 12:08 a.m.

Great suggestions Crazybop09 (as always). I'll try them out ASAP. Thanks for the +1!

January 10, 2015 1:36 a.m.

Crazybop09 says... #19

Is it odd i actually dont think you should be running Delver of Secrets  Flip...

January 12, 2015 8:24 p.m.

Crazybop09 says... #20

Probably ignore that comment haha i just think you could go for a burn/midrange route with 4x Young Pyromancer2-4 Geist of Saint Traft 2-4 Lightning Angel (i like it over Mantis because of 4 toughness, and im oldschool)and then 1-2 Shu Yun...

January 12, 2015 8:27 p.m.

neosapien says... #21

How about the new Soulfire Grand Master?

January 14, 2015 8:57 p.m.

Why Mantis Rider over a third Geist of Saint Traft? Also I'm wondering about Elspeth, Knight-Errant for +5/+5 flying geists etc. Thanks for cluing me into Distortion Strike and Emerge Unscathed with prowess I'm thinking about trying them in my Esper Blade deck for Seeker of the Way and Geist.

January 14, 2015 9:39 p.m.

Khaosknight says... #23

It seems like Kiln Fiend is a better fit for this deck than Mantis Rider, certainly at least a 1 of, although you could drop a swiftspear and make him a 2 of. Also, have you considered Temur Battle Rage? Doublestrike at instant speed is already amazing, but toss in trample if you control a 4/x or greater and that's amazing for 1R.

January 15, 2015 1:06 p.m.

liquidjaguar says... #24

Yeah but the only things with natural power 4 or greater are the Angel tokens from Geist of Saint Traft)... Double strike doesn't tend to save your creature, either. And you can often be blown out by Lightning Bolt.

January 15, 2015 3:48 p.m.

Runningwithbear... that sounds like a great idea! Please post a link on here when you're done so we can all see your rebound list! I'm glad you were inspired! I will def try out a third geist (as it probably is the single best card in the deck). Thanks fir the input!

January 15, 2015 4:03 p.m.

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