Jeskai "Howl of the Horde" Burn (FNM 3-1!)

Standard iLegendGames


EssTea says... #1

This is madness haha! +1 for me! Not sure about the Chandra's Ignition being that good against mono red aggro, I've never felt 5 mana spells were pretty good against RDW! I would prefer Anger of the Gods but it's rotating out...RIP

Here's my Jeskai build feel free to leave a comment! Click Here

August 17, 2015 11:09 p.m.

iLegendGames says... #2

EssTea: Thanks for the feedback and I checked out your deck. Looks really sweet :)

Chandra's Ignition although is 5 mana, will win the game if you are alive. I saw the interaction with both, deathtouch and lifelink and I knew I had to include it. Because the creature deals the damage and not the spell, you will gain life for each point of damage dealt if used with Seeker of the Way. This means, if the red deck has 3 creatures in play and you have a seeker, you will gain 12 life and wipe their board. I also have Lightning Strike and Fiery Impulse to remove small threats, as well as Hordeling Outburst to chump all day. This is all in theory however, I haven't actually built the deck yet. I've used the playtest function and it seems to hold up well.

August 18, 2015 6:29 a.m.

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