Pauper* Caw Blade Control Pauper RUW (Jeskai, America)
This a new take on caw blade in pauper
Fist:I think we can do three colors since we have a a lot of card draw and color fixing + cheap removal to catch up.
Fetch Targets (Trinket Mage):
Ancient Den - White Mana
Great Furnace - Red Mana
Prying Blade - Trying a new sword, this deck is very mana hungry and could use a small boost
Bonesplitter - Quintessential sword
Relic of Progenitus - a disruptive element that can boon us in the midrange match-ups
Removal :
Electrickery - For elves (cause we lose that match-up) and other aggro decks
Firebolt - Sweet, sweet value, I sometimes exchange this for Magma Jet
Journey to Nowhere - Catch all for bigger creature that aren't answered by the removal
Lightning Bolt - Best removal in pauper
Thunderous Wrath - another removal for Gurmag Angler and can do some seriuos damage to the face, plus we have Brainstorm so it's free right?
Card Draw:
Brainstorm - The reason to play the deck
Artificer's Epiphany - WE have a lot of artifacts so it should be 2 free cards
Mulldrifter - Best card draw in pauper
Squadron Hawk - the engine of the deck
Seeker of the Way - Possibly the best two drop of the deck will let us stay alive in the early game while getting in for damage
Custodi Squire - Just trying this one out
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This deck is Pauper legal.
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