It will help you to read this decklist is you sort by "custom" rather than "type".

Jeskai Prowess, one of my favorite strategies. One of the key things to remember about this strategy is its slight difference from Spellslinger, its near cousin. Prowess can proc off of enchantments and artifacts, and is a Jeskai mechanic rather than an Izzet one. Prowess is a fun mechanic, and it allows for some neat combat tricks to really hurt your friends' brains. When you declare blocks, you can cast a Lightning Helix to kill one attacker and pump all of your blockers, turning your nasty trades into a full win, or you can cast a Pyroclasm to kill all of someone's chump blockers and pump your monks for lethal. You get the go-wide strength of weenies, plus the card advantage and versatility of spellslinger. Monks are also a creature type among prowess, so anything that benefits monks will also do well in a deck like this, like The Archimandrite. Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest is another good commander for this deck, and can be better or worse depending on your play group. Personally, I have both in this deck, and swap them out as I feel necessary between games. Shu Yun is more aggressive, but The Archimandrite creates a bigger value engine.

The primary weakness of this deck is to enchantment removal or enchantment wipes like Cleansing Nova or Urza's Ruinous Blast, which can irreparably destroy your engine. You can still cope after something like that, but you become significantly weaker with the loss of Jeskai Ascendancy and Whirlwind of Thought, so try not to overextend.

Card Draw

These are the methods of generating card advantage present in this deck. I say that to make it clear why I choose what I choose - rather than "draw three card" sorceries, the best way to generate card advantage in a Prowess deck is to proc card draw from noncreature spells. It generates continuous value and rewards you for doing what the deck should do - pump creatures to swing for lethal, one opponent at a time.

Card Selection

These are ways to get rid of trash and replace it, or tutor for specifically needed cards, like a wrath or a game ender. Jeskai Ascendancy allows you to loot every time you cast a noncreature spell, and it also untaps your prowess creatures, allowing for a mana generating combo with our few mana dorks like Curious Homunculus  , Gold Myr and Iron Myr.

Monks, Advisors and Kykar

Here, we have our payoffs for noncreature spells. Prowess is the obvious one - but we have more than just that. Monastery Mentor plus Jeskai Ascendancy is a win con, creating as many tokens as you like, and givine them all pseudo-prowess. Alternatively, Monastery Mentor and Narset, Enlightened Exile also create a potential win con, but don't give the same card selection as Jeskai Ascendancy. Enlightened Ascetic is both removal and a proc for the commander's ability, and Dauntless Dismantler is a tempo piece to punish sol rings and other rocks which can turn into removal when it has outlived its usefulness, or as a politics piece to punish whoever boardwipes you.


Last but not least, the lands. I am running an ultra-budget, casual as hell manabase here, but feel free to update as your collection or disposable income will allow. Obvious upgrades are the shock lands Steam Vents, Hallowed Fountain and Sacred Foundry, the Battlebond lands Training Center, Sea of Clouds, and Spectator Seating, and the infamous fetch lands Scalding Tarn, Arid Mesa, and Flooded Strand. However, as this is a budget list, we will be running the KTK Lifelands, as well the pingland Desert cycle and some other taplands.


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93% Casual


Date added 5 months
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.16
Tokens Djinn Monk 2/2 U, Elephant 3/3 G, Emblem Jaya Negotiator, Emblem Narset of the Ancient Way, Monk 1/1 R, Monk 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
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