Jeskai Prowess Unblockable

Modern CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 146 | 106 COMMENTS | 24551 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS

Gattison says... #1

Really nice looking Prowess deck. I'm holding off on making my own Prowess deck (Jeskai'nd of Mean) Modern until after Origins releases, but this looks like the direction I want to go with it. I'll be drawing some inspiration from you in the future, thanks.

July 8, 2015 1:07 p.m.

jimmywilakers- Your right that srixis is solid right now. Most of the tier one Delver of Secrets  Flip decks are grixis right now for a reason. However, I wanted to offer something a little different that can be competitive. I love Geist of Saint Traft and Lightning Helix and the sideboard cards that white offers so I love playing Jeskai. I wouldn't fault anyone for going grixis right now though.

Gattison- I love Jeskai Tempo decks, especially if they have Delver of Secrets  Flip and Geist of Saint Traft in them. Keep us posted on how your build evolves. I will definitely be following your deck.

I think some of you are right that while Telling Time works well in the deck, there are probably better options. I am testing Perilous Research, Vapor Snag, Monastery Mentor, Seeker of the Way as well as any other options you guys throw out.

As always thanks for looking and for up voting.

July 8, 2015 10:34 p.m.

jimmywilakers says... #3

I really like the concepts behind this deck as well as some of your others, but it feels to me like they're trying to go two different directions, like maybe Tempo/combo Aggro. I may be wrong, but it's just opinion.

July 9, 2015 3:51 p.m.

Scorprix says... #4

You have an extra card. I'd personally cut Emerge Unscathed for another Path to Exile and the one less card. It does a WHOLE lot more work.

July 11, 2015 8:36 p.m.

Really nice, detailed deck description and cool deck overall, +1 for sure

July 11, 2015 11:26 p.m.

scorpix- I always play 61 cards. I would love to say I do it for some mathematical reason, but it's more of a superstitious thing. Emerge Unscathed is a must have in this deck as it offers protection for my threats and pseudo-unblockability (as well as rebound). Every time I cast this card as protection it is a blow out. I do have another Path to Exile in the sideboard, but if I cut the Boros Charm I will add another Path to Exile to the mainboard.

Jimmy_Chinchila- Thank you for the kind words and the +1. It's very much appreciated.

July 13, 2015 11:20 p.m.

WARPOPE says... #7


July 16, 2015 12:22 a.m.

nevadathestate says... #8

Artful Dodge, maybe? Not strictly better than Distortion Strike, but gets more prowess triggers in one turn where D-Strike gets you a "free" cast at the cost of a turn for the pump.

In any event, love the deck. +1 from a fellow Jeskai player =]

July 16, 2015 12:45 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #9

Sweet! Looks very efficient. The OCD in me wants to say something about the 61st card. But I'll refrain. +1

July 16, 2015 5:10 a.m.

Quarion65 says... #10

July 16, 2015 8:15 p.m.

Aa1Zz2 says... #11

Take out the Abbot of Keral Keep and fill in the last two Snapcaster Mage. I think that'll make it more consistent.

July 16, 2015 8:15 p.m.

nevadathestate- Thanks for the kind words. I have thought about Artful Dodge before and I think it would work just fine in place of Distortion Strike. I like the fact that distortion strike offers the additional +1 and offers a "free" spell. I am going to try a build with 2 Distortion Strikes and 1 Artful Dodge to get a good mix in the deck. I will let you know how it goes.

JakeHarlow- Thank you very much. I am sorry to trigger your OCD. I'm OCD too and that's part of the reason I have to run 61 cards or the deck just isn't "right" :).

Quarion65- Young Pyromancer is a great card, but not exactly right for this build. I have tested with young pyromancer in this build in the past and it just felt a bit slow in most matchups. This is a bit more aggressive and less controlling than the typical tempo build and if focuses on one large threat more-so than a number of threats. I do have a similar build with Young Pyromancer, Monastery Mentor, Haze of Rage, Brave the Elements, and a bit more control than this build and that deck is a lot of fun too. With that said, I wouldn't fault anyone who played Young Pyromancer in this deck. It doesn't fit my playstyle, but in aggro heavy meta Young P would be great. I have often thought about playing pyromancer in the sideboard, but am currently going with a Monastery Mentor. Thank you for the input and for looking at the deck.

Aa1Zz2- I am currently testing the Abbot of Keral Keep as they were just released, but they have been absolutely great in testing. Because this is a more aggressive deck that really takes advantage of the prowess mechanic Abbot of Keral Keep fits right in as a card advantage option that also scales in power with prowess. While Snapcaster Mage is simply the best blue creature (possibly the best creature period) in modern, I like having the option of playing Abbot out on turn two if I have no other threats and having a beater out there. This deck has to be putting pressure on to function at the highest level. With that said, I will test the deck with abbot and with snapcaster in it's place. I never assume that a deck is perfect or that I am right in my numbers and always take pointers from members on here. The members like yourself are very knowledgeable and very helpful in the deck "tweaking" process. I will test the deck with your recommendation and I will keep the comment section posted as I test with 4 snapcasters as well. Thank you for the help.

Also thank you to everyone who has given a +1 upvote. They are all appreciated!

July 17, 2015 4:38 a.m.

Darkiwi says... #13

I really like this deck, +1 from me !

Just one thing : I know the manabase is tight but, as all your creatures except the Geist are humans, a Cavern of Souls could help improve the control matchup.

Otherwise, everything seems smooth, I'll try and assemble it for testing (I'll just get down to 60 ;-)

Cheers !

July 17, 2015 5:10 a.m.

Quarion65 says... #14

Thank you CurdBrosBrewingCo, would a card like Kiln Fiend be better? An artifact like Mirari might be fun. Again, thanks for the input. I hope this helps.

July 17, 2015 8:37 a.m.

jimmywilakers says... #15

I agree with Quarion, kiln friend may be better than the abbot in this kind of deck. Both can't attack until turn three, and if your goal is to get a creature in unblocked, a 13/2 unlockable kiln fiend is pretty ridiculous. Granted it doesn't have the added card advantage, but it may be worth testing.

July 17, 2015 4:09 p.m.

Great points guys!

Kiln Fiend was actually in the deck up until the printing/spoiling of Abbot of Keral Keep...I'm currently testing Abbot. Kiln Fiend does steal some games; but there are some important distinctions in Abbot's Favor too:

  1. Both can be bolted...but Abbot can be pushed out of bolt range. Nothing is more frustrating than pumping a kiln fiend two times to have the opponent responsd with a get 3-for-1'd

  2. Both are easily removed; but Abbot has a positive effect the moment he is cast.

  3. Abbot of Keral Keep helps take further advantage of cards like Magma Jet, Serum Visions, and Telling actually also helps you dig and fix (which is no small thing). And in games where he hits a land and you DONT want land; he becomes great "flood insurance" (as your next draw won't be a useless land).

  4. Of course there is the simple "you can draw into Path and kill a problem creature" argument to; but that's kind of obvious...drawing a card gives you another card to use in many situations.

  5. The fact that it's a Human may become important later if I do end up playing Cavern, etc. (Although this would stretch the mana and may be more of a sodeboard option).

Having said all of this; you are right that Kiln Fiend is an absolute back breaker in this deck. While it's easy to remove; it's also a "must remove or die" card (similar to Geist in that regard). Just casting three spells can make him lethal! There is every possibility that Kiln Fiend could work out better in the end; but I'm finding quite a lot of success with Abbot of Keral Keep as well...that little bit of card advantage and toughness boost can't be stressed enough (as the card advantage especially can be a very large source of advantage in real game play).

One idea I also had based on your suggestions was perhaps replacing Shu Yun with Kiln Fiend. You don't get the added late game activated ability; but it can often hit just as hard and is cheaper to's a thought at least; and my bro and I always say "you can never truly know unless you test it!"

July 17, 2015 4:42 p.m.

jimmywilakers says... #17

Well, doing an origins limited event this weekend, maybe I'll pick some Abbots up there for testing.

July 17, 2015 5:24 p.m.

Good luck at your event jimmywilakers! I'm keeping my fingers crossed you pull a foil Jace, and Abbot, and another planeswalker :)

July 17, 2015 5:45 p.m.

jimmywilakers says... #19

I'm a big fan of blue (sorry guys), but not really liking this new Jace too much. I'd Much rather pull a Nissa or Kytheon. Thanks all the same though. :)

July 17, 2015 10:37 p.m.

I have added Kiln Fiend into the sideboard to create a somewhat transformational sideboard. I switch to a more aggro build with the Kiln Fiends, Deflecting Palm, and whatever hate cards are needed or I can go more control with the Dispel, Negate, Vendilion Clique, and whichever hate cards the matchup calls for. I haven't tested the idea yet, but I really think I am going to like this idea.

I haven't tested Abbot of Keral Keep enough yet to say he will be taking the place of Kiln Fiend in the mainboard for sure, but I will keep trying it as long as it keeps performing the way it has been.

I am also interested in pairing Magma Jet with Abbot of Keral Keep and Delver of Secrets  Flip. I have never been a huge fan of Magma Jet in modern, but it may fit right into this deck.

Thanks for all of the recommendations and the +1's

July 18, 2015 3:38 a.m.

jimmywilakers says... #21

Picked Abbot first pack! He's a powerhouse in limited!

July 19, 2015 6:13 p.m.

MarcWizard says... #22

I'm surprised that Seeker of the Way didn't qualify for a spot here, while Shu Yun did. Seeker really makes life a living hell for burn and aggro decks, by moving their goalpost away without you sacrificing any card advantage for it.

August 5, 2015 6:34 a.m.

MarcWizard- I have been trying him in the sideboard lately to see if he works out against aggro/burn matchups. I will keep you posted with how it goes. I can't see why it won't work.

August 5, 2015 6:50 a.m.

MarcWizard says... #24

I have experience using him, together with Relic Seeker to tutor up equipment like Cranial Plating and Sigil of Valor, with impressive results against Zoo and Heroic.

I play with 4 Emerge Unscathed, and the opponents absolutely hate it. Saving a seeker on opponent's turn and swinging with it unblocked the next - and with mana for even more prowess - is no laughing matter. And if cast on your turn, thats a minimum of 6 life for you and 6 damage for the opponent over 2 turns. Of course, it isn't just going to be 6, is it =)

August 5, 2015 8:01 a.m.

MarcWizard- I agree that Emerge Unscathed is criminally underplayed in modern. It is a great card that offers a ton of value. We all know "value" is a modern players favorite word :). It really is a blow out when they try to kill something and you protect it and then attack through with pseudo -unblockable the next turn. That card is the card that got me started on this list.

Your deck sounds awesome. I will look for it on your profile. If it's not there I hope you post it.

August 5, 2015 5:27 p.m.

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