
Creature (1)

Enchantment (1)


Spent the first half of 2021 watching Game Knights from The Command Zone and in an episode where the team constructed nostalgic decks really resonated with me. Hey that's a good idea! I jumped out of my chair to pull out some binders to see if anything really stood out. By far, Phage the untouchable stood out as she was in my friend's deck way back when I first started playing the game. Wow, what an amazing card remembering as I lost that game. Days after, I'd pick up Legions packs whenever I could specifically featuring Phage in hopes of cracking that foil back revealing her pointing back at me. Its never exactly as you hope, eventually getting her as a single from a local card shop.

Now as a commander, this deck has 2 parts. Part 1, bring out Phage. Part 2 Swing for the win.

If part 1 winds up to be tricky, other fun creatures I distinctly recall from my play group like Sheoldred, Whispering One, Avatar of Woe and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon will keep the game interesting and possibly even swing dealing damage bit by bit.

This will be a tricky step to victory as combos, if not played correctly, could cause you to accidently lose the game.

Doing a quick search will explain each of these in great detail as they are staples with any Phage the Untouchable commander deck.

Low Risk

Cards such as Command Beacon or Netherborn Altar will move the Phage from the command zone into your hand. This would be a safe play as the death trigger does not occur if you can manage to cast her from your hand. Be on the lookout for any player who can remove her / wheel / discard your hand if attempting this method.

Med Risk

Casting Phage from the command zone isn't entirely impossible, you simply will need to account for your death trigger. Since Phage's "where did I get cast from" death check is done after she arrives onto the battlefield, you can respond to this death by ending the turn, effectively clearing the stack. Sundial of the Infinite is a nice way to accomplish this and usually isn't a big removal target by itself in a mono black deck.

High Risk

By no means should these be considered the hardest way to get Phage out. Simply be aware playing these might get unwanted attention of your opponents. Advised not to attempt if you managed to become the Archenemy in the game.

Torpor Orb if played will effectively nullify all ETB effects from all players. As many commanders and creatures (including in this deck) do have ETB effects, this will likely be the target of removal fairly quickly. Be mindful for any possible counter spells. When playing assume it will be removed fairly quickly so try to play it the turn you are ready to play Phage.

Platinum Angel is always a big target, considering it locks your opponents out form winning. The large cost to cast it likely means you will play this and Phage the turn after. Since Platinum Angel prevents opponents form winning, expect this to be removed relatively quickly unless you can give it shroud or hexproof the turn you cast it. Ideally, by the time you play this, your Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and the Coffer clones i.e. Magus of the Coffers, Vesuva, Cabal Stronghold would give you enough to play both Platinum Angel and Phage during the same turn.

The main goal for Phage the Untouchable is to deal direct damage to your opponents. This step will give her some sort of unblockable or trample ability to deal direct damage.

All creatures you control will benefit from keywords granted from cards such as Akroma's Memorial or by giving all your creatures swampwalk with Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth .

Choosing Phage with Key to the City or Rogue's Passage will help ensure she reaches an opponent that turn. Alternitively giving Phage Shadowspear could help damage go though.

Vorpal Sword will give Phage's death to opponents ability to another creature. Use best judgement on who picks up the vorpal sword to ensure damage goes though as flying, swampwalk and horseback can be found in the deck.

As Phage the Untouchable can be tricky to pull off, and effectively she can only take out one opponent per combat phase, there are other win cons that are commonly seen in mono black decks.

Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond is a great combo to clean up opponents and can be triggered by dealing damage to them. For simplicity, the Wei horseback riders Wei Elite Companions, Wei Night Raiders, Wei Scout, Wei Strike Force are found in the deck list as low cast creatures that generally will be unblockable while still being able to block your opponents if needed.

Lashwrithe + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon could spell out death to an opponent swiftly since damage here goes off infect.


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91% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 weeks
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 2 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.03
Tokens Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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