Let me start by saying the land base is a bit messy only because I don't have the wildcards right now on arena to fix it, and the sideboard is a place holder right now I'm still working on it. with that being said.

This deck is a enchantment based midrange deck based around Sigil of the Empty Throne and Shark Typhoon as my win cons. To get there i have a lot of dig and manipulating the top of my deck with Invasion of the Giants , and Omen of the Sea . Using Showdown of the Skalds . I get card draw from most of the sagas

I find Doomskar to be an amazing borad wipe/bad murder. If its in my opening hand im almost going to foretell it.

Starfield Mystic works well with the sagas sacrificing themselves and making him bigger. Also reducing all but seven spells mana cost seems like a big plus. I added The Raven's Warning to give me a quick blocker and some life gain but also to get a answer in my sideboard. I.e. Rest in Piece for graveyard based decks and Confounding Conundrum for ramp decks and added Dance of the Manse to reuse old sagas for more digging or answers, and to give me a few more creatures.

I dont know if I should go down a couple land for more board controlling pieces or remove a few of the scry cards.

All help is greatly appreciated and welcomed


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92% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Historic legal.

Rarity (main - side)

35 - 0 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.32
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Bird 1/1 U, Foretell, Shark X/X U
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