Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor says... #4
I don't have much experience with this type of archetype, but I feel that Rashmi, Eternities Crafter would be strong here. She is a pseudo-cascade for the first spell of every turn.
Some other possible suggestions that came to mind when looking through this list:
Dragon Mage for an additional wheel effect.
Also another potential insta-win for infinite mana is the Squall Line/Hurricane+Elderscale Wurm/Platinum Angel/Platinum Emperion combo
Cool deck! +1 from me
December 6, 2016 10:07 a.m.
Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor: Thanks for the feedback! Rashmi is definitely a good addition, I'll definitely test it out!
December 6, 2016 5:33 p.m.
Note on the combos page, the bit about needing 6 to get all options isn't true. Once you produce infinite mana anyway, you have access to everything regardless of how much she produces.
December 7, 2016 7:25 p.m.
catrule3564 says... #8
Nath of the Gilt-Leaf is pretty great if you're casting a bunch of wheels.
December 7, 2016 9:06 p.m.
Also, wheels and cards like Waste Not. or if you want to be a dick, Notion Thief
December 7, 2016 9:29 p.m.
maddoxmtg: Nice catch on the infinite mana combo. Notion Thief and Waste Not definitely sounds like fun cards to test out.
catrule3564: Nath of the Gilt-Leaf is definitely an interesting suggestion and can pair well with Vial Smasher and Waste Not as an additional annoying effect. Might have to test that out.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
December 8, 2016 12:25 a.m.
jaiaisaiah: I don't really play any sacrifice creature strategy or tokens to abuse skullclamp to a large extent which is why I didn't include it. Thanks for the suggestion though!
December 9, 2016 2:28 p.m.
Pommesmitsenf says... #14
I don't know, has Day's Undoing been good for you so far? I'd rather play Diminishing Returns or Time Spiral. Also Rashmi, Eternities Crafter seems like a random inclusion. Is there any special synergy with her that I'm missing?
Cards like Waste Not only work with a few of your wheels. Notice, that Windfall, Teferi's Puzzle Box, Jace's Archivist and so on do not interact with that card.
I really like Winds of Change. Trying to find a place for it in my own version of the deck. Check it out here: Draw so hard! // Kydele x Vial Smasher
PS: No love for Villainous Wealth? I feel like this is the perfect deck for the card.
December 12, 2016 8:13 a.m.
Pommesmitsenf: Thanks for your suggestions and feedback. Rashmi was initially there to complement Vial's triggered ability and for value, but you are right that it doesn't really do much so I might replace it with something else. Day's Undoing is kinda like a wild card I'm testing right now but you're right that Time Spiral is indeed better. Waste Not has actually been doing a lot of work in this deck but I agree that it's trigger is not consistent and can be a dead draw sometimes. I've tested Villainous Wealth but honestly it's just too random for my liking.
December 12, 2016 9:39 a.m. Edited.
ObamaIsIlluminatiOhYeah says... #16
Nice deck with a really solid mana base/curve. Nice theme and +1 from me!
December 12, 2016 2:28 p.m.
Could someone explain why Windfall and Jace's Archivist don't work with Waste Not?
December 12, 2016 3:44 p.m.
maddoxmtg: Windfall and Jace's Archivist works with Waste Not. The only windfall effect in my deck that does not interact with it is Winds of Change.
December 12, 2016 3:50 p.m.
If I'm not mistaken Day's Undoing and Waste Not also don't work together because the turn ends, so you don't get the zombies or extra cards.
December 12, 2016 3:55 p.m.
Chandrian: That is correct.
ObamaIsIlluminatiOhYeah: Thanks! Appreciate it! :)
December 12, 2016 4:36 p.m. Edited.
Enral Thank you, I was seriously confused about the post saying they didn't work together.
Also, Chandrian, it wouldn't work anyway as nothing is discarded.
December 12, 2016 5:41 p.m.
Pommesmitsenf says... #22
maddoxmtg: Windfall and Archivist work with Waste Not indeed. I was messing things up.
If you want to benefit from your opponents' discard Bloodchief Ascension could be good.
December 12, 2016 5:47 p.m.
Mind if I use this deck list at my next tournament? It's well put together.
December 14, 2016 11:44 a.m.
chocolatte123 says... #25
May I suggest +1 Notion Thief over leovold? Leovold adds protection but notion thief is INSANE in card draw and lock down when it comes to wheels. This is my very similar decklist for yidris: New Commander 2016
ryan1204 says... #1
Try Leovold, Emissary of Trest
December 5, 2016 3:22 p.m.