Pommesmitsenf says... #3
I really like how this deck developed since I looked at it the last time. I would like to know your opinion on Traverse the Ulvenwald. Delirium will be turned on easily with the wheels and it might be better than Expedition Map imho. Has Monastery Siege's dragon mode turned out to be useful for you? If you play the card mainly for its looting ability there might be better options. Ever thought about Dack Fayden or even Daretti, Scrap Savant? Another planeswalker that might be a good fit is Chandra, Flamecaller. Sure, 6 mana is a lot but that wheel is repeatable and actual card advantage. And she can be a sweeper if necessary. How good has Phyrexian Arena been for you? Seems like it might be too slow for the deck. Have you considered Treasure Cruise or Brainstorm?
December 22, 2016 5:25 p.m.
Pommesmitsenf: Thanks for the suggestions~ Expedition Map is there mainly to tutor for utility lands like Cephalid Coliseum (seriously this land is so freaking good in this deck esp with crucible). Traverse the Ulvenwald is interesting..might be worth testing but I do generally hate delirium as a mechanic. Monastery Siege is there as a more reliable loot source per turn but I agree..it has been lackluster in testing..the only problem is that planeswalkers are so short lived that I often only get 1 or 2 uses out of them. I had Dack in before but the possibility of "steal a sol ring" really attracted a ton of hate. Chandra, Flamecaller might be a good card to test out just because she could be used as a possible emergency mini boardwipe too. Phyrexian Arena gives Kydele additional mana if I do not have a wheel in hand..it has been decent but not great. Treasure Cruise might be good..as it triggers Vial for huge chunks of damage, worth testing it out.
December 22, 2016 10:50 p.m. Edited.
Paradox Engine is the bees knees in this deck...especially with Kydele..too broken almost with the wheels...(with Goblin Welder and Memory Jar..like seriously instant win) let's hope it doesn't get the ban hammer like PoK.
December 29, 2016 11:20 a.m.
Please explain how Reality Shift mills opponents with infinite Tasigur, the Golden Fang activations
January 11, 2017 3:54 p.m.
@punkrawkmonkey: Yeah, kinda bumped about it but I saw it coming already. He can be pretty oppressive if the playgroup isn't prepared for him.
May 1, 2017 9:23 a.m.
Love the deck! I must ask though... Where is the version that's more casual friendly?
January 11, 2018 7:43 p.m.
Supertek: Depending on your playgroup's power level tbh. I like that card personally but would not be running it in a more than 75% playgroup.
November 4, 2019 8:04 a.m.
Are there any other changes you'd make besides Alpha dual lands if money wasn't an issue? Just curious!
January 15, 2020 3:08 a.m.
I would love to see this deck in a Hullbreacher, Smothering Tithe, Opposition Agent metagame.
chocolatte123 says... #1
woops ignore that my mistake!
December 15, 2016 2:21 a.m.