

Jhoira done lite. :)

This is one of my "older" decks built around the time of Lorwyn/Shadowmoor blocks. I built this deck to compete in a combo heavy environment, where turn 5 wins were common, and people were playing "broken" generals. Rise of the Eldrazi really ramped this deck up and gave it some real threats, and it was in a sweet spot. However, as the player base grew and I started playing with more friends and less at the shop, the environment became more casual and relaxed. I started playing this deck less and less even though I enjoyed the "idea" of the deck. After a few months of not playing the deck, or playing it without using the general I decided to re-tool the deck to be more casual/friendly.

Making of Jhoira Lite:First thing I did was cut all mass land destruction. No one likes their game being restarted, especially when facing down a giant eldrazi or other monster right afterward. I then cut all infinite combos out of the deck. If I was going to win, it would be with giant haymaker creatures or spells. Lastly I cut most of the time walk effects. No more taking all the turns in the game and essentially playing solitaire. I now use soft wraths, ie: Devastation Tide, Cyclonic Rift, and Blasphemous Act. I still run giant nasty creatures, but none of them combo out, and I opted not to run counters to protect them, so you can kill me before the suspend counters come off, or save a counter/removal spell for them.

The deck preforms similar to other Jhoira lists would, although your opponents are more likely to have as much fun as you are having, creating for an all around better experience.

I hope this list inspires others to turn some of their "most hated generals" into fun and interesting decks for everyone involved. After some time perhaps you will be able to sit down at any table and pull out your general without audible groans from the other players, because there is always the chance that you may have gone "Lite" :)

Questions or comments greatly appreciated.


Updates Add

Ok. I haven't really been diligent on adding some play test experiences, so I plan to record some thoughts about the deck in games I have played.

First thing I want to mention, is that there are a number of games where I just draw the "wrong half" of the deck. I will hit all my card draw, and no real "fatties" I did add It That Betrays back into the deck, and am thinking about adding another one or two big spells/creatures.

There have been a few games where I've still "exploded" like the Jhoira of old, but without the land destruction my opponents didn't seem to hate me for it. This is what I wanted to accomplish with the deck. I am no longer a target as soon as I reveal my general, instead I become the target once I suspend a few big meanies ie: Eldrazi. I don't mind becoming a target if I am doing nasty things, as long as it's justified. This allows me to set the pace of the game, I can go for a quick suspend of something mean if I think I can fight/live through it, or hold off, and start hard casting some things, or just interacting more in general. Either way my opponents still get a game in rather than the solitaire the land destruction would create.

As a last though, I may end up cutting Time Stretch from the deck. I wanted one time warp effect left in the deck, but there have been a couple of games where I have been able to suspend it and after it went off, I used Archeomancer to get it back, which my opponents groaned at. I still want to keep a decent sized list of high profile instants and sorceries, so I am unsure what I would swap it out for at this point in time.

*As a side note, I am starting to put cards that I "cut" from the deck into my sideboard area. I have found that I like to make changes to the deck as new cards come out, but sometimes I as I play more and something doesn't work out, I end up adding back in cards that I at one point in time had in the deck already.
