Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain: Brave the Storm

Commander / EDH* Mortiganil


Rzepkanut says... #1

Might as well add Mox Amber its basically made for this.

March 13, 2018 8:53 a.m.

Mortiganil says... #2

Rzepkanut very true! And as soon as it's released it will be included.

March 13, 2018 9:11 a.m.

Mortiganil says... #3


I don't know if it is good enough yet,I have been playing this deck for a while and so far it hasn't really been necessary

in my other deck (Azami, the Lady of Scrolls) it allows me to win instantly but here it only gives me infinite mana, not draws

April 8, 2018 4:36 p.m.

Roryrai says... #4

Ive also been working on Jhoira (and incidentally I also come from an Azami background). Ill drop some more detailed feedback once Im not on mobile, but for now Ill say that I see a lot of cards here that Ive tested and cut. I can give you a list of what those are and why later tonight.

May 7, 2018 6:34 p.m.

Mortiganil says... #5

Roryrai that would be awesome, I think it's important to share experiences of building a deck, and why to run/not run certain cards. and I would love to hear your opinion.

May 8, 2018 7:32 a.m.

Roryrai says... #6

The first big thing that I'd recommend ditching is the artifact lands. While they seem alright on paper, the thing to realize is that not only do they not draw cards, but we run several blanket artifact bounce spells that also then remove lands from us. On top of that, it's reasonable to expect that people will tutor Null Rod, Stony Silence, or other artifact hate, which are already really hard for us to deal with, so why hurt ourselves more by letting them shut off/destroy our lands too?

Quicksmith Genius and Riddlesmith: These both feel like "win more" cards to me, I've currently cut both from my list, Riddlesmith may make it back through the next round of changes but I'm not sure.

Laboratory Maniac: The reason I don't like Lab Man here is because he's a pretty dead card when trying to storm - and if you've stormed your whole deck, you really ought to have found another way to kill them by then.

Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer: I'm really on the fence about this card - I've cut it multiple times now and then put it back in because it's incredible with Scrap Trawler, but meh without it.

Grapeshot: This seems...underwhelming. You'd need a storm count of 120 to kill the table with it and that's probably only possible with a Words of Wind bounce combo, at which point you've probably won anyway (since they have no permanents anymore).

Trinket Mage frankly just feels incredibly slow to me. Best case it fetches Mana Crypt or Mana Vault and you've essentially payed one U to draw a card (since the +2 mana from Crypt/Vault makes up for the 2 colorless for Trinket Mage) - this is a worse Ponder.

Skullclamp doesn't feel like it accomplishes anything to me as we generally don't like our creatures dying.

I would also recommend cutting all the 0-drop do-nothings for more haterocks like Pithing Needle, Phyrexian Revoker, and Cursed Totem.

Krark-Clan Ironworks and Scrap Trawler are both incredible - Scrap Trawler plus a sac outlet lets you loop rocks through the graveyard to generate card draw, mana, and storm count.

I'm still tuning my counterspell suite so I'm not really sure where that will end up at the moment.

May 8, 2018 1:34 p.m.

Mortiganil says... #7

Roryrai thanks for the tips! they will be taken into consideration for the next deckupdate.

skullclamp and labman where already on the cutting board, Grapeshot is still something I am weird about, I don't feel confident about running only Aetherflux Reservoir as a real wincon.

your thoughts on Scrap Trawler are interesting, I usually don't really like cards that don't do anything on their own, and I wonder if I run enough artifact sac.

Trinket Mage was a card I loved in my Azami deck, so I think it's a case of "kill your darlings" and removing him might make Torpor Orb interesting.

overall you have given me some things to think about, your contributions are greatly appreciated!

May 11, 2018 8:24 p.m.

Roryrai says... #8

I definitely think that Grapeshot should go. It just requires way too much input. Aetherflux shouldn't be your only win condition, though. The three that I'm running in my list are Aetherflux Reservoir, Walking Ballista (combined with Dramatic Scepter) and Words of Wind. I see you have those already, so you should be good on win conditions.

May 11, 2018 11:44 p.m.

NihilNInja says... #9

@roryrai I can haz list?

May 18, 2018 1:23 a.m.

QuirkyQU33FER says... #10

have you thought about semblance anvil?? imprint an artifact and all artifacts become 2 cheaper!

July 5, 2018 12:49 p.m.

BigArt says... #11

SO I was noticing some of your wincons are no longer in the deck

June 29, 2019 12:27 a.m.

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