Into the Storm with Jhoira - cEDH Historic Combo
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 288 | 127 COMMENTS | 83959 VIEWS | IN 83 FOLDERS
Springleaf drum gives me 1 extra mana on the turn I cast jhoira which can make a big difference, that why I chose drum over paradise mantle.
May 22, 2019 11:47 p.m.
Why is Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in this deck? What are the benefits of turning your lands to swamps? And dosen't it enable other players decks sometimes?
May 23, 2019 4:53 a.m.
The purpose of having urborg in this deck is because sometimes I need mishra's workshop or bazaar of baghdad to generate mana for non artifact spells.
May 23, 2019 9:27 a.m.
Advisorofdark says... #6
RedHipster: I doubt he actually owns all those cards, especially not Urza since it's not even out yet. Probably just blinged it out on here for attention. I posted my real Jhoira deck on the site and got no traffic whatsoever because I don't own $200+ pieces of cardboard.
May 27, 2019 7:13 a.m.
Strionic Resonator will be replaced when urza becomes available.
May 27, 2019 8:27 a.m.
Advisorofdark says... #9
Okay fat wallet, I still don't get why people would even consider spending that much on a card game, but you do you.
May 27, 2019 8:14 p.m.
Deadpoo111 says... #10
markszncd I'm not gonna lie to you, when you posted the pic of the whole deck to prove that guy wrong was a badass move! Seriously, this thing looks...just wow.
May 27, 2019 8:30 p.m.
Advisorofdark Why not if it's your favorite hobby and most cards do hold value. Why do people buy antiques? They are just old trash for me but certainly have values to others so I understand there is a market for it.
Not everyone is making the minimum wage, get a well-paid job so the cards are affordable.
May 28, 2019 12:40 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #12
Advisorofdark or proxy, or play on MTGO, or play on online player-made free variants like, or be playing the game since the cards were cheap, or do a million other things. Seriously why would you assume the worst in the deck, owner, and community in such a succinct and awful way. Please remove yourself from this page.
June 12, 2019 1:22 p.m.
pesmerga87 says... #13
Here are a couple cards I'm surprised to not at least see in the maybe board.
Archivist with a Paradox Engine loop seems like a worth while redundant effect for your commander. Worst case, Its just a quicker way to find the wincon while in the loop. But best case it gets around something like Nevermore locking out your commander as your draw engine.
Also, I'm noticing Aphetto Alchemist in your maybe board, but no Illusionist's Bracers Which together with any rock make infinite mana. Maybe too janky, but surprised to see one without the other.
June 26, 2019 1:47 p.m.
Protozerostar says... #14
I'm pretty interested in how your deck worked considering it's a whole different build compared to my own (( Mine's more cheerio's based )), and it works pretty well. I messed up a turn 4 combo but was able to complete it on turn 5 without hesitation. Didn't realize how good Basalt/Grim Monolith went well infinitely generating colorless mana with Power Artifact on the board till now too.
+500 for owning the cards as well, you must have spent a good fortune getting them all foiled out the way you wanted them to be too. I am curious however, what's the consistent turn win rate for this build?
July 5, 2019 3:17 a.m.
This deck wins pretty consistently before turn 4 if not disrupted. I think a cheerio build would be fast er but perhaps less consistent. Jhoira is just too vulnerable to all kill/burn/wipe spells, so I still think it would be better to be a bit more flexible.
July 7, 2019 1:20 p.m.
What are you going to change since paradox engine is banned ??
July 8, 2019 8:33 p.m.
Protozerostar says... #17
You're not wrong, since I built the cheerios based Jhoira deck with the one fatal flaw in mind. I prefer combo speed over anything in the game, so it's just a variation that's got its obvious setbacks but good advantages. I still have yet to test out how consistent the deck is with Mana Crypt/Grim Monolith though. That with Manifold Key should make it start turn 3'ing a bit more, with a turn 4 consistency. The thing with your deck however is the fact that it has a lot more versatility, and more ways to play then just casting artifacts for 0 cost and drawing until you storm Aetherflux. It makes it quite fun in fact, though i'm still not used to the deck just yet since I haven't wrapped my head around the individual synergies for the cards i'm unfamiliar with. What generally powers a turn 3 win for you?
July 8, 2019 11:36 p.m.
About half of the infinite mana combos in this deck are gone as paradox engine became banned and even so I still think it's a good call banning that card. I simply added springleaf drum back and accept the fact that this deck wound become less powerful not having paradox engine.
Protozerostar Basically if I can have Jhoira out on turn 2, I can probably win on turn 3 if I have cards like retract and 3-4 artifacts.
July 11, 2019 1:49 p.m.
Protozerostar says... #19
Noice, that's a pretty decent condition both to get her out and win the next turn. Often times I can do the same but atm, not owning a Mana Crypt or Grim Monolith really hurts trying to push for the quickest casting of Jhoira. I'd can understand on Paradox Engine getting banned. Kinda sucks though that it hurt your deck quite a bit more then I would have imagined, although you still have the variety/control pieces of your deck in place. Do you have some other odd combo pieces in mind to test though? Could even try with the ability to possibly infinite mana ramp, toss in a few extra-turn base cards to see what it'll do. Also, how were you even able to afford all these beautiful cards? There's so much expensive stuff!
July 14, 2019 12:13 a.m.
nateginger14 says... #20
I have a not so optimized or competitive version of Jhoira on my account that i want to look into upgrading, but i don't know what steps to take since i probably wouldnt be able to get all these pieces. I was thinking of getting a transmute artifact or power artifact and start taking out most of my artifact creature buffs and token generators with the purpose of combat. IDK but suggestionswould be great.
August 13, 2019 7:51 p.m.
Do you think you’ll switch over to Elsha infinite ?
Feels like she’s just a better Jhoira ?
August 22, 2019 2:55 a.m.
please explain why Winds of Rebuke in wincon (Finisher)?
September 13, 2019 4:16 p.m.
Sorry, It was a wincon when I had paradox engine, in combination with scepter to mill people out. And you’re right, it’s no longer a finisher now.
September 14, 2019 3:16 a.m.
TheeMightyMcGuffin says... #24
I love this list and so desperately wish to build a list like it but the price tag is definitely a problem. I've got roughly a million questions involving making this list more affordable.
First question is about the necessity of Timetwister, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Mishra's Workshop. Also are there any replacements that could get the job done in a similar fashion without being that expensive.
My next question regards your opinion on some cards that I think would be fine in this list. If they aren't in here then I think there is a reason and I'd love to hear it and fully understand why.
-Saheeli, Sublime artificer. She seems like a fine back-up beat down plan with a cool negative that could copy a ramp artifact or cost reducer.
-Dockside extortionist. Excellent source of ramp. In all of my games with him he has made easily 3 treasure, typically 4-5 which seems pretty good.
-Karn, the great creator. Great tutor and stax card all in one.
-Tribute/Trophy mage. Excellent tutors for relevant cmc artifacts.
Im gonna hold off on some other questions. Im already asking quite a bit but I might someday just put together my own Jhoira list and shoot you the link so I could get your opinion on it. Thank you so much for this incredible list :D
September 30, 2019 4:19 p.m.
TheeMightyMcGuffin 1. Timetwister, bazaar, and workshop are definitely replaceable. 2. As for saheeli, a 3cc ramp should do a lot better. Perhaps a sculpting steel would even be more valuable. 3. Dockside Extortionist would be included in the list after updating. I haven’t been working on this deck for a while. 4. Karn’s tutoring ability does nothing in EDH since there’s no sideboard in an EDH deck. 5. Tutors are always good. You can run them if you want.
Noxid05 says... #1
Have you tried Paradise Mantle over Springleaf Drum ? I realize that with a cost reducer springleaf is better, but if you don't have one and do not need the mana at the moment wouldn't paradise mantle be better?
May 22, 2019 5:43 p.m.