I didn't really feel like playing tonight, but I dragged my arse down to the LGS anyway.
Probably a good thing that I did.
Not so much because I won, but because the people I played against were very nice, and the matches were interesting.
1-0 Control
I played this fella last week, and our only game ended in a draw.
I had thought over that game and realised that I could probably have hit him with everything, forcing him to lose some Creatures through trading.
All I needed to do was some maths.
We both went very wide in our first game, similar to last week.
This time I added everything up, and worked out that he would need to block, to stop me winning, and he would lose more important Creatures than I would.
That play set me up for a win.
He had one chance of stopping me. I hit with everything. He played Settle the Wreckage. I played Negate. He Negated my Negate ... then I Negated HIS Negate.
There was a crowd of people around us by that stage, and it went OFF.
There were only six minutes left, so we didn't get time to finish our second game.
2-1 Merfolk
I had beaten this bloke 2-0 last week.
For the first game I had a nut draw, and was able to play all my Creatures on curve.
Unfortunately for him I eventually had three Aethersphere Harvesters on the field, and his deck can't deal with fliers.
At one stage he was on 3 life, and I was on 31. That was due to him bouncing one of my Aethersphere Harvesters, and also because Inventors' Fair was giving me life.
He got me in the second game. He was able to buff some unblockable Merfolk and just hit me until I was dead.
I had a bad draw, starting with four lands, and drawing a land on most turns.
At one stage he Explored and showed a Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca, which he left on top of his library.
When it was my turn I drew an Essence Scatter, which I had Sided in, so I was able to counter the Kumena when he cast it.
It wasn't enough to save me, but it felt good.
I probably could have gotten myself out of trouble by tutoring for something with my Inventors' Fair, which I forgot about for a couple of turns.
In the third game I was able to get Traxos, Scourge of Kroog out on Turn 4, and already had Voltaic Servant on the field.
Since I was able to strike for 7 each turn, and then untap Traxos on my End Step, my Opponent couldn't get any real damage in.
He also didn't have enough Creatures to block and kill Traxos.
Then a Chief of the Foundry hit the field and it was gg
2-1 Tempo Pirates
This is my partner StuBi's deck.
Once again I had a nut draw for my first game. Merchant's Dockhand, into Scrapheap Scrounger, Chief of the Foundry, then Traxos, Scourge of Kroog.
I was then able to keep untapping Traxos by casting Creatures in my Second Main Phase.
The game was over fairly fast.
He Sideboarded Fatal Push in against me and with that, Walk the Plank, and Hostage Taker, he was able to leave me with only one Creature on the field during his turn.
Then he would hit me with two Glint Sleeve Siphoners and a Fathom Fleet Captain. Since they all have Menace, I was unable to block any of them.
The Glint Sleeve Siphoners gave him draw up the wazoo.
Another quick game.
In the final game of the night I was able to play Skysovereign, Consul Flagship on curve, which helped me to dispatch his smaller Creatures when it entered the field and attacked.
I got an Aethersphere Harvester back by killing the Hostage Taker that had captured it.
He was on 6 life when he played a Siren Stormtamer. It was his only flier. When I attacked I dealt 3 damage to it with Skysovereign, Consul Flagship, and hit unblocked for match.
I won a Dominaria Bundle for coming 1st.

My deck feels really balanced at the moment.
I like the Sideboard, although I rarely use Disallow. At this stage I will keep it in as I'm sure there will be a deck I can use it against.
It's a very fun deck to play, and has a lot of options:
- Buffs
- Cheap Casts
- Draw
- Evasion
- Lifelink
- Ongoing Creature Damage
- Tutoring