Jhoira's Crew

Modern Argy


LittleBlueHero says... #1

I think Bomat Courier could be really helpful here.

It can crew Aethersphere Harvester or Untethered Express (if you end up running it) and more importantly if unchecked early it can refill your hand with more artifacts and such later on or help dig for Jhoira if you haven't found her yet.

Its a card I underestimated too many times when playing against it. Everyone has cards they love but Merchant's Dockhand is too slow for me personally. I can see its potential usefullness but If I had to cut something I think I would do a 1 Dockhand 3 courier split to see how it went.

Im also trying to find a fun way to run Jhoira. I think I will try going the legendary route though since thats my thing, even though I am sure the artifacts will be the stronger play :) +1 for Jhoira fun.

April 3, 2018 9:10 a.m.

Argy says... #2

LittleBlueHero I did consider Bomat Courier (I should add it to my Cards Already Considered list), but decided against it.

This deck isn't aggro, it's midrange.

Also, it has . Bomat Courier is more important in Aggro because they have no real draw, and they need the early hits.

The deck is still in its building phase, so I will keep the card in mind.

At the moment I am getting a LOT of use out of Merchant's Dockhand, particularly if I need to do an emergency dig for a Counter spell.

April 3, 2018 9:20 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

Have you considered Mox Amber? I'm a bit on the fence about that card--on one hand, you only have one creature the Mox interacts with. On the other, that interaction is absurdly powerful--ramp, colour fixing, and card draw, all for .

April 3, 2018 9:37 a.m.

Argy says... #4

Just wanted to add, Merchant's Dockhand is actually really good at shutting down an early Bomat Courier.

April 3, 2018 9:38 a.m.

Argy says... #5

cdkime ALL Artifacts that have been spoiled so far, and are currently in Standard, have been considered.

You answered your own question - I wouldn't get any use out of that Artifact until Turn 4.

I'm better off with a land, as that Artifact can't Crew, and isn't a Vehicle.

This is not the right deck for it.

April 3, 2018 9:41 a.m.

Hardhitta7 says... #6

Love me some Jhoira, shes one of my favorite characters in the story. Deck looks awesome! I forgot a lot of these cards were legal.

I see you have already considered Heart of Kiran, why didnt it make the cut?

April 3, 2018 12:09 p.m.

Argy says... #7

hardhitta71194 Heart of Kiran needs a very specific type of deck to work well.

Specifically, a deck that can pump out Creatures that can Crew 3, from Turn 1 onwards.

That's why Mardu Vehicles ended up being Mardu. That way you could have Toolcraft Exemplar, Veteran Motorist, Scrapheap Scrounger, and the like.

This deck is not in those colours, and finds it much easier to Crew 1 earlier on, then work its way up to Crew 3.

It's basically the same idea as a very successful deck I had called Speedway Champions, but with HEAPS more draw.

April 3, 2018 1:32 p.m.

Hardhitta7 says... #8

Gotcha, makes complete sense! I didnt think about the lack of 3 power creatures.

I like how you can get Scrapheap Scrounger back with Spire of Industry if needed.

April 3, 2018 1:48 p.m.

Argy says... #9

hardhitta71194 yeah.

It wasn't until they released Spire of Industry that I was able to use Scrapheap Scrounger in these colours.

The couple of Aether Hub can also help with that, in a pinch.

April 3, 2018 1:54 p.m.

clayperce says... #10

I see you've already considered Eager God-Pharoah ... but have you considered it In Foil?

April 5, 2018 1:57 p.m.

Argy says... #11

clayperce I was so excited about Vehicles becoming playable again that I COMPLETELY overlooked the foil that good thing option.

I'm having so much fun with this deck at the moment!

Then I will play it at Standard Showdown, get wrecked, and end up hating it.

Until then wheeeeeeeeee!!

April 5, 2018 2:07 p.m.

magicsheep says... #12

I love this deck Argy! The flavor is great and I absolutely love to see a unique Vehicles deck.

I'll offer a (probably) poor suggestion, but I still had to say it. Have you considered 1 x By Force or 1 x Abrade on the sideboard for artifact removal?

I will respectfully say that I can't find any artifact removal. If there is any and I'm just blind, please let me know.

Assuming I'm correct and there is not currently any artifact removal, how would this deck deal with decks that are artifact-dependent? I'm very curious to know, and I'd appreciate a response.

Thank you for your time.

April 5, 2018 8:58 p.m.

Argy says... #13

magicsheep all suggestions are appreciated.

I have tilted the Sideboard towards my local meta.

Disallow and Negate are how I plan to deal with troubling Artifacts, or Essence Scatter.

Most of the time I am actually just trying to outrace decks like God-Pharaoh's Gift.

I use Scavenger Grounds to empty the Graveyard in response to Torrential Gearhulk trying to Flashback a spell.

I hope that addresses your post.

April 5, 2018 9:43 p.m.

Argy says... #14

Just making a note here that the City's Blessing is really easy to obtain with this deck.

Since Foundry Inspector lets me dump Creatures on the field, and I can also get Scrapheap Scrounger back from the 'yard, I often end up with lots of Artifacts. Add them to the lands, and that is a lot of permanents.

April 6, 2018 5 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #15

this looks like so much fun to play! i might end up making this at some point too. what are its best match ups?

April 7, 2018 8:41 a.m.

Argy says... #16

To be honest Kizmetto I'm yet to find a BAD match up.

It runs Control out of its spells very quickly, and also wastes some of its spells with Dive Down, Negate, and recurring Scrapheap Scrounger.

It matches Aggro blow by blow with Creatures, the starts to pick off its threats late game with Skysovereign, Consul Flagship.

The mid game draw gets it out of trouble in a lot of games.

Its biggest challenge is probably GW Cats by Jamie Gary

April 7, 2018 9:18 a.m. Edited.

Argy says... #17

Kizmetto I should also add that it is very fun to play. I've played a different version of this for a couple of seasons after Kaladesh dropped. The interactions between the Vehicles, the Counter spells, and the Chief of the Foundry/Foundry Inspector synergy mean you have a lot of things you can do each turn.

Since the deck is quite original your Opponents often aren't prepared for what it can do. It often does well by sort of flying under the radar.

It should also be quite cheap to build. The most expensive cards to buy will be the dual colour lands, Skysovereign, Consul Flagship, Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain, and Weatherlight. You're not looking to purchase playsets of any of those nonland cards and, if you start buying them right after prerelease, my guess is you will find some of them for quite reasonable prices, before people have realised how good they can be in Standard.

Skysovereign, Consul Flagship is quite cheap to buy right now, since it is about to rotate.

One more quick note, against Aggro Aethersphere Harvester provides it with lifelink, which Aggro HATES.

April 7, 2018 10:08 a.m. Edited.

Argy says... #18

Calispotato you've been doing this for long enough now to know that just suggesting cards, without explaining what you would remove for them, is NOT helpful.

I already addressed above why Bomat Courier is not the right fit for this deck, and testing has borne out what I said.

Why on earth would I want a 2/2 and two 1/1s instead of a 6/5 flier that deals 3 damage on entry and 3 damage on attack? Or a 4/5 flier that gives me draw, or a 3/3 that gives me draw, or something that boosts all my Artifacts, or somethjng that lets me play Artifacts for less?

I did think about Padeem, Consul of Innovation, as I had that in my other Vebicles deck. He's a good addition, so thanks for that suggestion. What would you remove for him, though?

April 8, 2018 4:24 a.m. Edited.

Argy says... #19

Those suggestions all fall down by not seeing the value in Speedway Fanatic.

She's excellent with Skysovereign, Consul Flagship in that you can wreck two of your Opponent's Creatures the turn it comes out. She doesn't need to solo Crew, especially with Merchant's Dockhand in the mix.

This deck didn't hum with less 2 drops than it has now. I was often running out of Crew, and momentum in the early game.

I'll still have a think about Padeem, Consul of Innovation.Sweltering Suns is for the Aggro matchup.

April 9, 2018 6:35 p.m.

butthurt_qrow says... #20

I honestly really like this deck, I think I will attempt to build this, as I already have many pieces for it. It's nice to see a vehicles list that isn't Mardu.

You've earned my +1!

April 11, 2018 1:06 p.m.

Kizmetto says... #21

so i keep thinking about this deck and how strongly artifact based it is and how we might be able to get more value out fo that aspect and i didnt see these cards in your Considered list.

Would Metallic Rebuke be a good counter card to have in your sideboard over one of the others? the flexibility of cheapening it seems awesome in this deck! I would consider it main, maybe 1:2 with Disallow?

also maybe thinking about Pia's Revolution for the more removal based match ups since it will proc on most of the deck, my only concern is it wont be picked up by Weatherlight but there is a lot of draw in the deck too...

And i took a look at Voltaic Servant from DOM and untapping your tapped vehicles or crew members at end step ...? could be worth a test but im not sure what you could drop in favour of it, sorry about that.

April 12, 2018 9:25 p.m.

Argy says... #22

If you want to use those cards by all means, go ahead.

There's no way I'm removing Scrapheap Scrounger or Speedway Fanatic for Voltaic Servant.

At that stage of the curve you want something that is a minimum of 2 Power, or you will find it difficult to Crew 3.

I'd rather have the Haste and recurrence, not to mention the ability to solo Crew 3.

Counter or pay is OK for the early game, but it loses value as the game progresses. Disallow in games that go long is invaluable, and is so much more flexible than Metallic Rebuke. It can do things like Counter a Planeswalker's ultimate, or Counter the ability of Ifnir Deadlands.

I think Padeem, Consul of Innovation looks better than Pia's Revolution. I'd rather stuff be Hexproof, than have to keep casting it.

The big problem I have is what I would remove for it.

I won't be able to finalise my Sideboard until I see what the local meta is like.

To be honest, with the amount of Creatures in this deck, and the recurrence, decks that have a lot of removal struggle to keep pace. Especially since the Vehicles MUST be dealt with at Instant speed, on the whole.

The other problem for the Opponent is that only one Crew member has to slip through to wreak havoc.

I appreciate the time you spent thinking about this deck.

I've actually piloted a very similar Artifact / Vehicle Deck throughout the Kaladesh and Shadows Over Innistrad blocks. So I know what suits my playstyle.

April 12, 2018 10:41 p.m.

Argy says... #23

n0bunga what you need to take into account, when thinking about new cards, are a couple of things:

  1. Do they do something better than the cards that are currently on that part of the curve?

  2. Are they entering the field at a part of the game where they will either assist other cards played later, or where they will close out the game?

So, Jhoira's Familiar can't be added to the deck in place of earlier cards, as it will clog up the 4CMC slot too much.

It also isn't as good as Weatherlight, or Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain.

Finally, it adds to the cards that can't solo Crew the Weatherlight, or Skysovereign, Consul Flagship.

This deck doesn't end up top decking very often, due to the fact that it is has Merchant's Dockhand, Weatherlight, and Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain.

Artificer's Assistant would come into the 1 drop slot occupied by Merchant's Dockhand.

It gives Scry but NOT draw, can't block Bomat Courier and survive, won't get pumped up by Chief of the Foundry, and can't be selected if Weatherlight deals combat damage.

It is therefore a worse option than Merchant's Dockhand.

Powerstone Shard falls at the position on the curve where Foundry Inspector and Chief of the Foundry sit.

It does less than both of those cards.

Foundry Inspector does two things, make spells cost less, plus it can solo Crew any Vehicle in the deck.

Chief of the Foundry pumps up the majority of Creatures and Vehicles in the Deck. This often helps Creature to solo Crew 3.

Thanks for the suggestions. They just aren't right for this deck.

April 14, 2018 1:38 a.m.

I always like seeing decks like this, since the mana is so consistent. I think artifacts are in the right spot this time. Not overly oppressive, but not garbage either. That being said, have you considered Traxos, Scourge of Kroog in this build? You'd be able to trigger him reliably, so I don't think the opportunity cost would be too high, and you get value from Jhoira off of it.

April 25, 2018 12:33 p.m.

Just to add to that last comment, Karn, Scion of Urza and Blackblade Reforged could be good here as well. Karn just dumps more artifacts while netting you extra card advantage. I think you have enough legendaries to make Blackblade useful, but could just be a trap as well since I've always been bad at evaluating equipment/auras.

April 25, 2018 12:38 p.m.

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