Hot Wheels Unleashed

Standard* geneticfreak09c

SCORE: 95 | 102 COMMENTS | 11385 VIEWS | IN 54 FOLDERS

Citridon says... #1

I knwo welding sparks can get big, but Galvanic Bombardment just seems so much more efficient.Also, have you considered switching the 4th Skiff to a 4th copter? The difference in crew size is irrelevant to your deck, and the loot mode on copter insulates against vehicle flood.

+1 vote, for experimenting with the new mechanic. Would you be willing to look at my take on vehicles and offer suggestions? ZendiCars

September 27, 2016 8:24 a.m.

Thanks for the suggestion. I had looked at Galvanic Bombardment and will continue to keep it in mind. The only downside in my eyes is that I have to basically play four of them and use them early imo to get big damage out of it later on since my only way of putting them in my graveyard is by Smuggler's Copter . I'll take a look at your deck now.

September 27, 2016 1:27 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #3

Your other alternative instead of welding sparks is Ride Down which is conviently not based upon toughness.

September 27, 2016 1:57 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #4

I second the motion mentioned above to take out a Sky Skiff for one more Smuggler's Copter. Because the copter has more power and a better ability and doesn't cost more to crew or play.

September 27, 2016 2:01 p.m.

I can see why it'd be better but the ability almost never gets used due to the low cost of cards in the deck outside of once or twice. More often than not i'm just drawing 1 card then discarding the same card which is part of the downside to me. Outside of it's power being higher the ability is a non factor honestly with my hand emptying rather quickly in most cases.

September 27, 2016 2:24 p.m.

Ride Down seems more like a sideboard card which is where I'm gonna add it and here is why. With most the attacking vehicles being flyers or already having trample it doesn't seem too good as a mainboard card at all for this build. The other two that I swing with have first strike so I don't see them being blocked often but if they do do that's a card I would side in against that match up and make them pay for it.

September 27, 2016 2:27 p.m. Edited.

GrayAlchemyst says... #7

Note that the ability is a May ability though, so it is only ever upside. And I can see ride down in the sideboard.

September 27, 2016 3:54 p.m.

frogkill45 says... #8

Start Your Engines i really think this should be a must maybe 1-2

September 27, 2016 3:56 p.m.

Would like to find a place for 1.....maybe 2 it's a tough squeeze but I really do like the card although it seems slow what would you suggest '?

September 27, 2016 4:20 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst You're right about that but I rarely get to use it unless it comes out turn two and I use it turn 3 to filter. It is good I can't deny that and thats why it's in there.

September 27, 2016 4:21 p.m.

frogkill45 says... #11

Depala, Pilot Exemplar since its legendary i try not to run more than 2 maybe dropping 1 of this for Start Your Engines would work or even one Declaration in Stone

September 27, 2016 5:10 p.m.

frogkill45 says... #12

after looking again at your creature base maybe take out Speedway Fanatic since its not a dwarf for one start your engines (or two)

September 27, 2016 5:17 p.m.

I can't get rid of Speedway Fanatic he speeds this deck up by alot giving vehicles haste soon as they come into play. For instance Fleetwheel Cruiser + Speedway Fanatic or Renegade Freighter is quite ridiculous. The card almost gives all vehicles in the deck haste as long as I get one on the board early. Maybe I'll cut down on 1 each of Veteran Motorist and Gearshift Ace for 2 Start Your Engines . The reason I have 3 Depala, Pilot Exemplar is because she's cheap and gonna be prone to spot removal and having only 2 in the deck will make her less played than this deck would like.

September 27, 2016 6:33 p.m.

borossmh says... #14

I would rather keep the veteran motorist instead of the start you engines imo but i also love scry helps me out so much and its also boosts your creatures and has a cast of only 2 but otherwise looks like a very fun cheapish deck, can this keep up with the eldrazi decks and other tops decks do you think? also i like the creature lands they help me out alot won alot of games with creature lands since everyone rune declaration of stone and lots of removals right now and counters.

September 28, 2016 1:19 p.m.

I'd hope this can compete with the eldrazi decks as most of them lack flying and this deck has a plethora of it. Also I love Veteran Motorist for his scry and buffing to vehicles so he's not going anywhere lower than 3 lol My favorite card though is Depala, Pilot Exemplar she's a good filter if you use her properly and keeps the dwarves and vehicles in hand giving free card draw when you have open mana to tap her. I feel vehicles will/can be competitive just not alot of people taking the time to learn them seems to be the issue.

September 28, 2016 1:51 p.m.

borossmh says... #16

Okay I am going to try and build this deck and try it out and see how it does when i go to my lgs and ya depala is a nice card and its cheap so that even makes it better for me lol and when the next set comes out maybe try and make an edh deck of vehicles lol anyways if your good at modern could you look at my mage deck and see if you have any good suggestions.

September 28, 2016 2:29 p.m.

Seems like too few lands with 4 and 5 drops

September 28, 2016 2:47 p.m.

I kno a little about modern I will take a look at it.

September 28, 2016 2:55 p.m.

rochdalekilla9 land base hasn't screwed me yet at max I would do 21 or 22 if for some reason it starts messing up.

September 28, 2016 2:56 p.m.

borossmh says... #20

20 lands in way more then enough for this deck and if you were to add any more lands it would definitely have to be creature lands since they actually do something if you do nothing but draw lands lol which you would prolly do if you put any more in there and you have a few nice draw cards to even help with draw already to help you get lands or other things besides lands if you need.

September 28, 2016 3:09 p.m.

Yea I have enough scry, draw/discard and filtering with Depala to keep from being flooded or dry for land. They've helped me immensely so far in those situations.

September 28, 2016 3:32 p.m.

borossmh says... #22

ya i think scry is one of the most underrated things in mtg

September 28, 2016 3:34 p.m.

It's definitely slept on but makes a world a difference when you need to draw something useful.

September 28, 2016 3:58 p.m.

Made the addition of Madcap Experiment after reading the card he was too good to pass up. Took out 1 Declaration in Stone and 1 Start Your Engines for 2 of them. Will just about always hit a vehicle with the huge amount of them in the deck without hurting me too much and gives me board advantage and filtering. What do you all think about the card?

September 29, 2016 2:09 p.m.

borossmh says... #25

I like the idea of it but i would keep that declaration as a sideboard card for sure and for if some uses alot of the same creature/tokens or if you need to stall the opponent early its is one of the best white cards in standard and will find a home in modern and vintage sideboards, and if you always have alot of vehicles in your hand i might not use it since you do have a decent way to filter/draw already within this deck

September 29, 2016 2:16 p.m.

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