Joan of Arc and Her Army

Modern* NewYork01


Rambon says... #1

You gotta include 4 Mirran Crusader . Also, 4 Doomed Traveler is a must as a one drop along with Champion of the Parish . A couple of o-rings wouldn't hurt.

If youre gonna try and run Puresteel Paladin , you'll need cheaper artifacts to turn on metalcraft. the chances of you have 3 swords out at once are kinda low.

Way too many swords. I'd say 3 max MB and some in the SB to switch out for. I'd also find space for Midnight Haunting . You need that huge early board presence.

December 27, 2011 5:43 p.m.

Rambon says... #2

And I think Hero of Bladehold would serve as a more realistic ender over Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite . If you have 7 mana available, you've probably lost the game already. That also lets you cut down your land count and lets you play more action.

December 27, 2011 5:46 p.m.

NewYork01 says... #3

better? I forgot all about Mirran Crusader woops. And you're right about Hero of Bladehold she's much cooler

December 27, 2011 6 p.m.

037 says... #4

Looking good. I wonder about your sideboard though. The multiples of swords seems redundant. Flesh it out a bit with some situational cards.

January 15, 2012 1:14 p.m.

NewYork01 says... #5

yeah I need to re-do my sideboard

January 16, 2012 6:59 p.m.

None says... #6

, Grafdigger's CageMTG Card: Grafdigger's Cage, Grand AbolisherMTG Card: Grand Abolisher, Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold are my suggestions. Please don't use all of them.

And who is Joan of Arc in this deck?

February 20, 2012 4:54 p.m.

Smayocat says... #7

I feel the deck could benefit from having in it. Considering its a two drop Lord that can up your humans or if it flips poop out wolf tokens.

I don't think you should play with 3x Parallel LivesMTG Card: Parallel Lives. For some reason I feel that 3 copies of it is too much.

February 20, 2012 4:56 p.m.

NewYork01 says... #8

Joan of Arc in this deck is Elspeth TirelMTG Card: Elspeth Tirel I used to have Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold and she was my Joan of Arc.Thinking of putting her back in because she's such a boss

February 20, 2012 5:30 p.m.

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