Hello! This is my take on Jodah 5 Color angels. The decklist might seem much different than most 5 Color angel decks you’ve seen and that’s because it is. I have been playing this deck for some time, and in my experience you NEED to have two things. Mana ramp and Card Draw. This deck runs a healthy amount of each and trust me it always pays off. From what I’ve seen angels themselves are always a huge bomb when they hit play, but what if your dropping instead of one or two angels a turn your now dropping 3-4? You’ve just started spewing your deck out and you use this to overwhelm your opponents. Certain cards listed below I’ve play tested and seen good reasons to cut or change.
Mirari’s wake - Zendikar resurgent
This card is just better overall, yes mirari’s wake is cheaper and buffs your creatures but Zendikar resurgent you can cast for 5 usually anyways and it gives you card draw. Plus your angels by themselves are usually already huge so that buff isn’t quite as impactful as you’d expect.
Fist of suns - this card is NOT mana ramp, I think mana ramp is more important than running this card. It’s a great card and it adds an extra Jodah if needed but really if you have a bunch of mana ramp anyways eventually worst case you can just hard cast the angels if you need. But most times honestly I’ve found people don’t really interact or try to kill Jodah anyways and if they do I’ve already gotten a few cards out of him because we’re dropping him consistently like turn 3. It is a card I would consider though if my local meta starts targeting Jodah more consistently with removal.
Maelstrom wanderer - I cannot stress enough how much of a bomb this card is in angels, even if your tailing behind in the game, if you top deck this guy BOOM your right back in it. This guy is a house in this deck there’s only a few angels he can’t hit when he cascades so I would always run this given the chance plus we’re casting him for FIVE mana like it’s just value town baby.
Sunbirds invocation - this is a card I’m considering cutting. When it’s good it’s GOOD, but picking the right time to cast it isn’t always as easy as it seems. sometimes I don’t even get to play it and it just sits in my hand because unfortunately you need to play another big mana card with this enchantment the same turn for it to make good value. Sometimes there’s just more important cards to cast on a turn or you just don’t need to play this card as you’ve already progressed your board state significantly. Best turns to play this are as early as possibly to maximize value.
Elemental bond - I chose this card over Garruk’s uprising because a lot of angels actually enter with 3 power instead of 4 so it just assures you’ll get those extra few draws. There is something to be said running mirari’s wake with Garruk’s uprising but even then you're relying on the consistency of a two card synergy and thats assuming one of them doesn’t get blown up. Most times the trample isn’t quite as impactful as it seems anyways since angels have flying and most of your damage will get through consistently anyways. The deck also runs (Akroma, vision of ixador) so if getting that buff is important, having her in play is massive for a buff as she gives most of your angels at the very least a +1/+1 buff.
Bringer of the black dawn - this card we are almost always guaranteed to hit on curve and it’s a bonus tutor for us while also giving us board presence for 5 mana. Just a beefy boy guaranteed to let us tutor for one of any card.
Deflecting swat - Bolt bend. I am running bolt bend over deflecting swat mostly just because I haven’t bought one yet. However, there is something to be said with bolt bend over deflecting swat. There may be some interaction points where you find Jodah is dead. Having bolt bend still cast for only one mana as opposed to a 3 mana deflecting swat if Jodah is dead can be huge. So I think there’s something to be said keeping bolt bend in the deck over delflecting swat since it will remain more consistently cheap card.
Another question you might have is the amount of card draw in this deck. You NEED to have card draw and I’m talking big draw, this deck ramps so heavy sometimes you wanna be able to keep drawing and dropping bombs especially in a multiplayer pod. The card draw may need work so I’m still figuring that one out.
Land base - my land base needs work for sure if you’ve got the shocks run them.
Homeward path / bonders enclave -
Alright listen, your already in 5 Color and I guarantee someone might wanna suggest running serras sanctum in the land base. It’s not as great a card it seems in 5 Color. if you really wanna find a cut for it to keep tribal and such you can do that. I’m telling you though, gaining 1 life isn’t as impactful if your trying to get your Color’s or if you play an angel and gain 1 life when your already loosing. You wanna run these two colourless lands, one will always let you draw a card because Jodah has 4 power anyways and the other will let you get your big boies back when people steal them from you. Believe me, people are going to target your deck for bombs so making sure we have a way to get them back is essential. If your play group has decks that consistently take stuff from your deck I’d consider finding a cut for crop rotation.
Anyways that’s my take on jodah 5 Color angels suggestions appreciated below :)