Deck in progress - edit coming soon!
Johnny's Combo - Deck Tech
Hello All, this is the Ulgris blend of a trilogy of decks that are a culmination of decks I have made in the past and embrace many aspects of the game that I love.
The goal of this deck is to gain counters on creatures while simultaneously ramping. This makes ramping/ attacking very versatile. The key is the cycle of playing a creature to scale and ramp larger, playing another larger creature to scale and ramp larger yet, etc.
The opponent will be killed by combat damage from huge creatures, Ajanis kitties, or from Jarad sacrificing huge creatures. Ramp is provided by Gyre Sage and Manaweft Sliver. Scaling (creatures and rampers) is provided by casting all larger creatures and is accelerated by Corpsejack Menace, Renegade Krasis, Archangel of Thune, Ajani, Caller of the Pride, and Primeval Bounty. Garruk, Caller of Beasts, provides the card draw advantage to feed the cycle once it has begun.
Creature (31)
Corpsejack Menace
+ doubles counter placement and makes those cards even more efficient, causes evolve sometimes, core of the deck
Experiment One
+ easy to cast, very hard to remove, evolves a lot
- not that useful if drawn when you need something to trigger evolve instead
Gyre Sage
+ very core of the deck, allows you to ramp and scale and ramp by evolving often
- getting the first counter is slow sometimes
Kalonian Hydra
+ powerful creature that doubles counters upon attacking, causes evolve often
- vulnerable to removal, low initial toughness
Manaweft Sliver
+ easy to cast, provides any color of mana needed, stacks with itself
- not useful if you already have a ton of mana available
Vastwood Hydra
+ very flexible casting, can cause evolve, relevant nearly all game, gives counters back upon death
Voice of Resurgence
+ relatively easy to cast, very good synergy, powerful token that can be populated
Worldspine Wurm
+ 15/15 in a single creature, causes evolve very often, pops out 3x 5/5 wurms with trample upon death, will always go back to your library
- probably not wanted in your opening hand
Sorcery (1)
Slime Molding
+ can be used to drop a huge token with leftover mana that can be populated, can cause evolve
Enchantment (2)
Death's Presence
+ makes removal of creatures almost pointless, not only keeps the previous counters, but adds the creatures base power as additional counters to give
Primeval Bounty
+ provides 3/3 centaur tokens upon casting creature, gives 3 counters upon non creature spell, heals for 3 upon playing land
Planeswalker (2)
Garruk, Caller of Beasts
+ filters deck for creatures allowing you to play them in ideal order and gives card advantage, can drop any green creature onto battlefield, can ulti for casting any creature from library for free upon casting a creature
Ajani, Caller of the Pride
+ gives counters, double strike, and flying, release the kitties!
- can be hard to cast
Sideboard (15)
+ the best counter to difficult spells is prevention, easy cast
- can only have 4 :C
Golgari Charm
+ can clear board of small creatures, destroy enchantment, or regenerate all your creatures
+ powerful artifact or creature destruction
Savage Summoning
+ essential against counterspell decks and gives additional counter and flash! Woweee
An ideal game:
1.) Play Forest then Experiment One
2.) Play Swamp then Gyre Sage
3.) Play Forest then Renegade Krasis
4.) Play Swamp then Corpsejack Menace
5.) Play Forest and Corpsejack Menace, tap Gyre Sage, then play Kalonian Hydra
6.) Tap Gyre Sage then play Corpsejack Menace, Corpsejack Menace, and Worldspine Wurm

Out of 60 starting hands, 40 did not require a mulligan, 17 required 1 mulligan, 3 required 2 mulligans, and 0 required 3 or more mulligans.
My main concerns are board clear spells such as Merciless Eviction, Gaze of Granite, overloaded Cyclonic Rift, Ratchet Bomb and Supreme Verdict, secondary concerns are targeted spells such as Act of Treason, Traitorous Instinct, Ultimate Price, Doom Blade, Pacifism, Detention Sphere, Far / Away, deathtouch creatures, and anything that exiles, counters, cancels, or makes me discard. I updated my sideboard to match these as best I could.
Naturally this deck wants nearly all of the non-land/ non-creature spells to reside in the sideboard. This increases consistency for evolution and therefore ramp and scale. This concept is reinforced by Garruk, Caller of Beasts. You want to draw creatures, and don't typically want to send all of your non-creature/non-land cards to the bottom... The sideboard does cover a lot of weak spots with the deck.
For suggestions - I am strictly using cards from M14 and RTR block!
Spinoff Decks: Spike's Death, Timmy's Junk, and Timmy, Johnny, and Spike Compromise.