

Play a game of disruption while you build up your mana base. Hang on to 0-costs unless you need them immediately. If you find yourself missing early land drops, burn cantrips to draw through your deck.

Drop Jori En, Ruin Diver as soon as possible, then step up the tempo. If possible, cast exactly 2 spells each turn (including opponents' turns!) to maximize card draw. Dump higher-cost spells ASAP since they'll be useless later - Efficient Construction, Thopter Spy Network, and Storm the Vault   in particular.

Tutor for Knowledge Pool with Gamble, Long-Term Plans, Inventors' Fair, or Whir of Invention. Ideally, you want to have the following when you finally drop The Pool:

  • Jori En on the field: Important to maintain momentum.
  • 1+ 0-costs in hand: To make immediate use of The Pool.
  • 1+ cheap instants in hand: To snipe opponents' spell attempts on their turns.
  • 1+ excess mana: To cast those instants.

Then have fun playing everybody else's stuff.


  1. Low Mana: Yes, there are only 26 lands. No, stop freaking out; it's really not that bad. The vast majority of spells have extremely low CMC, and there's plenty of card draw (especially once Jori En hits the field) so you can dig for those lands. But don't play a starting hand with no lands in it.
  2. Linchpin: Everything depends on Knowledge Pool. Counter anything that would exile it from your deck/hand/graveyard. Once it's out, protect your baby with Spellskite, Welding Jar, and Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer. If you fail, bring that sucker back with Buried Ruin, Reconstruction, Goblin Welder, or Trash for Treasure. The last two are also valid ways to cheat it onto the field in the first place.
  3. Heart of the Cards: At the end of the day, this is a chaos deck; your effectiveness will depend on which cards get placed into The Pool. You can improve your chances by peeking with Mishra's Bauble, but frankly I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've rarely lost a game after Knowledge Pool hit the field.

Combos, Alternate Win Cons, and Other Notes

Several cards have either Improvise or Affinity for Artifacts, making the effective mana curve lower than it appears. (Ex: Thoughtcast, Maverick Thopterist)

Pia's Revolution turns self-sacrificing 0-costs like Mishra's Bauble and Urza's Bauble into direct damage bombs, or worse if the targeted opponent doesn't realize their synergy. It also turns Goblin Welder into a reliable and nasty damage dealer.

Spellheart Chimera has stolen me a victory even without Knowledge Pool in play, simply by virtue of dealing massive trample damage later in the game.

Master of Etherium, Slag Fiend, and even Slumbering Dragon have potential to be big bruisers, but without trample they're unlikely to be finishers.

Wash Out and Bend or Break are great ways to reel the game back in when it's getting away from you. They're also likely much worse for opponents than for yourself, making them (fairly) safe to play into The Pool.


Some cards could probably be replaced with more cantrips and/or ramp for better consistency.

Steel Overseer and Treasure Map   have failed to provide much value in previous games. Although I have faith in their eventual utility, it's likely an irrational belief.

I almost removed Efficient Construction and Thopter Spy Network until they each saved my butt in a game. Still questionable since they have a narrow window of usefulness.

Squee's Toy is very situational - I run it because my friends love deathtouch weenies, but otherwise it's strictly inferior to Scale of Chiss-Goria.

AEther Membrane is sexy but the RR in its casting cost can make it a pain in the ass to get out early.


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99% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.76
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure
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