Jor's Ronin

Commander / EDH Fathinar


Fathinar says... #1

Gisela, Blade of Goldnight is in the mail i just need some to take out for it and hopefully Avacyn, Angel of Hope will be in the mail next week. i cant wait to see what dragons maze could bring to this deck.

April 11, 2013 1:20 p.m.

Fathinar says... #2

Argentum Armor is in the mail and will replace Shrine of Burning Rage also in the mail are Sword of Light and Shadow and Sword of Fire and Ice most likely replacing Silverskin Armor and another card to be decided on later. possibly a creature i think i can start reducing my creature count for stronger artifact equipment.

April 11, 2013 4:28 p.m.

Darksteel Sentinel is too weak. 3/3 with vigilance is not worth 6 mana, even if it is indestructible, and it doesn't do anything cool to make flash effective. I also think you could do without Krenko. Since he's your only goblin, his ability will be kind of slow and he'll die before he does anything good. As far as making the deck faster goes, a couple of more mana rocks (Boros Signet , Boros Keyrune , Thran Dynamo ) will be helpful. I personally think Nim Deathmantle is replaceable. I also don't think you need Font of Mythos because you already have Howling Mine .

"Odric, Master of No-Blocks" is a wonderful card, especially with your counter theme. Keep him. Instead, take out Aegis Angel for Avacyn. Avacyn is strictly better and much harder to get rid of

Other than those few weak links, you've got a nice deck going, and I like the counter theme on top of the metalcraft. +1 from me.

April 12, 2013 5:16 p.m.

Fathinar says... #4

First of all, thank you for posting.
I really like the artifact ramp. I actually got jor out and equipped early in a game the other day for 20 commander dmg by turn 5. its actually the only way to keep up with my friends Kaalia of the Vast deck. I have the Boros Keyrune so that will make its way in tomorrow the Boros Signet and Thran Dynamo will have to be purchased. you are right about Darksteel Sentinel every time I have drawn him he just sits in my hand. I have yet to find a use to flash him in and I don't think I will at 6 mana. Avacyn for Aegis Angel seems like a smarter choice in the long run. Krenko was a leftover from when this was a goblin/soldier deck. I have yet to replace him only because i want to replace him with a sword most likely Sword of Light and Shadow or Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang but again i need to buy them. Nim Deathmantle has worked for me only because i do not have a lot of good artifact equipment. lastly I too enjoy the counter generation so much so that i am considering putting in Cathars' Crusade just to give everything counters. especially if i could get cathars and either krenko or Assemble the Legion to go off. But that's a bit off topic of this decks idea. i really appreciate the input and i am going to make those changes as soon as i can!!

April 12, 2013 7:47 p.m.

Rofelos says... #5

I would take out Darksteel Forge Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip Grimoire of the Dead and drop Otherworld Atlas for Temple Bell if you really want that effect. It's a boring suggestion, but I wouldn't stop at just the boros signet and keystone, I would play more mana rocks because your curve is really high, but I do really like your choices btw. There's Mind Stone and Worn Powerstone . If you're playing multiplayer you might like Angelic Arbiter , maybe you could drop Thopter Assembly for it. And finally, do you ever think you could use a Day of Judgement effect? It seems like a good play would be ramp, equipment, boardwipe, fat creature. Peace +1

April 22, 2013 10:02 p.m.

Fathinar says... #6

thanks man. i really like the suggestions. im not big on board wipes because i feel like every one already runs them in EDH so my idea was to make my deck so intimidating that every one else would be forced to use it as soon as its in their hand. i feel that the deck that i have built here is aggro enough that i dont worry about board wipes. also as a side note my luck on card draws is so horrible that if i was in a position to need a wipe on a draw i would never get it and i dont see a point to adding more cards that will slow down my aggro. as far as the mana rocks go i really like them however it is going to come down to finding a happy medium between mana rocks and bada$$ equipment

April 23, 2013 12:11 a.m.

Rofelos says... #7

Board wipes are definitely not for you. As for mana rocks, you mentioned that your deck is slow compared to your friends so I highly suggest them. You could cut Ajani, Caller of the Pride and Ajani Goldmane , I feel like they're a little vulnerable if you're casting them turn 3 and 4 without blockers... just brainstorming. If you've got 20$ to spare there's Umezawa's Jitte . There is also Loxodon Warhammer , Darksteel Plate and Deathrender and maybe Sword of Vengeance but probably not. You might also want Steelshaper's Gift . Peace.

April 23, 2013 2:01 p.m.

Fathinar says... #8

those are definitely some good cards to consider however i just dropped around $350 on this deck and a couple other decks that i have. so i'm really not going to be in the buying mood for a few weeks. but i really like the suggestions. Thopter Assembly is out it was really a dead draw nothing amazing happens from him. while i love Grimoire of the Dead that card will be going back to my zombie deck for now. in their places are going to be Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Linvala, Keeper of Silence . the walkers i do like they will never be T3 or T4 drops but i enjoy what they can bring to the table. Darksteel Forge and Otherworld Atlas will most likely be removed soon for more mana rocks but thanks a lot for the incite i really appreciate it.

April 24, 2013 3:42 p.m.

benj says... #9

puresteel palidin a must in atifact equipment decks!

Maybe even Bosh? Fling artifacts at them when you can't touch them.

May 7, 2013 10:17 a.m.

Fathinar says... #10

thanks benj, Puresteel Paladin has been something that i have considered for a while now. as my deck turns into more of a voltron requiring more equipment on jor in order to win Puresteel Paladin becomes a lot more viable. the reason he wasn't in before was because i creature rushed and i wanted more beefy creatures. as far as Bosh, Iron Golem is concerned i'm not convinced he will fit in he seems a little slow for what i'm dealing with. what do you think i should remove for puresteel?

May 7, 2013 12:53 p.m.

benj says... #11

Hmmm Transcendent Master ?? A lot of mana needs to go into him to make him worth it. There are better ways to sink left over mana. Ideally you would want to combo with Stonehewer Giant with Puresteel Paladin to give you some nice card draw. Also you might not like it but I run Explorer's Scope to help with card draw/ mana fixing and fits nice with the theme .

May 21, 2013 10 a.m.

Fathinar says... #12

thanks benj,

Again great stuff. Puresteel Paladin will be going in as soon as I get my hands on one. the combo with Stonehewer Giant looks like it could be a game changer. I also really like Explorer's Scope that will be making its way in in place of Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip because I didn't realize the card had a color when it flipped (I kinda dropped the ball on that one) however, as of right now I really like Transcendent Master he allows me to dump open mana and when he lvls he is huge. and on multiple occasions the life gain from him has saved me. not to mention his being indestructible really makes him a threat that needs to be handled so some one will use a o-ring on him instead of Jor it has worked well for me.

May 21, 2013 1:24 p.m.

MoreJustice says... #13

I have a lot of experience with Jor- I would say that you want to speed up your deck if possible. Cut the bad swords, check out Inquisitor's Flail and Whispersilk Cloak .

August 4, 2014 1:57 p.m.

MoreJustice says... #14

Gold Myr Iron Myr Palladium Myr Alloy Myr Manakin to speed things up and get those fatties out. Also, I've tried to like Odric, Master Tactician a lot- but he's so clunky, and even in a dedicated deck for him, getting his ability off is too hard. Cut him.

Please check out my jor kadeen deck!

August 4, 2014 2:02 p.m.

MoreJustice says... #15

August 4, 2014 2:04 p.m.

Fathinar says... #16

Thanks greekjustice! A lot of fthings to consider there. I need to go through the deck list again tonight. I went through last night and brought it up to date but apparently it didnt save. Watch for an update tomorrow or tonight after work.

August 4, 2014 2:34 p.m.

Fathinar says... #17

just finished the reupdate i don't know what happened i don't really care either but i fixed it and added some of the suggestions. a couple of them were already in here and i changed the name because it just felt right. let me know what you think and please lets get this thing competitive

August 4, 2014 6:25 p.m.

MoreJustice says... #18

Love the samurai flavor!! Let us know how it plays out!

August 4, 2014 8:35 p.m.

Maybe Batterskull and Umezawa's Jitte if you can get a hold of them

August 8, 2014 12:58 p.m.

Fathinar says... #20

Thank you luther. Batterskull was in the deck before however the mana cost of it made it uncastable. Mostly because i want to spend my mana on other things by the time i can cast it. Umezawa's Jitte was in the deck but seemed like it played too slow or didnt provide enough of a benefit. Both, however will go in if i am playing multiplayer. As of right now im just looking at single player matches and getting the deck to play as fast as possible.

August 8, 2014 1:32 p.m.

Ok what about Grappling Hook or Godsend ? Also Puresteel Paladin would fit well in here.

August 8, 2014 2 p.m.

Fathinar says... #22

hey Luther, thanks again!! Puresteel Paladin is looking good again if only for the draw power. however, i think i can find a better way to get draw power into here i just need to do some research. Godsend and Grappling Hook are both too expensive to cast as far as I'm concerned for the deck that I'm trying to create. i want to swing for the win turn 5 or 6 for 20 commander damage, earlier if i can. I'm thinking of removing Hellkite Igniter for Puresteel Paladin let me know what you think. the late game things in here are as a backup if jor gets hated off the map or i cant swing with him. if i get it running fast enough i may not need late game coverage.

August 9, 2014 12:03 p.m.

Hellkite Igniter is pretty underwhelming as a 7 drop to me. With all of the artifacts you have it does have a purpose, but if you want to have this deck be faster, a 2 drop that provides card draw and possible free equips makes much more sense to me. I also find that Hellkite Tyrant doesnt really work as a win con in my play group unless someone is playing an affinity deck, but if you just have it to steal shit, by all means keep it.

August 9, 2014 1:21 p.m.

Fathinar says... #24

I feel like the Hellkite Tyrant is there to steal shit there will never be a full 20 artifacts on the field ever. Unless everyone is playing affinity. In that case in screwed anyway mostlikely. Ignighter is comming out. Any other ideas to get some draw power?

August 9, 2014 3:58 p.m.

Fathinar says... #25

Thinking of Candles of Leng what should i take out for it?

August 13, 2014 7:33 p.m.

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