Joy to Destroy (Help Appreciated)

Modern ImpeyBarbicane


Hjaltrohir says... #1

I think that you should mainboard Dreadbore for pesky planeswalkers and creatures too big for a simple bolt. Maybe take out the Rift Bolt s for it.

January 4, 2014 12:30 p.m.

ImpeyBarbicane says... #2

Thanks. I wasn't too sure about the Rift Bolt being good enough, so sure.

Any ideas for effective one-drop creatures?

January 4, 2014 2:43 p.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #3

Legion Loyalist , Dragonmaster Outcast and Firedrinker Satyr are all great one-drop red creatures, but dragonmaster is really expensive, so in a budget deck i would go for the Legion Loyalist s.

January 5, 2014 3:33 a.m.

ImpeyBarbicane says... #4

Legion Loyalist seems pretty good... especially when combined with Vexing Devil .

Any thoughts on Stigma Lasher , Goblin Grenade , and Mindsparker ?

January 5, 2014 12:22 p.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #5

Mindsparker is a great sideboard card and Stigma Lasher seems pretty good for main. Goblin Grenade can be effective but you are running 4 goblins so it doesn't seem like an auto-include for this deck.

January 5, 2014 1:07 p.m.

Mordon327 says... #6

Have you ever considered Red Sun's Zenith or Devil's Play ? Also Breaking Point is a fun way to knock out large amounts of creatures or deal 6 damage, you should consider it for the sideboard. Other than that this deck looks super fun!

January 12, 2014 4:21 p.m.

ImpeyBarbicane says... #7

Tnxs for the suggestions, Mordon327.However Red Sun's Zenith was my first choice, before I realized my friend's letting me borrow his Rakdos's Return (and before I've even known about Return)). I like that I could discard as well as inflict pain upon my opponent.

Breaking Point is, sadly, not legal in Modern.

I put Banefire instead of Devil's Play because Banefire can't be countered at 6 mana or greater.

January 12, 2014 4:54 p.m.

Penga says... #8

This deck is very good at constantly shredding down your opponents.After play testing against some of my decks however, it needs work.

Decks that counter this one:- Any deck with good life gain can match this deck's constant damage output for a couple turns- Since this deck is almost all damage spells it's easily put down by blue counter spells like Force of Will, Counter spell, or Faerie Trickery.- Other burn decks can also bring some real heat against this deck (Ha ha ha)

I recommend adding more cheap creatures with haste to stall bigger creatures.
Try using Ash Zealot and/ or Rakdos Shred-Freak. Maybe even a Stormkirk Noble even though he doesn't have haste.

Also, get rid of the Master of Cruelties. By the time you can afford him you've already shredded your opponent.

+1 For the all the thought you've put into this deck.

July 18, 2014 7:28 p.m.

tbone1225 says... #9

I would consider throwing in some Guttersnipe s, which are just going to do some extra damage for every instant or sorcery. I personally prefer creatures that do double duty because a burn deck is a little bit of a gimmick that leaves itself open without some strength in blocking creatures. There are a decent amount of red creatures that do direct damage at certain triggers that I would look into.

September 29, 2014 5:23 a.m.

Guttersnipe didn't exactly play well in my previous testings for this deck (before posting this), as it is extremely slow...
However, I do need some bigger creatures, maybe black ones would suffice.Thoughts?

October 5, 2014 6:15 p.m.

tbone1225 says... #11

I like Ob Nixilis, Unshackled , but I wonder if it might be too slow for you. The bonus is that every time you burn one of his creatures off the board you get +1/+1. But then again, you can get the same effect by casting Eternal Thirst on someone and that spell is much faster. Necropolis Regent has similar tradeoffs, but packs a punch. What turn do you expect your usual match to end on?

October 6, 2014 6:10 a.m.


Both Ob Nixlis and Regent are too slow for my taste. A typical Burn deck averages about 4 lands the entire game, and a game itself lasts till turn 5-6. But thanks for Eternal Thirst , I'll playtest it and see how it does.

October 6, 2014 8:11 p.m.

Penga says... #13

I don't like it anymore.

October 6, 2014 8:32 p.m.

Penga says... #14

It's so different D":

October 6, 2014 8:33 p.m.

Why not?Oh, right... I was playtesting with Blood Hand... whoops...
Will change it soon!

October 6, 2014 8:56 p.m.

tbone1225 says... #16

I figured if I kept firing things at you, something might stick. Haha. :)

October 9, 2014 6:02 p.m.

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