Jump - Naya Constellation feat. Skybind
2nd Attempt —June 5, 2015
I decided to build this deck again. It was really fun the first time, and it's been awhile since I've been in standard, so I figured I'd give it another shot. My budget is even worse than before, however.
MrBrightsideX11 says... #2
@simoHayha Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, for the convoke plan, there isn't much going on; I'd really only feel safe putting in one Chord of Calling, maybe two, since the only real thing I'd want to tutor for would be Resolute Archangel (maybe Purphoros, God of the Forge, but he isn't much of a life saver) since it's a one-of and the only other important creatures in this deck, Hornet Queen and Felhide Spiritbinder, are four-ofs. There aren't many other convoke cards I'd want to run; Devouring Light could work, but I don't think Stoke the Flames really fits in with this deck.
My reason for running Fated Intervention is because this deck, at its core, is a constellation deck; Eidolon of Blossoms is its engine and Skybind helps with shenanigans, and Intervention is a double trigger for my constellation cards, and combos nicely with Purphoros, God of the Forge. However, I do agree that it's a bit weak considering it costs 5, 3 of which is green. I might take it out.
Aggro isn't that big of a problem at my local meta, although I do appreciate Nyx-Fleece Ram as an Oloro, Ageless Ascetic EDH player. I might throw in a few copies if I do take out Fated Intervention, and I have a convenient play set of Mistcutter Hydra to replace its spot in the board.
December 29, 2014 10:58 p.m.
Interesting. Saw that Skybind was in the deck and was skeptical. +1 for creativity. Looks like it could knock some heads.
January 2, 2015 5:36 p.m.
MrBrightsideX11 says... #4
@Dubel Thanks! It certainly does do some damage when it goes off :P Getting a bunch of bees with Hornet Queen and Felhide Spiritbinder is very fun and brutal.
simoHayha says... #1
Like the idea of the deck. Been making a Skybind brew myself but mine was abzan. I like the idea of Felhide Spiritbinder and Springleaf Drum combo but would suggest maybe some convoke cards as well as another way to tap Felhide Spiritbinder. Because of all of the seige Rhinos as 4 drops right now you will pretty much never want to attack in with him so need to find other ways to tap him. Also, Fated Intervention is a good card but really doesnt seem to fit in with what your deck is trying to do. Maybe side it out for some main Nyx-Fleece Ram because aggro is going to be your hardest matchup i feel. Also i would suggest something in your sideboard against UB control since that is becoming a decently big thing right now. Like perhaps some Mistcutter Hydra's or something.
Just my thoughts. Love the deck idea, hope you make it a the next big thing .
December 29, 2014 6:38 p.m.