Finally got a chance to go to FNM, not outstanding but not awful, ended up with a record of 3-2
Round 1: B/U Control 0-2
The matchup is rather tough since my deck moves relatively slowly unless I start get a bunch of rabblemasters. It more or less just kind of came down to if I could play more threats than he had counters/removal. I lost both games but each were very close with him at less than 5 health both times. Boarding in Thoughtseize and an extra Utter End
Round 2: Temur Monsters 1-2
Game 1: Was a long and drawn out game where both of us kind of awkwardly sat on mana dorks and Coursers while waiting for threats to show up. He eventually picked up steam with Savage Knuckleblade and Polukranos, World Eater and I could not find removal or my own threats until it was too late. I also misplayed here and there and payed dearly for it.
Game 2: I end up very Mardu with multiple Rabblemasters early and a hasted Butcher to take a quick game 2 victory.
Game 3: Another very quick game, I kept a pretty decent hand that once again contained a pair of Rabblemasters, 2 lands (scryland/Mana Confluence), a caryatid, Sorin, and a crackling doom. But my opponent managed to curve out perfectly and Stubborn Denial my removal and then also land a very early Hornet Queen to take game 3.
Round 3: Mardu Midrange 2-1
Was another type of game of whether I had more threats than he had removal. Nothing quite interesting about the match, just lots of I slam threat, you kill threat, then you slam threat, I kill threat until one of us ran out of answers or threats.
Round 4: Mono-black Aggro 2-1
Pretty straight forward, if I stumble on my mana too much or he had a decent draw, I get completely run over. Boarding in 4x Angers and an End hostilities.
Round 5: Mono-red Aggro 2-1
Pretty much the same deal as the mono-black aggro match. Sorin, Solemn Visitor shining quite brightly in both matchups
I'm actually quite happy with how the deck runs, it can run a bit slow and stumble on mana, but over-all it performed quite well, the two rounds I lost were actually relatively close and more so just came down to either my own misplays or drawing into lands with no more threats vs the Control deck. There also comes a feeling of satisfaction when your opponent gets very confused when they stare at your mana base wondering what you're playing. Or slam down a Butcher of the Horde after a Siege Rhino and your opponent doing a double-take wondering how both these cards exist on the other side of the table at the same time.
One card I'm not sure I'm quite sold on is Garruk, Apex Predator. I really like the card and he can definitely run away with a game IF left alone too long, but I get the feeling that there are stronger options. So I may put him back in SB for midrange match ups, or simply cut him entirely.
The removal spells I felt quite happy with, I really liked Silence the Believers as a late game removal spell and its ability to remove a bestow was actually relevant in one game.