Jund ain't dead (PAX EAST)

Modern* Jamesfurrow


Jamesfurrow says... #1

Hey scrotality, JundGrixisNayaBantEsper,and JakeHarlow james here! I know its been a while since i posted a deck of mine on here, but i would love to hear what you think of my jund budget deck i built for a fnm. As mentioned in my description i wont buy bob or goyf cause their just too expensive for me. Also i hope you all been having a good time during my absence!

Anyways please coment and help me out cause i can easily have not seen or anticipated a deck in sideboard or my mana might not be done correctly. I would love to hear where i can improve. Also these are cards i acually own so this deck you see is what i acually have put togeather. Should also mention i am trying to avoid cards over $20 dollars for this deck

February 8, 2015 11:49 p.m.

grumbledore says... #2

Hey man. I dig it. The first thing that jumps out at me is Monastery Swiftspear. She seems out of place with only 16 things to trigger her prowess. I think that maybe you should either commit to abusing her trigger, or drop her for something that's more of a guaranteed bomb.

February 9, 2015 2:25 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #3

Hello, James! Long time. Glad to see you active again.

Let's talk about Terminate. I think you could cut Magma Jet for 2 more.

Sideboard. You need 3 but honestly 4 Rakdos Charm. Splinter Twin is back, it just won the Pro Tour. Also, 3 Jund Charm is pretty darned important. Golgari Charm is not bad either. Jund has access to some of the most relevant Charms of Modern.

Get rid of Olivia. She won't help. Also, Volcanic Fallout is probably better than Anger of the Gods. Delver and Twin will counter that stuff if they're on the play otherwise. And you'll want a sure-fire spell to deal with Twin's clones and Young Pyromancer's tokens.

February 9, 2015 9:41 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #4

Yea scrotality i have to agree i find her a little out of place but i dont have in mind a better one red drop for her slot. Is Kird Ape modern legal? What you think that do there in her place?

JakeHarlow i definitly agree with the Terminate change. Also the volacnic fallout makes sence. But where would Jund Charm be in the deck? I dont see where it needs to be. Im all ears on it just help me understand where and why i would want it. Also intresting you mention golgari charm. I was debating if it be worth running becasue of its regen and -1/-1

February 9, 2015 9:45 p.m.

cael123 says... #5

run thundermaw hellkte in stead of storm breath

February 10, 2015 9:58 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #6

cael123 why would you suggest Thundermaw Hellkite? I have them just curuous why you think he be stronger than Stormbreath Dragon? I have been constantly switching them in and out trying to find which i like more lol

February 10, 2015 10:01 p.m.

cael123 says... #7

its almost always a surprise 5 out of no were and there just sitting there like ok wow major threat on the board

February 10, 2015 10:04 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #8

True but storm has pro white and a monstrostiy that hurts pretty badly as well and swings for 4

February 10, 2015 10:05 p.m.

cael123 says... #9

but with thunder maw it taps all the creatures with flying and at turn 5 or 6 when u would be casting it they would already be at low health if the was working and it could be game just cause they don't have something to block with in the air

February 10, 2015 10:08 p.m.

ZooGambler says... #10

I'd use Tasigur, the Golden Fang in place of wherever Tarmogoyf would go.

February 12, 2015 4:25 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #11

My suggestions to make this a bit better for the current modern environment:

Take out Kird Ape and Ashenmoor Gouger. These creatures aren't really doing much for you, meaning that they don't provide extra benefits aside from being creatures that can attack. You want to diversify your threats with a mix of utility creatures and beaters, and I feel that you have too many beaters.

Things to add in could be things like Phyrexian Arena, Doom Blade and other low cost kill spells, or some other utility cards like Golgari Charm. At least one Maelstrom Pulse is standard as far as current main decks go as well.

My last suggestion would be to replace Stormbreath Dragon (maybe just one copy) with Thundermaw Hellkite. With the amount of lingering souls out there right now, the hellkite is just too good to pass up.

Also, tagging ChiefBell because GB decks, and gnarlicide because at least to my knowledge he plays modern jund as well.

February 12, 2015 4:29 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #12

ThatJunkMage thanks very much for the suggestions! I have Thundermaw Hellkite and i think ill do the 50/50 split and have one sideboard for those soul match ups. And how many Doom Blades would you suggest? I have Go for the Throat which might be better but im not sure. I would definitly like to hear more and ill change the deck up in a little while since i post decks i have togeather

February 12, 2015 4:37 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #13

The number of Go for the Throat as compared to the number of Doom Blade will depend on the number of affinity decks you play vs the number of abzan decks. If you see a lot of rhinos, go for their throats. Arcbound ravager doesn't like doom blade. You could also experiment with some other general utility cards in the colors. Jund is one of those decks that can be customised to suit your meta, so just look at what you'll be playing and plan accordingly.

February 12, 2015 5 p.m.

Shill says... #14

Doom blade is currently not that good of a card because if the amount of Rhino's running around. There are other good cards like Go for the throat as you mentioned.

February 12, 2015 5:01 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #15

ThatJunkMage and Shill i made some tweaks to the deck so far and i wanted your opinion on it so far if my changes seem apropriate for the deck

February 12, 2015 5:14 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #16

Sweet! I think the deck looks pretty good right now. As you play more, you'll want to make some tweaks, but as a base this looks really solid.

February 12, 2015 5:18 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #17

Thanks ThatJunkMage yea i couldnt think of a better card for Kird Ape at the moment so i figured they be better off staying in the deck. Also just curuous does my sideboard look good? And my mana base. Im not sure i face a whole lot of affinity as my lgs has yet to have a person play one but i have rarely faced tron decks. And i find myself agaisnt a lot of black.

February 12, 2015 5:21 p.m.

Ryotenchi says... #18

Looks pretty good. :P I like the synergy with the dryad here.

February 12, 2015 6:09 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #19

Ryotenchi thanks!! I found dryad to be a very strong card to replace goyf. And im glad you like the deck!

February 12, 2015 8:01 p.m.

Misanthropia says... #20

You might want to give Bloodhall Ooze a try, instead of Kird Ape.

February 12, 2015 8:53 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #21

Huh never heard of Bloodhall Ooze before thanks for bringing that to my attention Misanthropia

February 12, 2015 9:06 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #22

Id run Dreadbore over Terminate because why not kill that Liliana too! plus there aren't that many creatures that regen in modern rn.

February 12, 2015 10:30 p.m.

Misanthropia says... #23

Sorcery speed is damn awful in modern tho, basically becomes a dead card against twin and never screws your opponents combat math.

February 13, 2015 9:36 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #24

baddabiiing while Dreadbore does remove planeswalkers i have plenty of ways to already not be bothered by them such as Thoughtseize and Lightning Bolt and as Misanthropia mentioned instant over sorcery is very impactful. A Go for the Throat can kill a creature before damage is delt if they decide to do their own combat tricks to buff their stuff while keeping my life or creature safe. Though thanks for the idea just dont think id replace throats for them

February 13, 2015 8:16 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #25

JakeHarlow and scrotality I've updated the deck since the last time you guys have taken a look. I was curious on what you think of it as it stands right now. Does the sideboard need more work? Is my mana base too greedy? These are things I'm trying to make sure are effective and won't be problematic For Fnm's

February 15, 2015 6:14 a.m.

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