So basic idea is low drop high surviability hard hitting aggro leading into a potentially devestating blood witch hydra combo.
Experiment One - Good one drop, regeneration if it gets big enough and every single creature in the deck evolves it at least once.
Rakdos Cackler - Solid 2/2 for one, easily disposed of for lotleth or varolz if needed.
Strangleroot Geist - 2/1 undying for survivability and haste for an instant black eye
Lotleth Troll - my original idea was gorehouse chainwalker, but lotleth has more surviability with his regen and more damage potential with his discard power up and survivability with regen
Varloz- 2/2 for three with regen and possibly unending powerups, easily wins games alone
Predator Ooze- some may wonder why im not running 4 of the ooze, the answer is mana concerns, its easily the most mana intensive card in the deck and with three colors its all too likely it wont get cast. However its indestructability plus synergy with the hydra was too much to ignore and it earned a 2 of.
Exavia - 4/4 first strike and haste - synergies with every creature in the deck bar none - if shes out on the field the entire field becomes hasters, and combined with the hydra we're talking turn 5 swing 8.
Kalonian Hydra - the haymaker, again unanswered is a game winner, with exavia he has haste as well. if all the aggro early game doesnt kill my opponent this will.
Searing Spear and Putrefy - im in the air about this, i want the deck to have some removal to counter major threats and the spear is a surprise win combined with aggro, but cards like rancor and other creatures may shove these out eventually.
Every creature in this deck utilizes counters in some way and only 2 dont have some from of built in survivability and those 2 are dangerous enough without it. Best thing is the only 3 cards that will leave this deck post rotation (excluding lands) are the geist spear and ooze, and those will be easily replaceable.