Jund midrange Born of the Gods updated.
I've wanted to make a Jund Midrange deck for a while now and with the new set coming out I decided to give it a shot. Midrange is my favorite subtype; hand disruption and removal clearing the way for you to drop absolute bombs on your opponent.
Reaper of the Wilds - Another solid 4 drop with a big butt. It dodges removal and can be granted deathtouch at will. Works for me.
Stormbreath Dragon - Really not much to be said. 5 mana for a 4/4 haste flyer that can't be touched by Detention Sphere or Selesnya Charm when it becomes monstrous.
Scavenging Ooze - Very solid two drop. It adds speed to the deck by growing fast by eating the yard. Has great synergy with Thoughtseize and Rakdos's Return. Stops opposing Whip of Erebos by eating the creature in response to targeting a creature with the whip.
Underworld Cerberus
- I like the evasion this card offers. Dodges Doom Blade, Ultimate Price and Mizzium Mortars which are some of the top removal cards in standard right now. With Xenagos, God of Revels I can make
Underworld Cerberus
a 12/12 that can only be blocked by three or more creature. If a deck doesn't have removal then they are going to have a rough time.
Ghor-Clan Rampager - 4/4 trample for 4 sounds good but when you pair that with a RG bloodrush it's fantastic. I play him and bloodrush. Like
Fanatic of Xenagos
because of Xenagos, God of Revels rampager becomes an 8/8 trampler.
Xenagos, God of Revels - I don't even need to explain my rationale for why this card is in the deck.
Sylvan Caryatid - Great manadork. Just as good as Elvish Mystic. It costs one more mana but it can generate all three of my colors.
Whip of Erebos - I like it because giving fatties lifelink is always a good thing and if I get slammed with removal I can fling haste lifelink fatties from the grave.
The rest of the deck is standard removal and hand disruption....and land.
Let me know what you think! Comments are needed!! Open to suggestions!