JUND-EM OUT!!! (Modern Inverse Budget)

Modern* Revwar2


Scouty says... #1

I feel like the new chandra doesnt have a spot in this list. While she can win the game on her own, shes really bad against aggro decks where she cant gain a foothold enough to just remove a thing then continually +1.

February 17, 2017 8:03 p.m.

Revwar2 says... #2

Scouty Yeah, new Chandra is really more of a personal choice. My meta also has a silly amount of midrange and control decks it it, so the additional card advantage and flexibility she provides is put to good use.

February 17, 2017 9:51 p.m.

Scouty says... #3

I suppose she gives an alright amount of value in a meta with egregious amounts of midrange/control if it sticks.

February 18, 2017 4:37 a.m.

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