Quick note:I'm actually looking to build this deck and bring it to my semicompetitive to competitive level playgroup. For some context, it's generally a very creature-heavy meta and people are not afraid to go for infinite combos or attract some hate. My goal is to bring a new and very unique deck to the playgroup that can still actually be fairly viable and strong and perhaps pull a few wins.

Any and all suggestion are greatly appreciated and will be put into consideration!

Whaaaaaaaaa-...!?!?!? Jund Enchantress??

Most decks that are enchantress tend to stick to being green and white, with occasionally adding blue in. This is my take on making a new kind of Enchantress in a couple different colors, because I honestly think there are plenty of great enchantments in Red and Black. I decided to keep Green in mostly because the enchantresses just are a bit too good for an enchantment-based deck to leave out.

Why would I want to play this deck??????

  • You love punishment decks - decks that hurt or punish your opponent when they do things through cards like Mana Barbs and Painful Quandry
  • You want to stop infinite combo decks
  • You like Enchantment-based decks
  • You wanna be mean to your opponents

Why wouldn't I want to play this deck?

  • You prefer creature-based decks
  • You don't want to be mean
  • You don't want to attract hate from your opponents

So how do I actually play this deck?

Early Game

This deck plays like a lot of other enchantress decks in the early game, trying to get out the enchantresses and some early enchantments to start the ball rolling. In this deck's case, you want to get mostly get any enchantments that stop combos, generate card draw, and give protection for later enchantments. Stranglehold, Greed, and Grip of Chaos tend to be big cards here.

Mid Game

This is where you start playing all the enchantments that hurt your opponent, making sure that anything they do can and will hurt them. This is also when you will most likely use any tutors to get key enchantments against your opponents and board wipes to keep the board reasonable.

Late Game

Alright, you made it to late game, despite all your opponents hating you? Good job. Now make them hate you more by playing Jokulhaups or Obliterate, or finish your opponents off by taking control of their next turn with Mindslaver or Emrakul, the Promised End and make them run into all of the cards that hurt them and kill themself (Such as tapping out all the mana into cards like card:Mana Barbs and playing tons of spells into Spellshock. Who knows, you may even be able to use them to kill another opponent!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.98
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Wurm 5/5 G
Folders Commander, Casual EDH, Cross referencing, best of edh, for consideration
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