This deck is attempting to make the best of Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, Winding Constrictor, Architect of the Untamed, and a pile of other energy-based cards to try and control a field and fight as best as a Jund deck could. Winding Constrictor will make any energy gain net you another energy, allowing Harnessed Lightning to hit for a possible four damage and even take down a Heart of Kiran. And any land drop that triggers Architect of the Untamed gives two energy, which is enough to let you get a
Glint-Sleeve Artisan
trigger the next upkeep. The four copies of Aethersphere Harvester are included to mitigate life loss from a Glint-Sleeve Siphoner or any attacks, as well as chip in for flying damage on their own. The
Scrapper Champion
s are included to make dangerous attackers, because if you trigger their +1/+1 counter ability with a Winding Constrictor out, you're swinging with a 4/4 double strike on the first attack alone. The rest of the deck is packed with controlling cards and some threats, Noxious Gearhulk being the best of both worlds.
A much more in-depth explanation of the deck:
Creatures: Aethersphere Harvester is a very efficient vehicle regardless of the deck you run it in. It's a flyer with a solid toughness and a fair power for 3 mana that gives you two energy on entering the battlefield, and you can spend one energy to give it lifelink. It also only requires 1 power to crew, which means any creature you get on the board will do. Architect of the Untamed is a steady stream of energy, as well as a 6/6 token generator if you can build up enough. The energy it gets is very valuable, and if you can land that token, then you might just be able to taunt out a removal card for a token. Glint-Sleeve Siphoner is a card draw engine as well as a 2/1 menace that can attack for a small amount of pressure and energy if it's able. This is a nice way to get more cards in hand each turn, and the life you lose can be mitigated with any of the Aethersphere Harvester. Noxious Gearhulk is a big threat that also ties in a kill spell and lifegain. It's a great card with a lot of utility, but it can also be one of your first cards to take out for sideboard cards if it just ends up being too slow. Scrapheap Scrounger is included because sometimes you run out of creatures and cards, and then you might just have it and one or two other creatures in the graveyard, just enough to get a threat or a crew for your Aethersphere Harvester back on the field. However, because of the small amount of creatures in the deck, there is only one included just to be careful.
Scrapper Champion
is just a great card. It's a 2/2 double strike for 4, which isn't horrible, and it also gets 2 energy on it entering. But the great upside of this card is the fact that when it attacks, you can pay 2 energy and give it a 1/1 counter, turning into a much bigger threat. And if you have Winding Constrictor out, you're paying 2 energy to put 2 counters on it. Winding Constrictor itself is just a great card to add more counters on your board. Every land for your Architect of the Untamed is another trigger for a Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, and every attack with a
Scrapper Champion
puts two counters on it. And every Harnessed Lightning hits for a solid 4.
Spells: Attune with Aether is for a great turn 1 drop to get yourself started on energy and get mana fixing in. In this deck it's still a nice drop mid or late game just for the extra energy it grabs you. Fatal Push is an extremely cheap kill spell with a lot of efficiency. Unfortunately, this deck has no reliable way to get revolt, so there's only the one copy to hit smaller creatures. Grasp of Darkness is a spell I shouldn't need to explain. It kills Archangel Avacyn
and even hits the ever-popular Heart of Kiran for just two black mana. Harnessed Lightning is another obvious spell. It's an energy-based card that lets you save on the excess energy you get for anything you might need it for. Don't want to Murder or Grasp of Darkness a
Veteran Motorist
? Use this spell to save your resources.
Live Fast
is something that seems a little stupid to include, but this deck is a little painful to play in the first place, and getting the extra energy can be important. But due to the sorcery speed and life loss, it's only a one-of. Murder is to kill anything. If they dare to try and Archangel Avacyn
you, kill it with the indestructible trigger on the stack. End anything they try and drop on the field. Murder is a great card.
Painful Truths
is a painful card, but three cards in hand can be a great comeback. And you don't lose the life unless it resolves as well, which might be incentive for an opponent to just let it happen if they thing they're close to victory. Transgress the Mind is the hand-hate this deck needs to try and destroy any plans or bait out counterspells. We may not be able to stop a spell once it's cast, but we can exile it beforehand. Unlicensed Disintegration we don't necessarily have an artifact out, so this is only a one-of to save on the red lands we need in the deck. But the 3 life it knocks off from the opponent is no joke.
Sideboard: Appetite for the Unnatural is enchantment and artifact removal, as well as a bit of life gain. A utility card for what you can't easily kill, it's also the only way of dealing with troublesome enchantments.
Daring Demolition
is the vehicle kill card that, even if it doesn't have a vehicle to kill, can still hit a creature. Demon of Dark Schemes is a weenie deck hate card, that gets energy and can use it efficiently to bring back your creatures to the field even if they kill them, as well as take any useful ones they might have in their graveyard. Lost Legacy is pretty self-explanatory. Saheeli Twin? Let's just take away the planeswalker half of your combo for you. Radiant Flames is a field wipe you can put the Jund mana colors to use for. Release the Gremlins is an artifact hate card that gets you some tokens to throw at your opponent. Kill the 10/10 Metalwork Colossus and all the artifact mana dorks and put some creatures on the field at the same time. Ruinous Path is to kill off any planeswalkers and still manage to be able to kill a creature. If it's topdecked late game, you can cast it to get a 4/4 out of one of your lands as well. To the Slaughter is for slower decks aimed around bigger creatures. If an
Aetherworks Marvel
deck manages to land an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger or anything of the sort, force them to sacrifice it. If your opponent sacrifices everything to fill up a Westvale Abbey
, then make them sacrifice one more. Yahenni's Expertise is a nice field wipe that lets you land another spell right behind it as well.