On Monday I went 2-2, which I am fine with. I brought a friend with my to my LGS who had never played Magic before a day in his life, and piloted my spare R/G Tron deck. He also ended the night with a single victory. There was a window of possibility in which i could have played better my very last match, but I was likely dead anyway. Instead of putting my fullest attention into my match, I was also attempting to explain rules to my friend on the fly along with his match opponents attempting to be helpful.
Round 1 I saw Temur Tempo, featuring Tireless Tracker, Huntmaster of the Fells
Flip, BloodMoon and some countermagic in the form of Mana Leak and Remand. No Jace or BBE in the deck to my surprise, which I was anticipating. Game 1 general removal helped keep my opponents board clear. I did BBE into an open board (rookie mistake), cascading into a Fatal Push. Game 2 Thrun came in from the sideboard as well as an extra Aprupt Decay for blood moon. I drew and resolved a thrun, which repeatedly was regenerated to eventually get in for the beatdown.
Round 2 I saw affinity. I brought in all of my board wipes, K-return, EE, Damnation, flaying Tendrils, as well as 2 finks. I saw none of these cards in my opening hand, but kept a playable hand with 2 lands. Never saw a third land to caste K-Command or Maelstrom pulse. Losing against a slow affinity hand of Tower-springleaf drum sucks.
Round 3 was against an interesting $70 Budget deck featuring Isochron Scepter Silence Path to Exile Vapor Snap and other effective removal spells. Had the deck achieved its optimum combo, I could have been locked out, but Abrupt Decay in the mainboard still felt to good to cast against the scepter. FP, FP, IOK, and Goyf got there for me. didn't see enough of the deck the first game to sideboard so i just kept in my mainboard.
Round 4 my opponent had a 5c Humans deck, which he is very efficient with. Round 1 was a distinct victory for him. I had the same SB plan as against the affinity deck: -thoughtseize, -3 LotV, -1 Huntmaster, -1 bolt for Damnation, K return, EE, Flaying Tendrils, and 2 finks. I did draw into both fink's in game 2, but no other sideboard cards. He brought in Mirran Crusader, which is reason enough to keep all 4 bolts in. Crusader as well as Kitesail Freebooter got there in the end.
I did Inquisition my opponent in game 2, saw two Mirran crusaders, but used a bolt on a 3/3 Champion of the Parish before it grew out of control, hoping to draw more removal down the road.
After my results from the night, I believe I need to test against the humans deck a bit more, as well as learn what hands are truly worth keeping.
TL;DR 2-2
Round 1 (W): Temur Tempo
Round 2 (L): Affinity
Round 3 (W): U/W Hombrew
Round 4 (L): Humans