Tremblayk19 says... #2
Maybe one or two. The deck has a fair bit of interaction in my opinion. I might add Magma Spray or Lightning Axe. Thanks for the suggestion.
April 15, 2017 10:55 a.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #4
Shock is better than Magma Spray in the current meta because of Saheeli Rai but hitting a Scrapheap Scrounger with Magma Spray is good too. We'll see what happens in a few weeks. I anticipate not having to worry about the cat.
April 17, 2017 4:51 p.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #5
Thought that was a separate comment. I'll see if there's room for it after playtesting. I just don't know if I need all that burn. With 8 removal spells, a -1/-1 counter theme, and deathtouch tokens I think it has a fair arsenal for interaction.
April 18, 2017 12:26 a.m.
silverwolf5o says... #6
you should definitely run Collective Defiance, it has both burn and discard, so it can put counters out like crazy.
April 18, 2017 10:37 a.m.
imsocool1234 says... #7
Nest of Scarabs main board? Merciless Javelineer is a great discard outlet, Cut / Ribbons is awesome. Also Nahiri's Wrath is crazy good with the new double cards, I am waiting for Heaven//Earth to be added as well as Ruthless Sniper.
April 18, 2017 10:41 a.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #8
Thanks for your comment silverwolf5o. I had Collective Defiance in an earlier version of the deck but I didn't like it that much.
I do like Nahiri's Wrath a little better, so thank you, imsocool1234 for that suggestion. As for your other suggestions, Nest of Scarabs was also in the deck at first and could go back in. Ruthless Sniper seems like a really fun card and I have been considering it. I am heavily skeptical about the playability of the split cards.
I think the only real flex spots in the deck right now are Consuming Fervor and Collective Brutality which I think are both pretty strong cards. I'll do some playtesting with some of your suggestions so thank you to both of you.
April 18, 2017 12:31 p.m.
Have you considered Sweltering Suns? If you have Soul-Scar Mage and Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons/Nest of Scarabs out you will likely get a large amount of tokens. I do realize that Sweltering Suns may take out the Mage and Hapatra, but trading each of them for three tokens just might be worth it late game to swarm your opponent. Plus if you already have tokens out you will get three for each of them.
May 5, 2017 11:29 a.m. Edited.
imsocool1234 says... #10
I think there's a conflict of interest between Soul-Scar Mage and Noose Constrictor, or I guess any combat damage. Like in my opinion I'd lose the Mage and Key to the City and the Magma Spray. I'd add focused removal like Never and maybe even lose a couple of lands seeing as the curve is low. Toss in a few Shadow of the Grave and Collective Brutality. Just some new thoughts. Cheers
May 5, 2017 2:54 p.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #11
You know, GabeBurch, I had not considered Sweltering Suns as an option for the deck because I had forgotten that it dealt 3 damage and synergized with Soul-Scar Mage I will consider it further as a sideboard option but I think it will only be good in a few situations. Thanks for your comment!
imsocool1234 when you say conflict of interest, do you mean that I am trying to do too many different things in discarding and -1/-1 counters? It is true that Noose Constrictor and Soul-Scar Mage do not synergizes on their own. The mage is probably the number one way to distribute -1/-1 counters, however, and is the only reason to be jund in this deck.
Key to the City not only enables discard, but also free Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons damage, and card-draw when necessary.
More removal may be added after more playtesting but I'm not sure it's necessary right now with the wither/burn, and deathtouch tokens, etc.
As for lands, it's better to be flooded than to be screwed, especially with cycling. And argument can be made to go to 23, but I hesitate going lower.Finally, I don't think Shadow of the Grave is playable in non-combat decks. And Collective Brutality might return to the main deck. I took it out for Tormenting Voice and Ruthless Sniper both for consistency, as the deck suffered from that. Although Collective Brutality is a fantastic card, I would find that when I want to use it my hand size is one or zero.I really appreciate your comments and will try out some of your suggestions and will let you know how they do!
May 5, 2017 4:51 p.m.
imsocool1234 says... #13
tremblayk19 good points. Ill look my own deck i think key to the city makes a lot more sense now. Cheers bud
May 5, 2017 7:59 p.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #14
We're figuring it out together. Let me know how your testing goes!
May 5, 2017 10:49 p.m.
imsocool1234 says... #15
Hey buddy here's a link to my deck, My deck:
-1/-1 Snake Burn
, I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts. Cheers
May 6, 2017 4:10 p.m.
frogkill45 says... #16
I think you should run more copies of Abrade over Natural State in the sideboard. Most problematic artifacts are greater than 3 mana. and the only enchantment i usually see is cast out and thats 4 mana. I would cut 2 leave 1
July 26, 2017 2:49 p.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #17
Natural State is Solemnity protection which isn't a popular card at the moment but it completely shuts down the deck. I probably will trim it down though. Thanks.
July 26, 2017 3:02 p.m.
Archaos_the_Gemfish says... #18
I run a very similar deck for standard. Can i also recommend Soul-Scar Mage since you're running a few burn spells in there and gives you more of a chance of getting a few more tokens out there!
July 26, 2017 8:13 p.m.
Have you thought about Appetite for the Unnatural instead of Natural State? I know it's a bit more costly but it hits any artifact or enchantment and it gains you two life.
July 26, 2017 9:07 p.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #20
I had Soul-Scar Mage in there for too long Archaos_the_Gemfish. Here are some of the problems with it that I've found through my testing: 1) it puts a heavy focus on getting red mana early making the manabase less consistent. 2) it requires much more of a build-around. With SSM you really need a lot of burn to make it more than a 1/2 prowess beater. In the end it was almost always a disappointing card both on the field and off the top of the deck.
Removing SSM allows for a much more consistent and more powerful build IMO. Thank you for your suggestion though and I hope this makes sense to you. Myself and quite a few other Jund players on TO seem to have come to the conclusion that there are just more impactful cards that the deck needs to function.
However, I will mention that cards like Hour of Devastation or Sweltering Suns with SSM is so much fun, but very uncommon unless that is the primary focus of the deck.
Happy brewing!
July 26, 2017 9:12 p.m.
Tremblayk19 says... #21
ReallyRed I am pretty indifferent to the use of one over the other. In paper I actually have Appetites and I think they are pretty interchangeable. I prefer Natural State at the moment because I have Abrade to deal with scary artifacts but I'm not too worried about any high CMC enchants. But I guess testing and time will tell.
The sideboard is more fluid right now.
Thanks for your comment!
Cleversided says... #1
You need alot more burn spells for -1/-1 counters to their creatures with Soul Scar Mage. It would help out alot.
April 15, 2017 2:58 a.m.