"Fun-Of" Midrange Jund

Modern Aerostar


Prima says... #1

How about some Creakwood Liege over 1 Ashenmoor and 1 Boartusk to poop out 3/3 or higher tokens every turn?

December 20, 2014 2:24 p.m.

Aerostar says... #2

He was in this deck previously, although I removed him due to one reason in particular - he dies to Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt is one of the most common spells in modern; Boartusk Liege has 4 toughness, and Ashenmoor Liege makes them take 4 if they remove it, making them much more resilient.

I never got any value out of Creakwood Liege before it was removed due to it being much more fragile than the other 2. There is also the fact that Creakwood Liege gives less to my creatures for pumping than the other 2 color combinations.

I might consider putting 1 of them back in for a second trial. I agree there is a large upside but mostly just on paper at least after my personal testing.

Thanks for the comment!

December 20, 2014 2:31 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #3

Lotleth Troll may deserve a place in here. he's an awesome resilient threat. makes running Creakwood Liege even more worthwhile.

does 4x Lightning Bolt and Abrupt Decay end up being excessive? it seems like it would.

how much does Domri Rade actually do? I'm not sure, just asking

with Vexing Shusher any consideration to running a Thrun, the Last Troll out of the side? basically stops control decks on its own.

Creakwood Liege seems good. even if he just eats removal, it's a removal spell that would have hit something else, or a lightning bolt that would have hit your face. if you last one turn with him you'll get value. and really good against decks that are removal light.

also look at your sideboard, you have Relic of Progenitus and Grafdigger's Cage to do the same thing, I think dedicating to the relic would be better for you overall.

Torpor Orb seems to be specific hate for Splinter Twin and I'm sure there's better you could be running to stop that strategy in your colors, kill spells or enchantment removal.

I'm not sure how good Golgari Charm or Rakdos Charm are or what you're using them for. Maybe some amount of Ancient Grudge would be just better, It's more useful than somethinge like Creeping Corrosion against decks like pod, where the artifact removal is just better being spread out.

December 21, 2014 1:50 a.m.

Aerostar says... #4

Thrun, the Last Troll seems good, although Vexing Shusher is extremely versatile which is why I love it. I think I may throw a couple Thruns in and take out the Rakdos Charm and one Shusher.

I agree that Lotleth Troll is awesome, and I overlooked running him in this deck due to labelling him as a dredge/unkillables deck-piece. Took out 1x Abrupt Decay and 1x Lightning Bolt and moved the 2 Domri Rade to the sideboard. Domri is good in my experience for a bit of card advantage, while also being a decoy to buy you a turn. He is also out of bolt range when you +1, which is nice.

Relic of Progenitus and Grafdigger's Cage work synergistically, and having 2 trump cards instead of one is nice for me. Relic only works once but can get rid of threats and give you a card, however Grafdigger's is something the opponent really has to deal with as it will shut them down indefinitely. I'd like to remain flexible with both.

Creakwood Liege... I might play him again in mainboard if delver stops being the thing I face every second match. Maybe sideboard against decks that cant deal with him efficiently?

Torpor Orb is kind of a local meta thing as there are some pesky Soulsisters and Norin the Wary odd combo decks at my store. However it is also sweet against Splinter Twin, Snapcaster Mage, some Reanimator style decks I've faced, and other niche spots.

Golgari Charm mostly for the regenerate mode against board wipes - things like Pyroclasm and friends. Its also good against tokens, while tripling as enchantment removal. Super versatile.

Maybe will take out one Golgari Charm and the Rain of Gore for a couple Ancient Grudge.

Thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate the help.

December 21, 2014 3:35 a.m.

Aerostar says... #5

How does it look now?

December 21, 2014 3:37 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #6

I like a lot of what it looks like, but Burning-Tree Emissary just seems like it gets explosive and wants a 4-of spot, and getting multiple Lotleth Trolls doesn't seem any better than getting one, I could see going to 4-f burning tree and 2-of troll, but that could just be personal preference and not having experience with the deck at all.

as it stands, you have lots of ways to make the emissary go emissary into a second creature. turn 1 thoughtseize/inquisition with turn two emissary with emissary, hackblade, or cackler seems really good and like awesome board state against anyone who has to one for one your cards.

I see domri and creakwood serving very similar purposes, getting you more threats. Domri is less removable though, while creakwood is more reliable when he's in play and has more utility. I don't know which one would end up being better for you, and I don't have experience with the deck at all. The less removable domri might be better than creakwood, I think which of those two is better is on your preference, because they both work to do what's needed.

December 21, 2014 3:36 p.m.

Aerostar says... #7

I have put Creakwood Liege in mainboard because it will get us more than Domri Rade in the games where it can live even one turn. Lieges also give you immediate benefit in damage by pumping the turn they come down which is very sweet. In matchups with easy removal for Creakwood Liege, I have the 2 Domri Rade in sideboard for swapping in since they are safer and provide utility, although in quite a different fashion.

I agree that Burning-Tree Emissary is very explosive and I would love to find a way to get 4 of them in here. I am seeing how Lotleth Troll plays out in this deck at the moment, and already have a lot of play-testing with 4x Burning-Tree Emissary, so I will see how it goes and tweak in a bit. As of now, I can say that Lotleth Troll is an under-rated powerhouse of a versatile creature. He is just amazing. He can chump block anything and stay on the board for a ridiculously cheap 1 mana regeneration cost, can eat your creatures if you get mana-screwed, and even has trample for when he gets pumped up by lieges and food. Just so good in early testing, and seems made for this deck, which was missing a really good value creature in the 2 drop slot due to my unwillingness to pay 800$ for Tarmogoyfs.

I would also like 4 of Ghor-Clan Rampager, but due to the (quite necessary) control package of this deck I have to make some sacrifices in favour of value in the creature department.

Thanks for the comment! :)

December 21, 2014 8:27 p.m.

freyhackbarth says... #8

This looks incredible. I wouldn't play tarmogoyf since its only one color, but Dark Confidant is practically necessary. If your first three creatures die, you kinda screwed since your hand empties so quickly. This prevents that by allowing you to recover from anger of the gods/electrolyze.

December 21, 2014 8:49 p.m.

Aerostar says... #9

I am a little worried about how easily Dark Confidant gets two-for-one'd in this modern meta.

Maybe Phyrexian Arena would be good instead?

So glad you like the deck! Thanks for the comment :)

December 21, 2014 9:44 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #10

I'm not sure about Dark Confidant getting two for one'd, but you have 8 four drops and nothing for lifegain, so Phyrexian Arena is probably safer life-wise.

also Scavenging Ooze might fit the sideboard if you're looking for more value creatures. not sure how it would work around in here, but good for your large amounts of creatures that could hit the graveyard. but also only one color could be downside here, so I'm not sure.

December 21, 2014 9:55 p.m.

Aerostar says... #11

Things like Electrolyze and Forked Bolt are running rampant, which is why I am scared to run bob. I also have more 4-drops than the old Jund decks which makes bob quite a bit more dangerous. Phyrexian Arena is bob with only 1 life penalty on any cmc card, and it escapes board wipes and tons of removal. Where to fit it in, though?

Also, I had looked at Scavenging Ooze but before I added Lotleth Troll... that seems like a pretty great synergy to me. How much do I want to change the deck to accomodate the ol' hungry troll though? I really like him, and might lean towards that route.

December 21, 2014 10 p.m.

freyhackbarth says... #12

what modern players did with jund before delver ruined it is just keep dark confidant in hand and hold removal, have superior board state with tarmogoyf, and wait for them to try and either combo off, dump their burn or otherwise empty their hand. once you stop that with a few simple 1-2 cmc spells, you land a bob and overpower them. that could work here since you kind of force them to blow their burn on your little guys, then play a big creature or bob and a lot of little creatures.

December 22, 2014 12:53 a.m.

Aerostar says... #13

Also bob will get pumped by lieges... hmm very interesting I will consider it although it would be a big investment.

December 22, 2014 2:30 a.m.

Prima says... #15

New jund style, plus Dark Confidant sucks in the current meta. Too fast of lifeloss. Plus, a set of Tarmogoyfs would turn this deck from $300 to $1100 dollars. I think that you should actually consider reading through the description and actually thinking and skimming the suggestions before making quick asumptions.

December 22, 2014 9:30 a.m.

freyhackbarth says... #16

ok, I understand the budget constraints. still love the deck, new jund that can beat burn.

December 22, 2014 1:29 p.m.

Aerostar says... #17

That's the aim! :)

December 22, 2014 2:43 p.m.

Prima says... #18

Ooops, I was responding to a comment that was deleted. They guy hopped on and said that this deck sucked because it didn't have Goyf and Bob.

December 22, 2014 2:47 p.m.

Aerostar says... #19

I know :) Comments cleared anyways. Thanks for your support!

December 22, 2014 2:53 p.m.

TurboFagoot says... #23

You should probably run 4x Tarmogoyfs.

January 21, 2015 2:03 a.m.

adelstad says... #24

Nice! +1

January 21, 2015 2:47 a.m.

Aerostar says... #25

I am not running Goyfs due to the crazy price. I would of course (sighs dreamily) love to run them! I will add that to the disclaimers in the description. Thanks!

January 21, 2015 7:08 p.m.

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