Jund Reanimator: Tomb Raider - Budget Standard
The deck looks solid, but I question if there is a better card filtering engine you could run to search for your Ever After. I don't have specific suggestions but I feel like theres definitely something out there and if not hopefully it comes in the next set. My only real suggestion is to not side out Void Winnower for Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger in the Non-Budget deck because Ulamog is not "cast" with Ever After (only returned to the battlefield) so it doesn't get its exile triggers and is just a 10/10 that mills on attack. Now that's not bad but I personally would prefer 2 Void Winnower which stop most of your opponents good removal that might save them, while also standing as a 9/11 and making any even CMC creatures you might have unblockable. If you get Ever After off you should win anyway, but I think Void Winnower gives a little more assurance as you lock your opponent out of the game.
June 18, 2016 11:37 a.m.
@iglesia777: Appreciate the input! I absolutely don't like Mindwrack Demon. I had him in the deck at first, but he cost me more games than he won me by milling away Ever After/Languish/Goblin Dark-Dwellers. And since I'm not running any artifacts or enchantments, hitting Delirium with random milling was just that - too random. You're right about Surrak, the Hunt Caller and Greenwarden of Murasa being vulnerable to Grasp of Darkness/Languish, but this is a budget deck, and those are some of the drawbacks of it. The non-budget version replaces them with Dragonlord Kolaghan and Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip, but also increase the price, of course.
@hblazer: Thanks for your feedback, I know that Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger's ability doesn't trigger with Ever After, he still wins the game in one or two hits by just milling out the opponent. But you're right, Void Winnower is a better card here. has better card filtering and Jace, Telepath Unbound
Flip for casting from the graveyard, but that would take away Goblin Dark-Dwellers, which is one of the stronger cards in this deck.
iglesia777 says... #1
This seems way too high on the mana curve. Probably need 27 land. Drop the Tormenting Voice for some sort of land ramp like Nissa's Pilgrimage and Explosive Vegetation.
You also could use more ways to get your big creatures in the graveyard besides Mad Prophet and/or Voice. I'd add 4x Mindwrack Demon to help that and be a big creature earlier that doesn't die to Languish (like most of your other big creatures).
June 18, 2016 11:25 a.m.