chillistills says... #2
Going down the Domri Rade route, i would consider adding more creatures and moving duress to sideboard. At the moment there's a good chance you'll be playing Domri every game, but her +1 ability is only going to hit every 1 in 3 times due to only 20 creatures.
I would also drop the Kalonian hydra for stormbreath dragon and maybe add some amount of polukranos. Kalonian hydra is great but Stormbreath I think just does a lot more and is harder to deal with.
I agree with Crazydude lightning strike would be better off a mortars or a doomblade/ultimate price.
Good luck, jund is great. My jund: JUND *Top 8 BNG Game day* - a more controlling build.
March 2, 2014 10:13 a.m.
I think the list you are trying to build is playing to aggressive when it seems you would like for it to run more of a midrange/control. This may not be very specific, but with the format I would do as chillistills suggested and main deck stormbreath and I would like to see mistcutter in the list somewhere. He is a very nice threat for every deck running green. He just helps to advance the board state in your favor =)
March 5, 2014 8:58 a.m.
Thanks for all the advice, I made a couple adjustments. Let me know what you all think about this set up
March 5, 2014 12:32 p.m.
I am a huge fan of the Hero's Downfall is a great choice and Abrupt Decay with all the 3 CMC cards in the format. Has rakdos return done much for you in your playtests?
March 9, 2014 10:09 p.m.
Well I am glad, it has just seen no play. But with the late game decks now in the format it seems good =D
March 9, 2014 10:51 p.m.
Sweetwargasm says... #9
Slaughter Games great vs control and for getting rid of any particularly annoying spells.
March 10, 2014 9:59 a.m.
I will absolutely give slaughter games a chance, I will let you know how it grows for me. Thanks sweetwargasm!
March 10, 2014 10:04 a.m.
I plan on trying out thoughtseize, it's to good not too. Domri is a great walker, but chillistills has convinced me to take Domri out of the deck
March 13, 2014 12:55 p.m.
TheGodofNight says... #13
I see why you chose Xenagos, The Reveler over Domri Rade , Domri is for a deck with more creatures, while Xenagos can work with less creatures. Overall, this seems like a nice midrange deck. I think I'll test it out against my deck and let you know how it does. +1 from me.
March 17, 2014 9:11 p.m.
TheGodofNight says... #14
Well after 3 games, I managed to win 2. Game 1 I managed to land a StormBreath Dragon on Turn 6, you used your Downfall to take out a Desecration Demon the turn before. Turn 7 I made the Dragon Monstrous and the game was over in 2 swings. Game 2, you landed a Xenagos, and used Satyrs as fodder to keep my demon tapped every turn while you swung in with a Polukranos until I was dead. Game 3 you had to mulligan down to 6 cards because you got no green mana. I landed an early Caryatid, followed by another, which lead to a early Stormbreath Dragon and Desecration Demon. I make the dragon huge and swung for lethal in a couple turns. Definitely an interesting match up though.
Crazydude says... #1
I would say swap out lightning strike for mizzium mortars, also duress is more for sideboard
March 2, 2014 3:06 a.m.