Game 1: Wasn't fair - It was against a 10 year old girl that didn't really know how to play. Essentially I just told her what the best option was for her each turn, but she was playing pack rats so even then there wasn't much hope for her. She had fun though!
Game 2: Bant Miracles: This deck was interesting. It was definitely competitive, even if it didn't do well against me. Essentially its strongest component was also its weakest: Entreat the Angels. I have at least five cards mainboard that just destroy that card and in game one I drew them, in game two I didn't. Slaughter Games is in the sideboard for cards like this, but the rest of the deck was built around tokens and midrangey things so it seemed pretty narrow to side them in. Game three wasn't close as he didn't draw but one entreat and I drew several sweepers.
Game 3: Bant Control/Midrange?: Very fun matchup. Jund has a significant edge, but if you aren't careful and don't play correctly you will get blown out by card advantage. I destroyed him game one, by turn 6-7 and I didn't get to see much of his deck, but he sideboarded A LOT. I figured he would have detention spheres and lots of sweepers so I put in Abrupt Decays and took out all the pillars for two cards I can't recall. This game lasted FOREVER because my opening hand had a bunch of ramp, some mana, Thragtusk, and Rakdos's Return. I figured he has zero early game and if he tap's out for anything he's just dead to a Return. Then my first topdeck was another Rakdos's Return. He taps out with me at 5 mana and I ask how many cards in hand, he says 6, I cast the first return for 3. Then he taps out again thinking his other three cards are safe and I hit him again, putting him in topdeck mode. Unfortunately I was drawing no gas and he had answers for everything I played as we topdecked literally for 10 minutes just trading cards. Finally a Rakdos Keyrune and a Kessig Wolf Run got him AFTER he resolved an Angel of Serenity
Changes to the deck incoming.