Thanks for the comment!
I have playtested both and come to the conclusion that Garruk, Primal Hunter is better. Vraska does good things, but they are all things that the deck already does so much of. The deck honestly doesn't really need any of the abilities because it already has so much of them that putting Vraska there would make it a waste of a slot.
I only run Garruk because he does very well in the deck and does everything you want him to (especially drawing 5 cards off a thragtusk). I would have 2-3 copies main board if I had the room, but with the metagame where it's at, I need EVERY other card haha.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #1
Does Garruk, Primal Hunter fit well in this deck? Or do you think Vraska the Unseen would be cool?
Ive been playtesting this new jund deck, and every time i drop a Vraska the Unseen its like.. "Ok... do i want to kill anything? No? Well, i'll just force the threat then." Yes, i have won games from his final ability.
However, i know how good Garruk, Primal Hunter could be, and is, for this deck. Beasts. Draw power. Seems good too.
October 19, 2012 12:53 p.m.