Jund Them All

Pauper ArcticJohn


Small update after some testing —Jan. 9, 2018

This is just to mark a small update on the creatures, -1 Sultai Scavenger and -1 Wickerbough Elder to be replaced by +2 Thorn of the Black Rose.

Will start to test some new cards from Rivals of Ixalan, such as Dusk Legion Zealot and Moment of Craving.

If you think there are more cards that can fit the deck feel free to suggest them!

CaptDan says... #1

Hello! How this deck doing so far?

You could use a couple of Abundant Growth to fix your mana and draw cards. Maybe instead of a Night's Whisper and Nihil Spellbomb?

December 11, 2017 9:28 a.m.

ArcticJohn says... #2

Hi there, thanks for the +1 and the suggestions.

I may have to try some number of Abundant Growth instead of Night's Whisper, what makes me hesitate is that it kind of needs to hit the green mana on turn 1.

I havent played many games with it, i played against a reanimator deck that had more creatures than normal, it had some unblockable one that used looting efects, won 2-1, 1st game grinding the game killing all the threats and winning with my own later, game 2 had no story, Ulamog's Crusher on turn 2 with haste, game over... and turn 3 had the Nihil Spellbomb to control the graveyard plan and started deploying threats early.

Also played against a mono white deck with the Squadron Hawk and Kor Skyfisher, won 2-1, game 1 got to survive at 1 life while having all the 3 Gurmag Angler on the battlefield, i think the opponent may have misplayed somwhere which let me get the advantage :P game 2 he starts fast enough and i had few answers and couldn't answer all, game three he barely touched my life...

For last played 1 game against a sliver deck, lost and probably wouldn't have won tha match, slivers go wide and go big...

For now i like how the deck plays, but i haven't played enough to say if it can actually be competitive, if you try it out i would love to hear how you did with it.

December 11, 2017 11:34 a.m.

CaptDan says... #3


How is your mana? If you can afford it, Ash Barrens is pretty good at fetching lands. Later in the game, it can give you a colorless mana without entering the battlefield tapped.

December 11, 2017 1:28 p.m.

ArcticJohn says... #4

I didn't have major issues with the mana base, if you have lands to provide in the first turns you're in good shape, from there we can play the game, red is mostly a splash for Lightning Bolt and Terminate and a couple of sideboard cards.

But that is a pretty good suggestions, i think i will try 4 of those instead of the Evolving Wilds, that way i can play 1 or 2 more ETB tapped dual lands, i will try it out for sure.

If you like to grind out games i think this a deck that may have the tools to do it without going for the mana.

December 12, 2017 4:02 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #5

I might build this and set it aside for the day someone says, "Do you play Pauper?" +1

How do you like Moldgraf Scavenger? I used it in my JUND Midrange (100% Competitve) deck before I bought into Tarmogoyf. It did OK.
It might be tough to keep delirium with all of the delving though.

December 21, 2017 10:32 a.m. Edited.

Chasmolinker says... #6

Seal of Fire could be a helper if you go the delirium route.

December 21, 2017 10:35 a.m.

ArcticJohn says... #7

Hi Chasmolinker, thanks for the suggestion, to use/abuse of Moldgraf Scavenger you would probably have to take the delve creatures out of the deck, because i have a lot of matches were my graveyard gets emptied really early, it is good because you can play it turn 2 as long you have the mana, but being 4 toughness means it dies to most of the removal available in red Flame Slash and Galvanic Blast, while Gurmag Angler because of it's 5 toughness doesn't.

Also you would have to dedicate more slots in the deck to the delirium strategy and i'm not really aware of more cards that could be good for that, there is certainly room to build a delirium deck, but it would mean changing a lot this one, and for now i'm quite happy with what i have till now.

Any way, it is always good to have this kind of cards in your pool in case you want to change the playstyle of the deck.

Once again, thanks for the suggestions and if you try out the deck let me know how you did and maybe give some more help! ;)

December 22, 2017 6:44 a.m.