Jund - Tough as Nails

Modern* ShinnAsukaRocks


I like that it has a bit of everything, so that someone learning can try a bit of everything. And it seems pretty solid too, really cool setup. :)

July 27, 2012 2:32 a.m.

Thank you, good sir. Might you recommend anything to improve it?

July 28, 2012 5:23 a.m.

DoctorQuack says... #3

How is it a dragon deck when there are literally only 3 dragons? That's like saying my green ramp deck is an elf deck because it runs llanowar elves.

January 15, 2013 8:04 p.m.

Alright, DoctorQuack, don't call it a dragon deck then. Call it R/G Mudpie for all I care. Now do you have any ideas for cards to put in it?

January 15, 2013 11:43 p.m.

Weston Ayarza says... #5

It's weak like all the mono green decks I see in modern for the same reason. You dont have a lot of answers for fliers, and you ramp to efficient things for removal, and dont make any pieces of the deck interact with your opponent. To make a competetive green deck it's pretty important to have interaction other than artifact/enchant, or at least draw engines so when your bombs end up Doom Blade ed you can play more. No interaction with your opponent is what makes it lack luster against your other opponents. Green decks with splashes of other things always lose to these same things because they're so focused on making bombs.

Try things like Pit Fight and Terastodon . You want your creatures to have good qualities other than being big, like enter the battlefield triggers/hexproof/they bring more creatures with them. Like Thrun, the Last Troll , or Thragtusk Call of the Herd or Terastodon . If the only value of your creature you can point at is it's power and toughness, you should be able to protect them as well if they dont have one of the above qualities. I like aspect of the mongoose and Swiftfoot Boots but I think you could get away with Lightning Greaves instead because you never really plan on buffing your creatures so long as they dont see removal.

Another weakness of green I see here is the lack of answers for fliers, you have a handful of dragons but they're just as vulnerable to removal as your other creatures, and there are only a handfull of them. That's definately something you'll have to playtest your specific weakness is. Do fliers race you? Are they the finisher in your opponents decks? Are they bigger than your creatures? There are cards that answer these problems.

Your dragons on another note, are sort of subpar, and I think you could find better ones. Thundermaw Hellkite for example, serves a lot of purposes.

February 10, 2013 5:35 a.m.

Thank you! I'll look into some better dragons. Some of the things you suggested are definitely out of my price range though, such as Thragtusk and Thundermaw Hellkite . As for the Lightning Greaves , I think I can get a few of those. There really aren't many good buff spells in here, if any. Thanks for the help.

February 10, 2013 9:39 a.m.

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